I ran into a sorta-similar thing when I embedded a pic from this forum into another forum. I had been doing it for a while before someone told me that my pics did not show. They looked fine to me. Then I realized that I could see them there only when I was logged in here. When I logged out here, I could no longer see them there.
Cool, I know y'all taught me a few things about loading photos since I've been on here. Like resizing them, and how to click upload photos instead of just copying and pasting, because when I did that, they would load but no one would be able to see them, except me, and after awhile, they just disappeared.
Foxy is like an ass, you can tell how she feels by her big donkey ears that stick straight up. I was attempting to sing to her, and her ears went back, like, don't sing, your no Bruno Mars for sure. Bruno is her favorite singer. The dog loves this song! While I was putting it up here a minute ago, she jumps up wagging her tail and yapping. If she is mad her ears go back, glad or interested they go forward. Just like my donkey, Rosie's did.