@Ina I. Wonder Ha! I enjoy monkeying around with the Technology, helps me understand better. Hope I am not opening a new can of worms! Frank
Howdy, Adam. Welcome to the forum. I'm a former Texan living in Oklahoma. There's folks from all over, more or less, but a friendly bunch.
Warm welcome Adam from a Yorkshireman living in the Isle of Wight and new as well. What a pleasant civilised bunch.
@Adam Brown When I was a Texan I pulled for Texas Tech. The longhorns were arch enemys. Anyone who could beat the longhorns was a friend. Oklahoma is now my team, mainly because my grandson is on their marching band. It looks like the big dog in town this year is TCU, the old whipping boy of the Southwest Conference. All I can say is go TCU. However everyone does not agree with me. I have a daughter in Austin who still pulls for Tech but is also a grad of University of Texas, as does my youngest grandson in Austin. He's a Tech alumn? My oldest grandson, also living in Austin is a Texas fan.