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Reviewing Amazon Products

Discussion in 'Online Retailers' started by Yvonne Smith, Jul 1, 2016.

  1. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    I don't think that paid reviews are allowed on Amazon, at least not anymore, @Mari North . I had also read about people offering to write reviews (I think I saw some on Fiverr ) ; but Amazon did put a stop to that, at least as much as they can do.
    However, new businesses , and small businesses, actively seek for reviews on their products, as well as feedback on the product.
    This is why they will sell the products at a discount for people to buy, try , and then write a review. Yes, it is basically an incentive for someone to write a review; but it helps out everyone, Amazon makes money, the seller makes money, and the buyer saves money and gives important input about the product.
    This is a win-win situation, in my mind, at least.
    Even a negative review helps, especially when you leave feedback with the seller, so they know what needs to be improved with their product, and they will usually fix the problem once they know it exists.

    My Amazon profile says that I am an Amazon Top Reviewer, and that is why I have started getting these offers. I also found several other websites that offer Amazon discounts, and have signed up with a couple more of them to try this out better.
    If we can save money on Amazon products, help small businesses get started, and enjoy trying out the products that are offered, I will be happy. I also do some surveys, and those reward me with Amazon GC's, so that helps to pay for the items we try out.
    It all works together for good.
    If anyone else is interested in doing this, there are tutorials on Youtube, and just do a search for "amazon reviewer" and you can find a lot of helpful information.
    I think you might enjoy this, @Ina I. Wonder ! ! PM me if you are interested and I will help you get started. You have a good mind for details and can write an excellent product review, and a lot of family that you like to gift things to, so it might be something that you would enjoy doing, too.
  2. Mari North

    Mari North Veteran Member

    Jan 5, 2016
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    Yes, that would be nice they're cracking down on it for sure! I've seen an increasing number of statements that say 'I was given this product in exchange for an honest review"... but most are 4 and 5 star :rolleyes: and then when I read the 1 and 2 star, they say "I don't know why all the good reviews on this product!" Sounds like a good service and maybe they'll weed out those who abuse it. I'm glad to hear it's been so successful for you!

    The only question I have remaining really is have you given bad reviews, and if so, has the number of your offers decreased since doing so? And... uh.... can't remember my other question. :D There are a few things I'd sure like to try out, but not at full price.
    Chrissy Cross likes this.
  3. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Does sound like something Ina could do and it would keep her occupied. I'm not fond of writing and I still haven't written the Yelp review I promised the plumber who came a few months ago.

    Despite the fact that I hate to write the discount sounds good but there again I don't want anything. I have basically quit shopping.

    I'd love to come across some of your reviews though. :)

    If you ever review a good moisturizer though, let me know.
  4. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    I'll trust a review when I see that the negative ones are consistent with what's wrong with it and then no matter how many good reviews, I probably won't get it. Of course I'm talking awhile ago, because now I go by grandsons wishlists and if that's what they want,that's what I buy no matter what the review says.and kids don't usually like substitutes. Name brand all the way, lol. It has to be a real Lego.
  5. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I have always written both good and bad reviews, depending on how well the product worked, as compared to how it was supposed to work, and I still do that. I don't think that writing a poor review disqualifies a person from receiving offers, and most of the people that email me also ASK me to look for any problems with the product and leave feedback on their product.
    Since I try to read both good and bad reviews about a product before purchasing it, and if I find a lot of negatives, then I look for a better product; we really haven't had a lot of products that we didn't like.
    Some of the sellers even say that they are just starting out, and they need some product reviews for their items to sell better.
    As with anything, there are going to be people who abuse the privilege of getting a special offer in exchange for a true and honest evaluation; but I think that most of the people who are writing reviews truly enjoy giving their opinions about the product.
    Also, people who write fake reviews can lose their status with Amazon; so that is another important reason to write only truthful evaluations.

    I actually even recieved a letter in my personal email from a lady who appreciated my review of a chromium supplement, and said she had read the same informational book about chromium, and was looking for the exact kind that the book referred to. Since I had mentioned reading the book in my review, she then knew that I was looking for the exact same product that she was looking for.
    Chrissy Cross likes this.
  6. Ina I. Wonder

    Ina I. Wonder Supreme Member

    Jan 28, 2015
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    Hello everyone, are we shopping today? :p Giggling going on right now. :rolleyes:

    My daughter has been reviewing products for a few years now, she has said that she get products for free, and then she writes her reviews. She saves many of the products for Christmas presents, which allows her to more generous to her grandchildren. Patricia also said it slowed down her desire to just go shopping, thus saving her even more money.

    Your right @Yvonne Smith that this might be something I can do, and I was thinking of asking you after I sell this place and get resettled. I thought that between you and Patricia, the two of you could get through my techno zombieisum.
    Yvonne Smith likes this.
  7. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    There is actually not a lot to doing this besides what you are already doing, @Ina I. Wonder . Basically, the only diference would be to start writing a review about the products that you buy from Amazon. Once you are familiar with doing that, then you can start doing more reviews for the discount products. If Patricia is already doing that, she can probably help you a whole lot with getting started.
    I was thinking that she might like to do this, too; and now I find that she is already doing it....... I will have to message her and see what ideas she can share with me, since i am pretty new at this still.

    We just received a six-pack of men's tank top t-shirts (free) to test them and write a review; so @Chrissy Page and Ina, here is all that I do for reviewing a product.
    And Chrissy, the only moisturizer that I use is my coconut oil cream that I got from Sam's Club. It even works on my hair as a leave-in conditioner, and I love the coconut smell. (There, that is my moisturizer review for you).
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2016
    Bobby Cole likes this.
  8. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Is it better than others? Why do you like the Sam's Club one? I have a good face moisturizer but I'm looking for the perfect body one. I've tried so many and while I'm willing to spend extra on a face moisturizer, I don't want an expensive body one. Even though I'm pretty thin, it still takes a lot to put all over my body.

    Liked your review of Bobby also. :) Was he peeking over your shoulder and telling you to write how awesome he looks? Ha ha, just having fun with you.

    Have you washed them? Do they bleed?
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2016
    Yvonne Smith likes this.
  9. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    We have not washed the t-shirts yet; so that part will have to wait for a while for us to know. However, Bobby really likes how well they are made, and it is not like they are a dress shirt; so even if they fade a little, it is not the end of the world.
    The coconut oil moisturizer is about $8 for 16 oz. at Sam's, and $12 on Amazon; so much cheaper at Sam's. It is called Naturewell coconut oil.
    I love the smell and feel of it, and use it on my body and my face, and even read that someone used it in their hair; so i tried that, too.
    They do also make a shampoo and conditioner; so the next trip to Sam's, I got some of that and like it, too.
    You can look at their webpage to see more if you are interested, @Chrissy Page .
    Chrissy Cross likes this.
  10. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    I'll take a look, I'd have to get it in Amazon since I never renewed my Sams Card.
    It does look like something that would work, I like that it's for sensitive and dry skin. I need to order
    Some ipad charger cables so will probably order that too. Thanks.


    My concern with bleeding wasnt so much the fading since it is an undershirt but staining other clothes in the wash. Usually red colors do that. I know you separate your colors, etc.
  11. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    @Yvonne Smith , I'm probably going to order the moisturizer today but wanted to know if it has a strong coconut smell.

    I don't like moisturizers having strong smells, either no smell or maybe a vanilla sugar mild smell.

  12. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    We are still getting offers every day, plus I am looking through the websites that are specifically for trying out Amazon products in exchange for a review. Those websites can be used by anyone; so you do not need to be an Amazon Top Reviewer to sign up and test products.
    One nice thing is that we can try out products which we would spend money on anyway; but now we get them almost free. As an example, health supplements. Bobby and I both take several supplements and vitamins to help out with our health regimen, and those supplements are often expensive.
    Plus, there are also some that we would like to try out, but at $20-$30 per bottle,, we can't afford to do that. However, when we can try something out and only spend a dollar or two instead, then we are very happy to do that.
    Since you can choose which products you are interested in, like clothes, jewelry, beauty products, or household items; there should be something of interest for almost everyone.
    Truly, I would recommend doing this just for the pure enjoyment of getting a surprise package in the mail almost every day; but if you are living on a tight budget, then saving money this way is totally awesome !
    Bobby Cole likes this.
  13. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Ok, too much to reread for the info I'm looking for....so if you mentioned it already, I'm sorry.

    I thought I wouldn't be interested in doing this but now that I think about it, I wouldn't mind getting moisturizers or body lotions cheaper, things like that. My want list is limited so is it worth it for me?

    Do I have to commit to anything?

    Is it sent prime? When I get something is always an issue with me because of my trips.

    Can you do just a limited number of reviews?

    Do the reviews have to be long, some I read yesterday were way too long.

    I think that's it, @Yvonne Smith :)
  14. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    There are a number of websites that offer the discounts to reviewers, @Chrissy Page . The best thing that I can suggest is for you to look at some of them, and if it looks like they have test products that you are interested in, then sign up at those websites.
    If you do a search for "amazon reviewer", it is sure to bring up a lot of results, and then you can look through those and see which ones you like best, and they will have full instructions on becoming a member.
    The ones I have joined do not have any specific number of products you have to test, although some do limit the amount ,such as Elite Deals, which allows 2 per day.
    That one does usually have a lot of beauty items though, so over a week's time, you could have a lot of them, and some are free.

    With your Prime account, shipping should be fast and free, same as always, unless the product information specifically says no prime, and requires shipping. I have seen a few that said this; but not many, and I just skipped those.
    The reviews do not have to be long, but at least long enough to describe what you thought of the product. I usually don't read all of people's really long reviews, and probably most other folks don't either; but something more than one line long is definitely called for .
    Other than that, the only thing different than usual is getting the discount code and copying it into the checkout box where it asks for one.
    Then, you will see the price of the item change, so it might go from $20.99 to .99 in the payment box, depending on the discounted amount.
    Each item will say what the actual price is and also the discounted price.

    Chrissy Cross likes this.
  15. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Ok, Thanks Yvonne. I'll take a look at Amazon Reviewer. Sounds too good to be true but you've obviously done it.

    Watch, with my luck I'll really get into it and they'll stop doing it. :)

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