Papa's False Teeth!

Discussion in 'Make Me Laugh' started by Richard Paradon, Feb 17, 2015.

  1. Richard Paradon

    Richard Paradon Supreme Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    I have dentures or what my Thai friends call copy-teeth! At times they are a pain (mentally, not physically) as I have been blessed with a lower gum line and it only takes one bite of anything to loosen the bottoms. OUCH, I know, this is more information than you need. When I first got them and had to go to a restaurant with a client or family, I soon learned to take a napkin, sneeze and flip out the bottoms. When the meal was over I would go to the men's room and re-glue the bottoms back in.

    Here in Thailand, I am not expected to have teeth because I am an old man (sometimes that is an advantage) so most people in my neighborhood are used to it and it makes life more convenient for me. When I do go outside my normal area, I make sure they are in. When my neighbors see me wearing them I will always hear. "Papa, where you go?"

    One time when I was up north, before my "nieces and nephews" knew I had false teeth, I came out one morning and looking worried, I opened my mouth and asked them, where are Papa's teeth? They all got so concerned and started looking everywhere. While they were busy searching for them, I put them in and soon they started to point at me shouting, "Papa, your teeth come back!"
    Ken Anderson likes this.
  2. Pat Baker

    Pat Baker Supreme Member

    Jan 22, 2015
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    That's cute things that we take for granted has a different view in another culture.
    Richard Paradon likes this.
  3. Richard Paradon

    Richard Paradon Supreme Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    It definitely is fun! I could wear a pink polka-dot t-shirt with horizontal green and yellow short pants and nobody would give me a second look. Perhaps foreigners like myself would take a double take, but the Thais would just not think twice. BTW, I don't have pink polka-dot shirts but I do have a blue one with bunnies on it! lol

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