It is the government who sets up the financial system like taxes and tariffs which takes the money out of the hands of the poor and puts it in the hands of the rich.In Canada there is probably a tax if you turn around to fast.
@Martin Alonzo Martin, you are undoubtedly the one in a million Canadian who speaks out against the repressive government there. Had you been involved in the fray at the previous seniors forum, they would have tried to crucify you! Or, maybe you were? Frank
I lived in Canada some 53 years before I went sailing and in that time I lived in four different homes paying a mortgage. Also had two businesses paying a mortgage on them as well. Never every own my own home outright. Through a bad divorce went bankrupt and lost everything. All my life has been working hard never unemployed and very little in the bank. Always working for the man and being good at paying taxes. Now in twelve years on a pension I own my own house outright no debit not working and living like a king.