Priests, Nuns Etc Are Fed And Housed By The Church

Discussion in 'Faith & Religion' started by Joy Martin, Sep 16, 2023.

  1. Joy Martin

    Joy Martin Veteran Member

    May 4, 2019
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    I wonder why I feel like I'm being scoulded by some here for my view points???? I don't need to be told to settle down, have a cup of coffee and chill out, did that make you feel good with your advice Yvonne? Thanks...
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2024
    John Nopales likes this.
  2. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    I hear that grape seed oil helps one to relax, be a little more mentally flexible and chilled. I could be wrong.

    Seriously Joy, folks are simply writing about their own experiences and I personally can’t see the scolding part of your accusation.
    But Yvonne is correct. You’re going to believe what you want but so does everyone else.

    Share the space Duddette.
    Don Alaska likes this.
  3. Joy Martin

    Joy Martin Veteran Member

    May 4, 2019
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    You hear that about Grape Seed oil???????????? I don't use the oil but I'll consider that.

    Bobby, when you attempt sarcasim with other's info, get the info correct at least...but when you really don't care, what difference does it make, right???
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2024
  4. Joy Martin

    Joy Martin Veteran Member

    May 4, 2019
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    This has been discussed from the beginning of time and it continues...

    The huge block of catholic church and it's other bldgs, NO TAXES. These bldgs sit on
    some of the most high priced dirt in the world.

    Wrong wrong wrong, they have so so much money in the world, it's criminal.

    And I am very chilled....
    John Nopales likes this.
  5. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Ah, but I do definitely care. Otherwise, I wouldn’t waste my time commenting. What you view to be sarcasm, I simply view to be levity to sort of, clear the air a bit.
    Whether oil or extract, it doesn’t make any difference in the conversation but what does matter is “attitude”.
    Your opinions about certain matters are yours but there’s no need to be bitter when others, like myself, weigh in with what they know also.

    To be truthful, I don’t understand the ought you have about priests and nuns and what agreement they have with whatever sect they come under.
    It would seem that you condemn them all for the acts of a few and with that condemnation would also deny them part of their livelihood.

    If you wish to know the facts, the concept of “being kept by the church” goes way back to when the children of Israel got to their “promised land”.
    The tribe of Levi, or rather, the Levites were the priesthood and were not allowed to work in a secular capacity, they couldn’t own land or property and nor were they paid in the secular sense of the word.
    Everything they had from where they lived to what they put on the table had to be provided by the other tribes.
    In return, the priests kept the tabernacle, ministered the law of Moses, oversaw the sacrifices and much more.

    So you see, the concept is thousands of years old and I’m sure it’s come under attack thousands of times over those years but it hasn’t changed one iota as I’m sure that no priest or nun is going to go homeless because someone like yourself complains about it.
    Don Alaska likes this.
  6. Joy Martin

    Joy Martin Veteran Member

    May 4, 2019
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    Yea Bobby, you care just like Joe Biden and his gang.
  7. John Houlihan

    John Houlihan Very Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2022
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    Hi Bobby,

    About a week ago,, I checked out ChatGPT to see if it might be useful to me. So far, I have been amazed by what it can do. I’m still evaluating it, and decided to ask it to comment on your post. Here is the request I gave it and its response. What do you think about its answer?

    Please comment on the following post:

    I maintain that there nothing, save salvation, that is free and even that cost a life in a very horrible manner. If a religious sect, secular company or what have you has within it’s employment package a place to live and food, it isn’t free.
    Farms and ranches all over the world offer room and board to their workers but it comes with a price.
    When I went into the miliary, my first paychecks were mere stipends but I was guaranteed 3 hots, a cot, clothes, training, a weapon and an all expense paid vacation to Vietnam.

    My granddad was a preacher and the father of 5. The parsonage his family lived in at one time wasn’t free even though he didn’t have to shell out for rent or utilities. Very often his congregants would donate raw, cooked and canned food because they knew he wasn’t being paid a full living wage.
    He ministered in jails, prisons and hospitals not counting giving 4 services per week and being on call for his congregants 24/7 so that house wasn’t free.

    Dunno. The way it looks, the thread is based on the premise that nuns and priests are given a free ride but just as a ranch hand is doing what he loves the most and getting “free” room and board, there’s a price attached that only a few very devout people are willing to pay.

    I’m not Catholic or even close to being among that flock but I have a lot of respect for those who have accepted the life of poverty for the sake of their belief system.
    For those who have some mysterious ought about the arrangement they make with their church, one of those “perks” might be to be sent to some area on the globe where a premature death is on the horizon.
    Try that out for size and see what they really do to merit all that “free” stuff.

    The post you've shared presents a thoughtful perspective on the concept of "free" offerings, especially in the context of religious and secular organizations. It emphasizes that what might appear as free benefits—such as housing, food, or other necessities—often come with inherent costs or expectations.

    The writer uses several examples to support this idea:
    • Labor in Exchange for Benefits: The mention of farms and ranches offering room and board highlights that these are not simply free gifts, but rather a part of a compensation package for work done. This idea is further illustrated with the personal example of military service, where basic needs were met, but in exchange for significant commitments and risks, including deployment to Vietnam.
    • The Cost of Religious Service: The example of the writer's grandfather, a preacher, illustrates that even when tangible costs like rent are covered, there are other forms of 'payment' such as time, effort, and personal sacrifice. The grandfather's constant availability to his congregation and his work in challenging environments like jails and hospitals show a dedication that goes beyond monetary compensation.
    • Respect for Devotion and Sacrifice: The writer expresses respect for those in religious orders, such as nuns and priests, who accept a life of poverty as part of their faith. This respect extends to the recognition of the risks and sacrifices involved in such a commitment, which might include dangerous assignments or challenging living conditions.
    Overall, the post argues against the notion of anything being truly free, particularly in the context of religious and secular service. It suggests that behind every perceived 'free' offering, there is a cost, often paid in forms other than money, such as personal sacrifice, time, effort, and sometimes even personal safety. This perspective invites readers to reconsider how they view the concept of 'free' offerings and to appreciate the often unseen costs behind them.
  8. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Interesting John.
    And you say that it’s a synopsis produced by ChatGPT? It’s actually kind of scary.
    Scary in that even though the information the program used was produced by me, I doubt seriously if I could outline the response as well as Chat did.
    John Houlihan likes this.
  9. John Houlihan

    John Houlihan Very Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2022
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    Thanks for the feedback. Yes, ChatGPT did it and it is kind of scary. It's one of the best apps I have seen since forever. I strongly recommend checking it out because it does open a whole new world of learning, thinking, and creating. if you have any questions about it, please see my thread called ChatGPT on the How Do I? forum.
    Yvonne Smith and Bobby Cole like this.
  10. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Now my dear, when did I start insulting you and isn’t he the guy you actually voted for?
    As I recall, you only got on the Trump bandwagon after Joe started screwing things up.

    Now, so far as caring:
    Why would I bother to give you a brief history of how priests were handled a few thousand years ago if I didn’t care?
    And, why would I hand out some of my own history added to the history of my grandfather if I didn’t care?
    Also, one other reason that I care is that if you had read some of my posts from the past, you’d know that I was in the Rescue Mission Ministry for many years and a few missions did indeed offer room, board and a small stipend for services rendered by me.
    Now, how many times I took up that offer is my business alone but it is safe to say that there were times when that offer was indeed accepted especially if I was looking for my own abode whilst working at the mission.

    The thing is, when people try to respond to you, you might wish to completely read the post and do try to understand that no one is here, especially this gentleman, who is trying to belittle you or force you to think anything any differently than you already do.
    In all actuality, many of the posts aren’t even replies to you but to others who are on this forum and wish to be enlightened, learn or perhaps compare their own experiences or at the very least, read because it’s interesting.
    Sometimes you are quoted just to give context to a post with no thought of actually replying to you personally. *Oft are the times when people quote me and aren’t even writing to me.*

    I can’t help the fact that you’re so embittered by religious concepts that you have absolutely no control of but that’s life is it not?
    Think happy thoughts. It’s a New Year. ‘24 in, ‘23 out. Good air in, bad air out.
  11. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Will do. :)
    John Houlihan likes this.
  12. Lois Winters

    Lois Winters Veteran Member

    Oct 30, 2019
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    As it should be, but I get the distinct feeling that you are confusing think with knowledge.
  13. Tony Page

    Tony Page Veteran Member

    Jan 25, 2021
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    Reading through these posts, while interesting for me they missed the mark. For me it doesn't matter what a priest or minister gets paid, or how a church or congregation spends their money. What's important to me is the Deeds they do, the help they bring to the community, or to a person.
    When my mother was in hospice dying, a priest visited her almost daily. He gave her an Enlightenment and a comfort that I couldn't, to me he was worth his weight in gold.
    I think the question should be how many people out there are helped everyday by all religious groups. Religious monetary waste seems trivial with the amount of good they do, especially if compared to a government that spend billions of dollars on unnecessary programs.
    If I was to compare a priest or ministers measly salary to a crooked politician who's on the take who do you think would win?
    True there may be some members of a church or congregation who don't seem Christian enough, but there are many more who are.
    We all have our views based on experiences, I've had good and bad experiences with the church I attend, but it's no different than experiences I've had with friends, relatives, bosses and companies I worked for.
    We should respect each other's opinion, especially when we don't agree.
    I think the discussion should also cover the areas we do agree on, with related experiences and ways to improve.
  14. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Great Post Tony !
    Tony Page likes this.
  15. Hedi Mitchell

    Hedi Mitchell Supreme Member

    Mar 18, 2017
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    I am telling ya,religion or even the lack of -and politics is the two things to drive a wedge between people.
    How to win friends and influence others - don't discuss either. :D
    Tony Page and John Nopales like this.

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