We have been busy catching up with work. Thank s for asking. We also took a trip to Georgia to see the kids,grands and great grands. Hopa all is well.
We're ok but I've lost too much weight, didn't realize how much till kids took picture of me. If your avatar is indencation of how you're doing. you look great. Thanks for asking.
I just realized how much time I spend on SOC. I have a good tip--Don't put a couple of pieces of bacon on to cook and then sit down at your laptop with SOC open. I should take a break too.
I having been avoiding this issue, however it has been brought to my attention again. Yes @Faye Fox is missing and has been since August 12th. @Beth Gallagher is also missing since July 30th. Because my repeating anything would be rumor vs from their own lips, I will say this, Faye has came and returned many times, so who knows for sure. I lost her email address a ways back . Beth who was supposedly on vacation, doubtful after 2.5 months. I do miss her though and hope at some point she returns. I hope they are reading the forum even if not signed in. @Faye Fox - you know who misses you the most here - right.?..hahahha @Beth Gallagher - i miss you and just hope you are really okay.
To dispel any possible rumors, everyone mentioned here (in recent posts) is welcome back whenever they want to return. However, if they have passed away, they might be restricted to the paranormal section, but we'd still welcome them back.
@Beth Gallagher would hate being restricted to the paranormal section, so I very much hope she's okay.