people that tailgate--or as soon as the traffic light turns green they blast on the horn-i dont always pull out right away because somebody might be running a red light
I remember a story of a lady in London Ontario who was stopped at a stop light when the light turned green she did not move and the person behind started honking the horn. The lady got out of her car and slowly walked back to the guy and said I will honk your horn for you it you will go up there and start my car .
It bothers me when I hear people yelling at their children over and over instead of just taking the time to go to the child and fixing the problem. Quite often they yell when the behavior is more serious, then lay hnds on over something small because they're tired of yelling.
@Martin Alonzo My old friend Paul Gallo, a bear of a man who respected no stupidity, once jumped from his car as the horn blew behind his, the occupant hastily rolling up the window when seeing this brute approaching, Paul barked, "Something wrong with your horn?" Frank
I get upset with those who drive motorcycles and act like the "rules of the road" do not apply to them. Another Pet Peeve is with those who don't let me know until the very last minute about something important going on...or not letting me know until after the fact even.
i wouldnt get out of my car and say anything when they honk -they might shoot my head off--there is so much crime now
This isn't really a just looks dumb and corny when I see people using it. It's indicating a telephone call with the clenched fist and the extended Thumb and Pinkie representing the telephone's Handset. Hal
Package labels where the ingredients and nutrition data are printed in colors that are very difficult to read, such as a mint color on a green background. I don't want to have to bring a magnifying glass to the grocery store with me. Accurate or not, when they do that I will usually assume there's something there they don't want me to see, like when all the bad stuff that can go wrong with something are read really fast at the end of a radio ad. But there have been times when I have found that there's nothing at all wrong with the ingredients so I wonder why they felt the need to obscure them.
Yep, I mentioned that today elsewhere. It takes me forever to find the best by or expiration date. Spend forever looking all over thestupid package. I still haven't found the one on my hummmus and I don't know if it's still good. If it had one it must have been on the part of the lid that I had to tear off and threw it away.
Flimsy water bottles! This has been happening more and more lately. When I buy a 24.pack of water most of the time when I take one out the bottom isn't flat so it doesn't stand straight and I'm afraid it will tip over...what's going on with that?? So now whenthat happens I have to pour the water into the bottle I just fisnished because that had a flat bottom. I like to drink from the bottle so pouring it into a glass isn't an option for me.
Those are awful and, although it's probably really a cost-saving measure, they are selling it as an environmentally friendly thing, as they are using less plastic. Those bottles practically collapse in my hand and they bend over in the middle when placed in the refrigerator.
Yep....I always have a bottle of water on my nightstand when I go to bed but I have to make sure it's not going to be one that tips over and ruins my iPhone and anything else on my nightstand.