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Discussion in 'Sports & Recreation' started by Ken Anderson, Jan 12, 2018.

  1. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    A positive attitude is a great thing to have but just remember, the digging of the Grand Canyon was started by a single drop of water.

    Positive thinking is, like a wrote, a good thing but positive doing is far better.

    In other words, if your Rodeo folks aren’t on their toes, the little bit that PETA does might get much bigger than they can handle.
    Ken Anderson likes this.
  2. Faye Fox

    Faye Fox Veteran Member

    Aug 31, 2019
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    Without knowledge of the history of rodeo, it is hard for anyone to discuss the animal cruelty involved in rodeo today. We must realize that rodeo is a big business sport and anything to get an edge to win will be used including unnecessary cruelty to livestock. Let's look at the number one reason that animal rights activists do have some facts on their side. I can't stand PETA or several other groups that have gone insane with their claims and seek to ban all livestock ranching and rodeo. They use a few valid claims in order to create a hate campaign against the ranching way of life.

    Big city rodeo never made any sense to me. It is the reason now we see a cry for banning all rodeo and livestock ranching. Rodeo was meant to be a time for ranch hands to get together and show their skills. It has become a sport where would be constants go to school to learn and hone their skills in whatever event appeals to them. Many schools are in or near big cities because this is where the money is and wanna-be cowboys live.

    Before I go any further, shutting down the big city rodeos and schools, especially Los Angeles would be a win-win for the rodeo in general. Here is why.

    The number one event that causes injury to animals is roping, especially team roping. Here is why. To win one must get the least time and this means things like jamming up a horse's body resulting in leg and rib cage injuries to the horse. There are so many considerations including how a dally is wrapped and how the roper works the dally. What isn't seen at a rodeo is all the calves or steers injured during daily practice readying the roper for the rodeo. Think of that steer running 25 MPH and then stopped suddenly by a rope around its horns. The dally should be wrapped so the roper can control slack to slow the steer slowly rather than abruptly which can cause serious neck injuries to the steer and serious leg injuries to the roping horse. Now add another roper and you can see the increased risk of injury to both the steer and horses.

    I have several female cousins that started out as ropers but went to barrel racing simply because they loved their horses and couldn't deal with the injuries that competition roping can cause horses. One good example is Billie Hinson McBride and her horse Zombie. Billie found she could train her horse to race barrels without any excessive coaxing and injury. She made the National Hall of Fame 2018 but sadly died in 2017 (age 90) so wasn't alive to be there in person. These days I see so many barrel racers kicking and whipping their horse wildly on the run in and although it doesn't do permanent injury to the horse, it pisses me off and I say, "It isn't your horse's fault stupid, it was yours, so quit beating on your horse and blaming it because you went wide on the turns." It is these kinds of things that give the angry activist more leverage.

    One Hall of Fame cowboy I know went through several steers and calves a week during practice, that went to auction crippled up. He lived not far from me during those practice years. To get the steer or calf to run at the speed necessary to get the best time, many are mistreated including cattle prod shocking. I am glad to see the practice of baby calf tying disappearing. It had no bearing on ranch life past or present. Breakaway roping is the only roping that can be used as a rodeo sport with a minimal amount of injuries if trained steers are used that don't require shocking or excessive tail twisting to frighten them into running for their lives.

    There is no comparison in rodeo team roping to ranch team roping still used by some ranches for branding and vaccination. The safety of the animals is foremost on the ranch and while time is of the essence, it never overshadows the safety of livestock and humans.

    There is a growing number of veterinarians that are speaking out and asking for more reform in pro rodeo. My sincere wish is that change will come to pro rodeo sponsored by Veterinarians and other knowledgeable professionals that will bring change to the documented abuses that we see in the sport of pro rodeo. What big money sport isn't full of scandal and abuses? Sports medicine for humans is big business and no one is talking about banning other sports. In my town of 20k, we have 4 sports medicine doctors that are busy. This is an agricultural area and a big rodeo and horse events area, yet injured rodeo or horse event constants wouldn't even keep one doctor in business. Take boxing where humans beat each other into blacking out and lifelong brain damage. That is more acceptable than rooster fighting. Why? Is the life of a chicken more valuable than a human's?

    To sum it up, although pro rodeo does have a few real-deal ranchers, they don't control the sport, it is the urban big money people. I don't worry about PETA or any other groups banning rodeo nationwide as seen in the UK. It is big money in the USA and here to stay. In a city like LA that is full of gang shootings, torture, human trafficking, and releasing violent criminals that are raping, torturing, and killing humans and pets are mistreated, tortured, and killed daily, this focus on their urban big money rodeos is just a political thing and part of an agenda for total control of a corrupt city.

    I don't think LA banning rodeo will have any effect on pro rodeo. I understand a win for PETA is disturbing, but look where they will win. The radical liberal metro areas of Oregon are still trying to push legislation to ban livestock raising in hopes of destroying Eastern Oregon. They were unsuccessful in attacking the rodeo because of the big money backers so they went right to the roots, the ranchers, but it will also fail.
    Al Amoling and Bobby Cole like this.
  3. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    Well, Bobby, you don't know PRCA like I do. PETA can do whatever they want to, which even means sending protestors to a rodeo, but serious rodeo fans completely ignore them. PETA had protestors at the Denver Western Stock Show & Rodeo in 2020, when we were there and nobody paid any attention to them or their signs. However, Denver P.D. was right there by the ticket booth to control anything that could happen.
  4. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    First of all, Faye, a full-time rodeo cowboy/cowgirl that makes a living from rodeo is NOT a "wanna-be"!! Want to make that perfectly clear. Jordan Tierney was Miss Rodeo America for two years and her family runs a cattle ranch in South Dakota. On that cattle ranch they do the same things a "working cowboy" does. Her dad, Paul Tierney, is a World Champion Calf Roper and in the Pro-Rodeo Hall of Fame. Her mother was Miss Rodeo South Dakota years ago.

    Any of the Top 15 rodeo contestants that were at the NFR, would totally debate you on what they are and how they make a living. And, on top of that, when going to a ranch rodeo, I've seen a cattle prod used on cattle there. Now, will PETA start going after the WRCA rodeos?
  5. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    PETA would like to close every zoo in the world. Would that ever happen? Extremely doubtful. What about Fishing Day for kids, will PETA go after that? I mean, hooking a fish in the mouth is totally inhuman, to them. If they could, they would shut down Agility Dog Shows, horse racing and horse shows.

    And, just look out if PETA sent a spy to a ranch to watch everyday operations of it or even a farm.
  6. Faye Fox

    Faye Fox Veteran Member

    Aug 31, 2019
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    I never said they were! Read what I wrote again. There is no way you read with any understanding what I wrote above. You answered too quickly. I put a lot of thought before writing what I did and it seems it was a waste of time. Here is what I said.

    Quote: Many schools are in or near big cities because this is where the money is and wanna-be cowboys live.

    I never said pro rodeo stars from urban areas are wanna-be-cowboys. It is clear I was referring to the urban people that want to learn and join in the sport of rodeo. They aren't considered cowboys until they go to school to become such. They don't have schools close to ranches because those people are already "cowboys."
    Al Amoling and Bobby Cole like this.
  7. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    I read what you stated, but what you state would mean that I was a "wanna-be" cowboy, since I went to school for the event I competed in and wasn't raised on a ranch. Actually, to a point, I was a "wanne-be", because I worked a full-time job and only done the rodeo thing on weekends.

    But, when talking about PETA, just how would you feel if PETA came after, and wanted to shut down, ranch rodeo? You protect the ranching industry, like I protect the rodeo industry. An "ex" girlfriend of my wife, told us "I don't eat any kind of meat, so why would I care about what happens to ranches and farms?" Basically, after her telling us that, we don't speak to her anymore.

    Anyway, compared to years ago, many rodeo contestants, are not from the urban areas. They actually come from "ranch" type properties. Some of the families of these contestants even raise cattle/work a ranch, like Jordan Tierney's family does.

    I don't think the rodeo industry, ranching industry, farming industry, zoos or fishing tournaments have to worry about what PETA does or tries to do.
  8. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Better check your facts Cody and write about what you know, not what you think.

    Whilst PETA would indeed rather have all animals free from being caged, their initiatives partnered with those of the USPCA have helped to bring forth better living conditions for animals in zoos (and rodeos).
    Because of those initiatives, roadside petting zoos, circuses, carnivals and rodeos are constantly being monitored for anything that might be remotely cruel to an animal and has brought the demise upon some of those entities who would not comply with sanitation, feeding and living quarter size base regulations.

    We already know the ridiculous aspects of animal advocacy groups like PETA but to say that they do no good at all would be erroneous.
    Joe Riley, Al Amoling and Faye Fox like this.
  9. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    Ok, Bobby, I do agree with your post here.
  10. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    The Western National Stock Show & Rodeo is going on in Denver. All performances are being shown "live" on the Cowboy Channel. Last night's round (#3), Sid Steiner's daughter, Steely Steiner, won the barrel racing last night in Denver. Sid Steiner won the 2002 World Champion Steer Wrestling and was very well known as "Sid Rock" of PRCA rodeo. Long hair, ring in one ear and body piercings. Because he competed as such a distinct rebel in the spirit of showmanship. He was sought constantly by media for his new twist in cowboy legacy. But, that "twist" didn't go good with many older PRCA cowboys, including Ty Murray. But, today (2022) it appears that his hair is cut normal and no longer wears the "fur collar" coat he did back in 2002.

    Sid's son, Rocker Steiner, is an upcoming bronc rider. Sid's wife, Jamie, is a former barrel racer herself. The family raises bucking horses as well as barrel horses and even owns a steakhouse where they live.

    Wife and I met Sid in 2003, when he was inducted into the Pro-Rodeo Hall of Fame, along with the other 2002 World Champions. Very nice guy, but very "wild looking" also.
  11. Denise Evans

    Denise Evans Supreme Member

    Sep 26, 2015
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    My hope is the "small towns" can keep their Summer rodeos. I grew up going to those like Roseburg OR, St. Paul Oregon, Molalla Oregon, Philomath, Sisters, and more I'm probably forgetting. My friends and I looked forward to them, especially since one of our gang was actually in the rodeos. Nothing is as cool to this small-town girl as a small-town first of all, and a rodeo to boot!! I loved the clowns/bullfighter as well @Joe Riley They were awesome in their work, and putting their life on the line. We saw an "act" in Molalla Oregon that had everyone screaming, laughing and cheering in the bleachers where a clown (wish I could remember his name) did a Michael Jackson imitation, and he was every bit a total Star Act doing it!!

    One of my best, friends in highschool is still in Rodeo and does a lot of good work to keep rodeo alive, recognize past, present Rodeo's men and women's achievements. I don't know much at all about Rodeo myself, but I know I respect and love people I've met that do. She and I would go out on a Friday night in highschool, cruise the gut and home by 12 at her and her folks home. Next morning, while I get to sleep in, her dad was getting her up to get outside and work with the stock. I never forgot that, or how she "truly, honored her parents". I didn't even learn about that until I was much older (another story).

    I'm with @Bobby Cole on this "shutting down" rodeos bs, because I think if we allow them to do this, what's next? Maybe not just other Equestrian events, but any freaking thing they happen to not understand, or dislike! I'm starting to feel angry writing this, but so be it.

    President Trump got rid of so many restrictions in this country, on businesses, and the Left came in like rabid monsters and put it all back (ok so I may exaggerate).

    President Trump "showed up"/ "up-staged" the Left (in power) so bad in actually doing (accomplishing) what he said he'd do, that they hate his guts and all who still stand with him. Their hatred for what is Right is insidious and they may look normal/human on the outside, but it's my guess they look like this under the "masks" and in their hearts.
    a picture of complete corruption in my eyes:
    Joe Riley, Faye Fox and Bobby Cole like this.
  12. Faye Fox

    Faye Fox Veteran Member

    Aug 31, 2019
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    @Denise Happyfeet Did you ever go to the Sisters rodeo in the early 70s? One of the clowns was Patty Toll. Her husband taught her how to survive in the barrel by ramming it with their pickup. She was really fun to watch and a crowd favorite. Patty died suddenly from a heart attack at age 68, 2016. Sisters was always a good rodeo. Now they have more opposition than other rodeos on the Columbia Circuit and Eastern Oregon because Bend has been taken over by liberals.

    I think the biggest thing facing the smaller rodeos is the lack of organization and community support. Many small-time rural businesses are struggling and don't have advertising funds and sponsorships for unknown competitors are becoming a thing of the past. Rodeo like Sisters and Pendleton will survive in good order because of their history and large financial backing, pro competitors, and ability to draw large crowds. At the last Roundup, a few protesters stood in the park with signs and no one paid any attention to them. They were like a few tiny baby ducks farting on a huge lake.
    Denise Evans likes this.
  13. Denise Evans

    Denise Evans Supreme Member

    Sep 26, 2015
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    I don't recall ever seeing Patty, but what great story of how she was taught to survive, geesh! I have relatives in Bend, and they are in their element with Bend being taken over by liberals ;( Much of Oregon is fighting, but the big, number of votes are in Portland, and cities like Bend.

    Like I said though, I don't know much about rodeos, only that I enjoyed them, and would like to again one day. We have one South of here that is well advertised, and I would call it a true, Wild West show where the town goes nuts. Not sure I would be brave enough to go down there, The Orick Rodeo.
    Faye Fox likes this.
  14. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    Absolutely right!
    Denise Evans likes this.
  15. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    @ Denise Happyfeet, small town rodeos are ok, but they don't have the total purse/money that many of the Top 15 contestants in PRCA require to stay in the Top 15. Only the Top 15, in each event, go the National Finals Rodeo in Las Vegas to compete for the title of World Champion and the prestigious buckle/saddle that goes with it.

    Rodeos like: Pendelton, Sisters, Houston, Ft. Worth, Cheyenne, Red Bluff are among the rodeos that Top 15 must go to, and if they win, have a good chance of going to that NFR in Vegas and earning a whole lot of money. Over 10 million dollars in 10 days of rodeo.

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