Separate names with a comma.
Discussion in 'Games & Riddles' started by May Benot, Feb 3, 2018.
Pistachio pickers prefer peanut paste Q/R
Quebecers quickly question Quincy's quotes R
Roy Rogers rescued rambling Rose S
Sweet Susan sang silly songs T
Tom Thumb taught the tango U
Usher's union united under underwear V
Viral video verified Victors version W
Wee Willy Winkle washes windows X
Xavier Xeroxed Xenas eXcellent Xrays Y
Your yobbism yachtsman yelled yippee, yesterday Z
Zane and Zeke's zoo zoomed zebras A
Aunty Agatha's athletic ability's astounding B
Billy bought big bowling balls C
Captain Cook caught catching crabs D
Dear Doreen did double dancing E