Rarely because I don't sit in front of the tv for more than it takes to watch a recorded hour long programme, so FF through it becomes a total length of about 40 minutes... I've fallen asleep in front of the computer though and given myself a cricked neck... Have you ever been to a live auction?
Yes several once for a house but didn't get it, bought a few bits and bobs at others, can be stressful Same question
Only helping my daughter set up for a fundraiser. How many homes have you lived in? U can count apts.
Wow, that's a lot of homes guys. I'll have to count mine. Now my favorite is a ranch because I hate stairs but I've always loved Victorian homes. Of course updated on the inside. Same question.
A room on the ground floor these days, that's all I need, but before a Georgian style, which I did have once, I like the scale of their rooms and windows. What is your favourite flower
Nope, but I think I could have if I'd entered one, because I've always been a dancer... If you knew what you know now, what would you go back and tell your 16 year old self?
well given that in the wild they would never meet, but if they were in a safari park or a zoo...then my money would be on the Tiger, they're far more viscous and usually larger than Lions.. OK I'm gonna ask my 16 year old question again because I'm sure others might like to answer this question too... ....if you could go back knowing what you know now...what would you tell your 16 year old self..
This may sound strange considering I have 5 children, however I never wanted children ,because of having the huge responsibility of looking after my 7 younger siblings ...However I stuck to my 16 year old ..wishes to never drink or smoke ,and always have food in the cupboard ,I have a awful habit of buying foods I never use but like to make sure there is food there if I'm hungry What would I tell myself ..it would be ...be brave run away as I'd planned to do, I'd planned to go to Adelaide ...I lived 500 km ,from there....but I had a huge fear of police as many children did back then and was fearful they would just take me back "home" if I ran away Sorry can't say anymore Would you consider gong into care if you could no longer care for yourself/ your home ...or would you try to to carry on regardless
I would try to get in home care...so no I really don't want to leave my home..lol What movie star should play you in the movie about your life..it can be anyone living or dead..
I must say one thing, without responding to any single question posed here. The concept of the OP itself, "self-limits" participation to a ;large degree, IMO, because the responses seem destined to be limited to a very small population of members. For example, if I were to desire to "jump in" now, having just discovered the thread, and perused it semi-carefully, whose question would I be answering? There you have my question! Frank