Panama Has Declared Martial Law

Discussion in 'Protests & Riots' started by Don Alaska, Jul 18, 2022.

  1. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Mar 6, 2018
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    Food and fuel riots in Panama City have called for the overthrow of the elected government because of food and fuel shortages. Allegedly the riots are being sponsored by Venezuela and Cuba, but I don't know the truth there. According to a beautiful Dutch lawyer representing the farmers in Netherlands, the government there is actually trying to take the farmers land and is using environmental laws to accomplish it. Supposedly housing for new immigrants is to be built on the land when the government forecloses. Truth or conspiracy theory? Don't know. Western elected governments seem to be endangered all around the globe, and there are riots in many places. Sri Lanka has lost its government, and majority parties have fallen in several parliamentary nations. The Western World is falling into chaos.
  2. Bruce Andrew

    Bruce Andrew Very Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2021
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    Thanks Don, I didn't know that Panama had gone that far yet.

    To keep up with what's going on in the Netherlands, CHECK HERE.

    I have to laugh at this stuff once in a while, to keep what's left of my sanity. Some of my handiwork:

    Greta teddy bear.gif
    Bobby Cole, Faye Fox and Don Alaska like this.
  3. Thomas Stillhere

    Thomas Stillhere Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2021
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    That is strange, 2/3rds of them are on our southern border awaiting their turn to cross. Now if we would only stock the Rio Grande with a couple thousand alligators things would be different. Wouldn't hurt to put a few thousand Bears on the opposite side of the river just for good measure. We would be able to save billions and cut the work load of our border patrol back to a normal level. Oh and there would be nothing to clean up afterwards. Just joking of course but really we are being used by that brain dead senile old fool in our white house. If they by some chance manage to steal mid terms serious things are going start happening. We cannot survive with such fools in charge. I also think they should be charged for their crimes against America. They all believe we're afraid of them and this is why you see them targeting only the greater known people, it is a test to see how we react to their targeting. Nothing was done with loris the target chief in the IRS, they paid 3 million tax dollars to a few people who had a class action lawsuit but it was our money paid, not the criminals. There is more than enough reason for America to have civil war number 2. We know they are tampering with federal and local elections and have known for decades but we elect weak conservatives who like to be the morally correct winners and that is a terrible mistake. We are already at war with these thieving criminals like pelosi and biden and the rest there are so many to name. It isn't hot air, if you see a congressman or senator in office for a half a century and then look at their vast fortunes they acquired that is the only proof you need to arrest them. They actually believe they have a right to play the stock market and get rich and also take foreign money from our main enemies abroad. If we don't shut all the corruption down soon we won't have a country much longer. I wish I were younger so I could fight a worth while war, I did it for 3 years for a country our leaders had no intention to win, and once again all the politicians in America during that 10 years owned every military contract or business supplying the "Police Action". I really despise all these corrupt drunken fools talking down to me and millions of others , flailing their hands around contorted in many directions, slobbering so bad they have to have a bottle of water to wash their mouths as they berate our country. I truly hate them, and hopefully there's a few hundred million more who also hate them. I think we really only have half the numbers, the rest are the ones doing all the damage. I still believe we need more than one party rule for the short term, but this hanging around for half a century is pure BS and needs to be stopped and soon. We are being starved and robbed by outright criminals posing as leaders and the elite. I can't stand to even watch one on TV. Finally like I've already said before over and over, they are mostly old and don't have long before they are gone. That alone will help our situation to see them gone by natural causes, the reaper wins and even if you own a 25,000 dollar refrigerator to store you high dollar ice cream, they lose. Now I wonder what new disclosures highlight today's end.
  4. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Panama is a shining example of why we in the U.S. have to keep the electoral vote safe.

    Since Panama is a Constitutional Democracy, all it takes to overthrow their leadership is to produce discontent with it’s citizens and the popular vote takes care of the rest.
    As it is with the United States, a candidate who is well financed can fairly well demand much of the vote and if that financing comes from say, Venezuela or Cuba then those countries stand to get whom they want as leadership in Panama.
    So far as producing that discontent goes, all Venezuela and Cuba has to do other than financing their favorite candidate is to slow down or discontinue their exports such as food and fuel to Panama.

    The sad part here in the U.S. is that more and more people aren’t truly educated as to how powerful the electoral vote is in order to equalize the votes throughout the country and are willing to ignorantly standby whilst the new woke Democratic Party tries to have it removed.
    Once removed, the popular vote takes over and we will be no less able to thwart a full governmental change than Panama is at the present time.
    Don Alaska and Teresa Levitt like this.
  5. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Mar 6, 2018
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    If you read the Federalist Papers, the popular vote was deliberately avoided for two reasons: 1) True democracy ALWAYS becomes mob rule eventually, and 2) They wanted the electoral process to vary the source of power so that the power of parties (they called them factions) would be reduced. That is why the Senate was originally chosen by state legislatures and the Electoral College was set up to spread the power to elect the President across the entire country. Progressives made the Senate elected by popular vote through Constitutional Amendment, the consequence of which has been the "disregarding" of the 9th and 10th amendments of the Bill of Rights. Recent Supreme Court decisions have brought the 9th and 10th back a little. The Democrats as a whole and some Republicans want the parties to be dominant and the voters to be of little consequence despite the rhetoric to the contrary.
    Thomas Stillhere likes this.

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