I'm sure I could have gotten a pain reliever of some sort, but I generally tough those things out without pain killers. Of course, when I "tough something out," it involves some crying and a whole lot of whining. The pneumococcal vaccine is to prevent pneumonia, meningitis and septicemia. The shingles vaccine is another one, I believe. I don't know if I want that one or not. I don't know whether I've had chicken pox or not, but I think probably not. I didn't have any diseases that I saw a doctor for. The sickest I can remember being as a child was when I had the (mother diagnosed) flu. I know that I felt miserable, it lasted for more than a week, and I was in bed most of the time. The only cool thing was that my mom had a menthol fogger going in my room that was like breathing in Hall's cough drops. The room was a constant fog, so much so that I could barely see across the room, but I kind of liked breathing Hall's cough drops.
Everyone knows my opinion of vaccines. Putting foreign DNA, harmful minerals, viruses, untested over time, and just an idea of bypassing the normal immune system. Things like SV40 were in vaccines for years and I know it only takes years and years to cause cancer. They have found SV40 in tumours when they are checked. Last is vaccine companies are not held responsible for and problems that arise from their use. Your decision
Even though most people seem to do fine with vaccinations, there are a lot of warnings about the side effects that can happen, just like they have the list of all the dangerous side effects from the medications we see advertised on television all the time nowadays. Even a long time ago, there was a problem because many vaccines were cultured in egg yolks. If the chicken was diseased, then that was transmissible through the vaccine. It used to be that babies didn't' get vaccinations right away, and then only one at a time usually, at least that I how I remember it; but now, according to articles that have been published, infants are given multiple vaccinations before they even come home from the hospital as a newborn. This is hard on a brand new baby, and maybe even unnecessary. Puppies are protected by their mother's immune system until they are weaned, and that is when they are usually given the puppy shots. I think this would be similar for any other mammal which is nursed by the mother. People actually buy colostrum milk from dairy farms just to get the immune boost that is in the first milk that calves get. Here is information from our government that lists some of the side effects that can happen with vaccinations. http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/00046738.htm
I got a flu shot and pneumonia vaccine last year before Christmas. I had pain and soreness in both arms because of this. Three days later I had a full blown case of pneumonia which took two rounds of strong antibiotics to get rid of, and then those antibiotics gave me heart palpatations for a few months afterwards. It was a nightmare for me and I would not recommend getting that vaccine to anyone else. I am just thankful I never have to take another one.
My VA doctor told me a flu shot is only a preventative measure and will not completely stop a person from getting the flu. Of course the media makes it sound like every Senior that doesn't get the shot will end up with the flu, that will turn into pneumonia, and die. We get it because we don't trust not getting the flu. Just way too many people go out in public with colds. Of course a person doesn't really know if another person has a cold or if their allergies are acting up. All I know is...........I (hopefully) will never go thru another episode of the flu turning into pneumonia again. Boy, if we could only afford to have two homes, one in Florida and one in Colorado. May have to reconsider our move to Colorado. Yesterday, the high in Denver was only 14 degrees. We will move, just not sure if the Eastern Slope/Front Range would be right for us again.
The body’s immune system has normal defences the skin and the intestinal track which is where most of the protection of the body is. Injecting something into your body you bypass most of your defences. It is always your choice but you should know what is being put in it. This is not a complete list. Aluminum : thought to be a toxic mineral I disagree but I am not always correct. Amino Acids and proteins These foreign proteins are produced from animals (like cows, monkey’s and chickens) and also humans (human cells from aborted fetuses.) Formaldehyde [or Formalin] is most commonly used for by our local mortician. Formaldehyde is toxic and is known to cause cancer. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classifies formaldehyde as a human carcinogen Benzethonium Chloride The known side effects of ingesting BC are (according to its MSDS): Seizures Coma Respiratory depression Central Nervous System Depression Convulsions Coma Urinary system reaction Now this is bypassing the digestion and being put in the blood Glutaraldehyde: Glutaraldehyde is an organic compound that is used to disinfect medical and dental equipment. In vaccines it is used as a chemical preservative. There have been several studies done on Glutaraldehyde and it has been found that exposure to it can cause: Asthma Allergic reactions (up to 10% of up people can be allergic to Glutaraldehyde.) Induced respiratory issues diarrhea MRC-5, DNA,Mrc-5 Cellular Protein, Human Serum Albumin [ 4 different ingredients] Rubella; Abortus; 27th aborted fetus; 3rd tissue explant. In other words, it took 26 aborted infants to get the right strain. The virus was then cultivated on the lung tissue of another aborted child, and this child became known as WI-38 — Winster Institute 38). WI -38 was an infant girl at 3 months gestation. What makes this seem somewhat ridiculous is that the Japanese, years before the first aborted infant was used to extract the Rubella virus, proved that the virus can be taken from a *living* child simply by swabbing their throat. DNA is harvested from aborted infants. It is used as adjuvant in vaccines. In vaccines, 100,000,000 bits and strands of human dna are allowed per dose. Again, we encounter the issue of the ethical dilemma for this issue. Human Serum Albumin is a stabilizing protein made from human blood donated by screened donors. We already discussed above why injecting a protein directly into the body is dangerous. Thimerosal : is a compound made up of approximately 50% mercury. Mercury is the second most poisonous element known to man Yeast extract is a common name used for various forms of processed yeast. Many people have yeast allergies, and vaccines can induce an anaphylactic response after being vaccinated due to the yeast. Aside from that, ALL yeast extract contains MSG. Many people have either an allergy or a sensitivity to MSG Migraine headaches Sleeping disorders Irritable Bowel Syndrome Asthma Diabetes Alzheimer’s disease Lou Gehrig’s disease Attention Deficit Disorder Seizure Stroke Anaphylactic reaction Cetyltrimethylammonium Bromide is a cationic surfactant. It’s used for many things, including acting as a buffer solution for extracting DNA. According to its Safety data sheet we find out several things: CTMB is labeled as “Hazardous” It is a skin irritant It is a serious eye irritant It is hazardous if inhaled It is harmful if swallowed It may cause respiratory irritation It is dangerous to the environment It is very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects It is flammable
I'm a former EMT (back in the mid 70's) and I use to work for company that done Senior Healthcare, so I know some about regular medical and Senior medical. Our decision would be to continue getting the shot each year. Thanks for the info though.
It is always your decision to get the shot or not but it is nice to know what they are giving you. Knowledge is power
I think you should only consider a pneumonia shot if you have asthma or diabetes as your immune system is low. Your physician should advise on all decisions concerning your personal health issues.
Maybe think about doing something to get rid of the diabetes and asthma which are a lot more dangerous than the flu
We are meds for the diabetes and it's very doubtful that we would ever change our lifestyle/eating habits enough in order to get rid of the diabetes. We have changed our diet, but not enough to get rid of it.
Making a significant change in diet is very difficult to do as we get older, I think. I can do it short-term, even to the point where I am losing a lot of weight, but at some point the weight loss slows, and that's about the time that I tire of dealing with the diet. I don't have diabetes but I know people who have managed to control their diabetes completely with diet and exercise, but it's not as easy of a thing to do as some people think it is. Regarding the flu shot, as a former paramedic, we were required to get a flu shot every year. That first year, I got one and was very sick for several days. Prior to that, I may have had the flu once as a child but was not prone to getting it. The following year and in subsequent years, as part-owner of the company, I exempted myself from the requirement to get a flu shot, and haven't had one since. Last year, or maybe it was the year before, I got the flu and was sick for nearly two weeks. It was awful but my neighbor had had the flu shot that year, and he got the flu anyhow. I think I'll pass on the flu shot. The pneumonia shot, I don't know. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I was pretty sick for a couple of days after getting one, but that's probably better than getting pneumonia. Of course, that would require a belief that I would have gotten pneumonia without the shot, which certainly isn't a given, seeing that I have never had pneumonia.
Sorry @Martin Alonzo I am an ex nurse and these conditions are worth considering for a pneumonia injection. Sorry if I hijacked your post.