I didn’t know Russia had these. Seems like a good idea but they apparently have just left them littered around the country. The video describes the “Lia Incident” about half way through.
2021 Micro-nuclear reactors: up to 20MW, portable, safer "The idea of a nuclear power plant today evokes images of large cooling towers and expansive, warehouse-size buildings. Such facilities generate about a fifth of electricity in the United States without emitting greenhouse gases." "A different picture of nuclear energy is emerging, however, in the form of micro-reactors that could fit on the back of a truck or inside a rocket to space. The promise of these micro-reactors is to provide the same reliable, zero-carbon power in remote settings or to support electrical power grid recovery."
Back in the late 90s, a group from Russia visited our non-profit to learn about non-profits generally. They were in the New York area, learning about local government and all sorts of things. So, this is when the Elvis stamp came out. So, I gave one of the Russians an Elvis stamp. He liked it, apparently he liked lots of Rock and Roll. Anyway, in gratitude, he handed me a pin of his group. Now, in America, a pin is that button thing and inside of it is a wire made into a sharp point. This was NOT that. This thing was a single piece of cast metal. I am talking 1800s technology. Not joking. I was completely shocked. And it indicated to me, just how backward they really were. They were all drinking and smoking a lot. And had horrible diets. We told them, that in the US, lots of people engage with better diets, less drinking, less smoking. So, one of the Yuris (there were a couple of them)...he said to me..."in Russia, if you don't drink and you don't smoke...you are KGB." that is a direct quote. Which, of course, I thought was absolutely hysterical. When I gave him the Elvis stamp...and this is verbatim also...he said, "Elvis Presley....very good music. I like Procol Harum and Neil Diamond." verbatim...
I like Elvis, Haren and Diamond. Not sure how much I like nuke power though. Not informed enough on the subject.
I find it interesting that Japan, the only Country that was attacked by two N- Bombs and had a Nuclear accident due to earthquakes, has 12 Nuclear Power plants. Japan’s Kansai Electric Power has restarted another reactor at its Takahama nuclear power plant, the 12threactor to be returned to service in that country since the Fukushima disaster in March 2011 led to the idling of Japan’s entire nuclear fleet. Restart "Kansai on September 15 said the 826-MW Takahama No. 2, which originally entered service in 1975 and is the country’s second-oldest operating reactor, is again generating electricity after being offline since November 2011. Japan is slowly returning reactors to service after the government called for new safety measures and other upgrades to be implemented at any nuclear plant seeking to return to service."
If I remember the man who split the atom and created the Atom Bomb, later regretted it. Not sure when it changed from Atom Bomb to Nukeclear Bomb? Or did the name just change? Scientific knowledge can be a wonderful thing, but it can also be horrific.
*************************************************************************************************************** Marie, you may be thinking of J. Robert Oppenheimer. He was in charge of America's drive to built the world's first nuclear bomb during World War 2. As a side note, some people are not aware that the 2 bombs used against Japan actually saved lives. How can that be ? If America had to invade Japan the loss of life would have been far, far more than the two atomic bombs. By some estimates the U.S. could have expected one million U.S. causalities and many times that for the Japanese. In any event, the fire bombing of Tokyo killed many more than did the atomic bomb.