Outside of your immediate family (spouse, children, parents, siblings), who was your favorite relative? Outside of your immediate family (spouse, children, parents, siblings), which relative do you admire the most, and why? This may or may not be the same person.
My paternal grandfather would be my favorite, and also the one I admire the most. He was a real character and I adored him.
I love my "first-cousin-once-removed". He's so much fun to visit; we always laugh ourselves silly and talk for hours.
My Paternal Grandmother and My Uncle Bert. Both were intelligent accepting people. Actually, Uncle Bert was not my actual Uncle. He was my father's cousin. I admire both of them because they were real 'good' people.
Both of my cousins (sister and brother). Love to go over to their house on Friday night and spend the weekend with them. He got me into building model cars. On Saturday night, their parents would go bowling (league) and we had the house to ourselves. Eat what we wanted and listened to music. Would have a great time with them. My step-parents were very strict and theirs were not.
I'm sorry, I missed your question and apparently didn't come back to my own thread. It would be my Uncle Art Anderson, my dad's brother, who carved amazing things out of wood and made bicycles from bicycle parts for every kid in town who needed one. He died of cancer when I was about twelve.
Can I have two? One was a distant cousin. His Daddy was my Mama's great uncle or something like that. He came along after they thought their child bearing years were over. He was like a brother to me. Oh, the good times we had! He was the one who had the convertible that we rode down the back roads. He married a friend of mine. The other was another cousin. Same story in a way. Old parents, unexpected child. We spent a lot of time together, too. When you have a houseful of children, one or two more won't make a lot of difference.
Aunt Betty, my fathers sister. She was unschooled, poor, but looked, and walked like she owned the world. She died at 75 or 76 of dementia
My grandmother she created a lasting impression on me she’d was kind and generous and the only one who ever gave me anything for Christmas which was a a fruit cake and a pudding ( I still have her cake recipe and she died in 1968)
My favorite was my mother's youngest sister, the baby of the family and the youngest of the my grandfather's birthed children. She was so much fun even when she was mad.