I'm bored and tired of talking politics, covid and all the other crap we;ve discussed non stop for the last 3+ yrs...so how about a real change.... My roots go to Italy and Poland. Dad's folks came over from Italy and Mom's came from Poland. My parents were both born in the U.S., East Coast towns and I think maybe some of their siblings were born in the "root" countries. I had a good life, great italian and polish foods and a tad of learning both languages, very little and I still remember some words.... Next .......
I have no idea what my roots are. My cousin did a family tree of Daddy's family, but I've never seen it. I do know that my great, great, (I don't know how many greats) grandmother was a native American. My cousin claimed that she traced Daddy's family back several hundred years, but I find that hard to believe. I have seen people looking for family trees and they find a name that sort of, kinda looks right and add that.
My ancestors are from the British Isles... England, Ireland and Scotland. I was born in Georgia USA and had a great childhood. Ended up in Texas where I have raised a family (or two) and had a good life.
My mother was British. I never met her parents. I get the impression that her mother dies when she was young and things were not good after that. I don't know if her father remarried. I've had aunts & uncles and a couple of cousins visit the states, so I've met them but not spent extended time around them. My father's parents were from Germany. I never met either of them. I think one of them died before I was born, and I have vague memories of the other passing when I was 4 or 5 years old. He had brothers and sisters in Pennsylvania who may have been closer before I was born and my family lived closer to them. His job transferred him pretty often, and they would visit every once in a while, but we were not close. One of my sisters did the genealogy thing, but I don't think she had a lot to work with. She claimed to have found our family crest, but I kinda doubt that we actually had one...we wipe our mouths on our sleeves, for goodness sake
Well, I always thought I was Scottish, English, and German. Then I found out about the....uh....irregularities on my family tree and I turn out to be more Swedish than anything else. If I had done my genetic testing before I found this out, I would have been asking for my money back. Well, I'm still a Suthnuh, so Uff Da, y'all!
Sweden & Denmark = 56% - Central Sweden (Borlange, Avesta & Ludvika; Varmland; Dalarna) - Northern Sweden Finland = 25% Norway = 17% Eastern Europe & Russia = 2%
Careful folks tracing ones roots can get very addictive, 25 years ago after a brief conversation with a distant-cousin I started doing a little research and now have a couple of databases totaling around 5000 individuals! I even believe them to be fairly accurate, one can never be totally sure once you get back to the early census days in England with several families with the same names in the same village, undoubtedly related but how? My lot are from Dorset. England and Pembroke, Wales my cousins hubbys folks were among the first to settle in Newfoundland, Canada for the fishing. When I started I spent many hours viewing microfilm and viewing parish records that other researches had provided on line, now days its all available on line at the click of a button …... from one particular commercial enterprise ….... if you are prepared to pay for it! Have fun and let us know when you find that rich uncle eh!
I’m with you, know nothing about where I came from beyond my grandparents and even with them, I know who they were but really not much else. Not sure why but it’s just never interested me very much. People that know more about this stuff than I do say my last name sounds Irish. I’ve just never been that curious about it.
We have this in common, my grandparents were Scotch-Irish on mothers' side, fathers were English, I was also born raised in Georgia.
Dutch, Scotch, Irish – from tracking birth places of male ancestors back to when they first arrived in the US. After Ancestry bought up all the free data I quit looking. Before those generations there were probably more places. Likely Germany and England. Don't know where many of their spouses came from. It got too complicated.