Patriot Front, An F B I Faked Patriot Group

Discussion in 'Protests & Riots' started by Yvonne Smith, Jun 13, 2022.

  1. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    We have been seeing these guys for a while now. They are trying to look like a far right wing protest group, but they don’t look anything like an actual patriot group looks like.
    They are all fit young guys, dressed in similar clothes and shoes, and wear face masks, hats, sunglasses, and other items to disguise their identity.
    There are earlier pictures of them online, which I will post as I come across them again, but their latest escapade was in Couer d’Alene, Idaho, near where I grew up, so it caught my eye last night when I was reading news.
    Since it is pride month, the town was having some some sort of gay-sponsored event in the area, and the police said that they had been getting “tips” from informants that there would be right-wing supremicist activists disrupting the programs.

    Sure enough, along comes a u-haul truck with the activists in it. You can see in the pictures and online videos that they are all dressed basically the same as always, and when they are arrested, they still have all of their equipment, face masks, backpacks, etc. Rather than watching the arrested people, the police seem to be protecting them and facing the people watching the event.

    Another interesting thing is that the whole event was videoed by BLM people who also apparently knew to be there for the arrests.
    Here are a couple pictures from online, and there are more, as well as videos of the event. It is pretty awful that our government has gotten to the point where they pretend to be the bad guys, just to make real patriots look bad.

    DF42E412-0CF8-46A2-9F62-D07F77F7075B.jpeg 32937247-DAFD-4940-A49B-2E4789265C8C.jpeg
  2. Lulu Moppet

    Lulu Moppet Veteran Member

    Nov 14, 2018
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    We might disagree on the definition of patriot, Yvonne, but it does remind me of this story:

    When I was in college, I was a member of SDS. We had a certain member, I don't remember his name but I will never forget what he looked like---tall, muscular with a long mane of thick very bright red hair. He was always the one who wanted to do stuff like charge at cops; destroy property, you get my drift.

    One day, a fellow SDS member happened to see this guy in another neighborhood engaged in a very friendly conversation with a police officer. We did our own internal investigation. The uniformed cop was Mr. Red's brother. Mr. Red was FBI.

    We knew we were infiltrated, but this guy, Mr. Red, deliberately encouraged us to break the law. He did it in such an intense manner with intense conversation, always fomenting violence. Glad to be rid of him, but it taught me a lesson I never forgot.
  3. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
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    Mar 6, 2018
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    The FBI has been doing these things for decades. They did a similar thing up here in Fairbanks. A group of so-called "patriots" were brought up on attempted murder charges on a judge. Several of the group were convicted. Upon appeal, it was determined that the entire thing was an FBI plot and the FBI itself had designed and put into place the assassination attempt. All the "criminals" were freed.
  4. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Here is a screenshot from twitter that shows that they are out there marching around again, foolishly thinking that they look like MAGA people. How can an organization that is supposed to spy on people and send undercover spies possibly think that anyone could mistake this group for the real thing ?

  5. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
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    Mar 6, 2018
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    They look more and more like Nazis in their practices. One commentator said the FBI is the Gestapo and the IRS is the SS. I don't know if the parallel holds, but they have definitely turned against the U.S. population.
  6. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I think that is part of the intention, @Don Alaska. Since the Biden regime is trying hard to cast all conservatives as white supremists, racist, and now Nazi or fascists, they have to try and bolster that fabrication by faking it with their own people.
    We all know that those marchers look nothing like MAGA people; but they do look like nazis, thus promoting the falsehood that MAGA equals Nazi .
  7. Marie Mallery

    Marie Mallery Veteran Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    This is what Hitler did and his Jack Boots and Nazi officers if the rumor is true.
  8. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    That was a common practice during Vietnam antiwar protests. The guy up front trying to escalate the situation or calling for violence was, as often as not, employed by a police department or federal agency. If past practice holds, they will have recruited some people who aren't in on the scam, but aren't bright enough to recognize that it's a scam. If you remember the scandal about the militia that was plotting to kidnap Michigan's governor, most of them were federal agents, and the rest were probably recruited by the agents.
  9. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    There is also a guy named Ray Epps, who was at the capitol on January 6th for the protest, and he was using a bullhorn and telling people they needed to go inside of the capitol. He was never arrested, even though everyone knows who he is.
    His wife works for a place called Dominion Enterprises, which is interesting as well. I have been reading that there were a lot of phone calls between Ray Epps and Nancy Pelosi in the days leading up to the January event.

  10. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    And here is the FBI, posing as the Patriot Front again, this time with some weird flags that are supposed to promote family. They are outside of some transgender event somewhere, but wearing their usual matched blue/tan outfits and all masked up on their faces, and all the young and trim FBI males look, just like always.

    Do they really think we can’t tell the difference between this and a real MAGA gathering, which has everything from kids to grandmas, and no one is wearing a mask ?
    Maybe, the liberals can’t tell the difference, as long as they are told this is a MAGA conservative group of protesters, and they have seen the same ones before, so they actually believe this is real.

  11. Thomas Stillhere

    Thomas Stillhere Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2021
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    I thought everyone over 50 knew how sorry the FBI was, it was all created by the originator J Edgar Hoover. There is no doubt we have agents working for their political hacks for money. It was already proven when money went from the DNC through hillary rotten clintons hand to buy off the FBI, probably giggling herself to sleep each night thinking she was going to be the big cheese in our white house. Even money sometimes cannot buy what you want. The entire list of democratic politicians running for congress or the senate or the Presidency are all rotten to the core and have no place in American Politics.

    I have always supported we have a two party or more system because without it we now see what the effects are, a two tier justice department and all the lower offices below. I keep saying we are heading for a real civil war again and it is not about who's picking the cotton and subsequent abuse of humans. It will be about being a sovereign nation with everyone of us and not a political party capable of lying stealing and targeting and even killing such as we know the democratic party has done, to control everyone just like China and Russia and other 3rd world nations. These people responsible like piglosi and others are delusional and sick and will all be written in history for exactly what they were, thieves pervs and pure trash. Not to mention they are burning books already that they don't like. Every single thing they do and say is usually UNCONSTITUTIONAL. like the silly attempts to impeach Donald Trump.

    If you can now be President and have a crackhead son ride with you on air force one and suck up to the worst enemies of America for tens of millions then it is time to gear up and keep that weapon oiled and ready. I would love to see Trump win and put all these traitors and scumbags where they belong. The republican party would be the blocking force as usual not allowing an AG honest enough to write up charges for all their criminal activities and stop acting like it is for the American good as an excuse to not file charges, follow the LAWS. The Republican Party will never be the savior all their voters look for, they are as bad or worse that the Democrats and always have been. Some skipping back and fourth changing parties like it was old shoes. Together they have all ignored the laws and wrote new laws to enrich themselves, protect them for being pervs using our tax dollars secretly to payoff accusers etc etc.

    So much dirt to speak of it would take all night. I get sick sometimes inside just watching and listening to these thieves and criminals the public actually voted for. I judge them for what the elected do for all of America not for one party to be able to buy up more votes using tax dollars such as this monstrously illegal border opening by that halfwit in the white house. In short these people are capable of attempting anything so don't ever discount them using the FBI scumbags. If you could open all of their holdings and bank accounts you would understand what is taking place,. they did not suddenly wake up one day and decide to run for office.
  12. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    This last week, Obiden was in front of the camera and telling Americans that the worst terrorists here are the white American “supremists”, so now we have the fake patriot front guys out there marching around in New York City this weekend.
    As always, they wear complete face masks, all dress alike and march like they are trained and practice together. They had a group of white vans to load up the equipment, and you called see one guy walking and telling them “flags in the first van, shields in the second one” and stuff like that.
    Even their name. Is an interesting choice.
    When someone is conducting an illegal business (like mafia) , they will have some kind of a legal store as a “front” to make the whole business appear legal. So, now we have the fake patriot FBI organization calling themselves patriot front, an interesting choice.

    When these guys were done with their little march (protected and followed by Capitol Police), they went down into the subway, and the police stood guard at the top so no one could follow and wee where they went to; but apparently they were near the FBI building.

  13. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    After being ridiculed for their fake patriot group called Patriot Front, the FBI has decided to change up the outfits a bit and pretend to be a neo-Nazi group this time and are marching in Tennessee this weekend.
    They did the same thing, dressed everyone on the same outfit, covered their faces (for the most part) and most of them are even wearing gloves now so that no part of their skin shows. They are wearing masks, some kind of weird glasses, and marching along with their flags just like they did before in the brown outfits.
    I watched the video, and took this screenshot, and in the video you can hear people yelling at them.
    Since a lot of the liberals will believe most anything, they probably think that this is an actual neo-Nazi group. The police are not paying any attention to the marchers, so they know that it is the FBI fake group.

  14. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    This stuff is being mocked all over the web.

    There are times when an incompetent government is a good thing.
  15. Vada Bloom

    Vada Bloom Very Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2023
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    I'm glad I'm too old to protest in person, not that I did even when I was young.

    I remember that a lot of us worried about all the ways that the undercover intelligence-police groups were being enabled after 9/11. Now here we are.
    Don Alaska likes this.

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