Some Americans Are Unhappy Supporting Ukraine

Discussion in 'History & Geography' started by Thomas Stillhere, Jun 8, 2022.

  1. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Mar 6, 2018
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    Some of these thoughts were pondered by the founders. The result was what we call the three founding documents--The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Northwest Ordinance ( the one nobody knows about). That gave us the nation many of us regret losing. The knew that democracies ALWAYS descend into totalitarianism or mob rule, and I wince every time I hear someone talk of "preserving our democracy". We never had a democracy and that was by design.
  2. Dwight Ward

    Dwight Ward Veteran Member

    Jun 18, 2020
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    Right on. We are a constitutional republic. We have always incorporated democratic processes to choose representatives without becoming a democracy, just as we incorporate some socialist elements without becoming socialist. If anyone doubts that last part, think about free public libraries or, even more basic, public roads.

    Pure political theories, be they free market, democratic, socialist, libertarian or whatever, never translate to reality without major modifications. 'The general welfare' of a populace must be sought for as a practical goal above and beyond dogmatic theory.

    Once in a while it occurs to me that maybe we should just turn all things government over to women. Men's instincts for war may just be too strong.
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  3. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
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    Mar 6, 2018
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    When societies are safe, they are generally run by women. When they are threatened by outside forces, men usually take over if there is time. Many of the island societies in the Pacific (if they were not near other islands ) were headed by women. Tibet was once a matriarchal society and even reportedly practiced polyandry (multiple husbands). When the Chinese decided they wanted the province, there wasn't time for the conversion. Japan also made the same conversion. According to what I have read, Japan was a matriarchy until China threatened them around 800 AD. They made the switch rather quickly and became a militarized society led by men. I think we are undergoing the switch from patriarchy to matriarchy, so we'll see how that all goes.
  4. Dwight Ward

    Dwight Ward Veteran Member

    Jun 18, 2020
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    Stop making so much sense. It makes my head hurt. I wasn't aware that these societies were all matriarchal at some point. I suppose we need to know some history to give context to the decisions we make and the direction society takes.
    Don Alaska likes this.
  5. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Yeah, @Don Alaska knows way too much. I've been thinking of removing him because he's raising the standards here.
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  6. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
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    Mar 6, 2018
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    Biden visited Ukraine in an attempt to get more support from the American people for his war in Europe, which seems to be waning quickly in recent polls. He promised Zelenskyy even more money from the U.S. treasury, and the Ukrainian president issued threats to China that they MUST stop sending supplies and support to Russia. We are even funding the retirement accounts of the Zelenskyy government officials, and for him to be threatening the Dragon with anything is about as hypocritical as one can get...and stupid as well.
  7. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
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    Mar 6, 2018
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    It has now been reported that Biden called Putin and asked for permission to visit Ukraine, and Putin promised Air Force One would not be shot down. Ironic since both Biden and Lindsey Graham have called for Putin being deposed or assassinated. There was also a report that the U.S. has given Ukraine the equivalent of 20 U.S aircraft carriers in funding since the war began.

    If any of you watched any of Putin's speech removing Russia from the nuclear inspection program, there are a few things to note, although I only watched a small part of the 2 hour speech. I noticed that the head of the Russian Orthodox Church was seated in the front row, and there were several clerics of undetermined (to me) faiths, including one that appeared to be Muslim. Putin denounced the "Wokeness" of Western culture and what we have done to our children, and claimed that that was what Russia was really fighting against. He didn't want what had happened to Western society to happen to Russia. He denounced the "forcing" of Western clergy to preside over gay weddings and the Anglican non-gender god. He ended the part of the speech I watched ironically with, "Forgive them God, for they do not know what they are doing."

    There are reports in the Jerusalem Post today that nuclear material is being transported through Ukraine by Ukrainian forces to make a "dirty bomb" that can be blamed on the Russians. With all Russia's tactical nuclear capacity, only a fool would believe they would use a dirty bomb in an attack of any kind. There was a story in the San Francisco Chronicle (hardly a bastion of conservatism) that a Ukrainian schoolgirl refugee is requesting a return to Ukraine. She said conditions in the schools were better in Ukraine and that at least Ukrainians loved their country.
    Dwight Ward likes this.
  8. Thomas Stillhere

    Thomas Stillhere Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2021
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    Only thing I believe is a smoldering Tank and a lot of carcass lying around. In the end the difference in the count will determine the winner and losers. There was a time when Putin would have already been killed for the war crimes and destruction of all their cities. These little short maggots like Putin do these things only because the world allows it. If he were allowed to overrun Ukraine it will be the first stop. It would take him a long time to replace all his losses but you can bet Poland or another neighbor would be next. He is a murderer and an assassin and has a big POS at the end of his name. We should all be glad we're not dying and the only reason is he knows he would be going down if he ever attempts to kill Americans. .

    Even that half wit in the white house wouldn't be able to lick his boots when the rest of America finally wakes up. It would be nice if all of us were rich but none of us are going to bed tonight without having a good meal. You won't be able to take any money with you when your enemies throw you in a large trench and don't even bother to throw a sack or two of lime on top of you. Money means absolutely nothing to me, my freedom to speak what I think and go where I like and associate with whom I like is what I call rich today. No one cares that he has emptied our safe giving hundreds of millions to people who simply walk across our border and he does it without authority.

    If anyone should be mad about the spending start with our border and work our way up to the European Theater. No one dislikes that half wit more than I do but there would be no Ukraine today had we not stepped up and armed those people. I have a totally different opinion than most on this war and there is a lot more of our young people saved already by not having to fight another war. What we've spent so far is a lot less than a full on soil war in Europe, and we are by treaty and organization required to protect any of those NATO members. What we have today by this half wit in our white house is mismanaged money. He is so stupid sometimes I think it is that other half wit kamala running the show. God help us all.

    I do keep up with the war but not listening to unknown sources say for instance this dirty bomb business. I don't think for a minute the Ukrainians would do that , they have everything to lose and nothing to gain. Now I would believe Putin would do it simply because he has been caught red handed assassinating his political rivals already and he fears no other country since he is allowed to do these things. Had it been any other leader in the world caught doing the same he would have been rounded up and probably hung. Maybe hillary might get away with something like that, we know she was the mastermind behind a coup of our own Presidential candidate and still going on with all the corrupt criminals in government . Hard to reason with our enemies when we have the same thugs as our enemies.
  9. Dwight Ward

    Dwight Ward Veteran Member

    Jun 18, 2020
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    "I do keep up with the war but not listening to unknown sources ... "

    By "unknown sources" I assume you mean information coming from other than mainstream sources. Since those mainstream sources are largely an echo of the world government/corporate agenda, your opinions are understandable. Looking at some of those unknown sources that depart from official propaganda can be uncomfortable.

    NATO good, Putin bad is a scripted drama, written for children. Those same writers want the end of the USA as a sovereign nation. We should stop looking for classic good and bad guys in the Ukrainian conflict. I don't see any myself.

    Last edited: Feb 22, 2023
    Thomas Stillhere and Don Alaska like this.
  10. Thomas Stillhere

    Thomas Stillhere Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2021
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    I've heard that speech before, might have been you but not really sure since I don't really care what you have to say. The difference in you and me is I don't try to insult any particular person's thoughts. Every time I get a reply from you reading something I post I get a little snipe from you. What I would like to know is who died and made you the King. Your replies are always an attempt to insult people without directly saying their name. I hear the same thing over and over when I read your post or replies. You are fortunate to have enough good people here that would read your replies. Stop feeding on what people say and express your opinions like a normal person would. I get it, you don't like people that aren't allowing you to be a bully. I'm not in any type of competition with you and have never written anything to try and discredit your thoughts, I read and take it for what it's worth. Now you have a good day.
  11. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    What I would really like to know is, what is the end game?
    The U.S. government is sending money and equipment to Ukraine like we have an excess of equipment and money but normally, if one puts an action into play, there’s at least an idea of what the picture is going to look like in the end.

    If it was just Ukraine versus Russia with the U.S. playing a small role supplying Ukraine then it would be a simple answer but as of right now, the whole world is getting involved so ….what is the end going to look like if indeed there is an end in sight?

    Personally, I do not see one. It is way too confused for there to be one.
    Don Alaska likes this.
  12. Dwight Ward

    Dwight Ward Veteran Member

    Jun 18, 2020
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    Thomas, I don't know what you mean by feeding on what people say. I am responding to what they say and giving my opinion as I would in any discussion venue. However, neither diplomacy nor humility are my strongest talents and I see your point. I am greatly concerned about these issues, which may presage the end of the world as we know it, but even that is not an excuse to insult anyone. You're not the first to say so, so I will pay attention. I don't like bullies and don't want to come off as such. My apologies.
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2023
    Yvonne Smith and Don Alaska like this.
  13. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
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    Mar 6, 2018
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    I have said before that it reminds me of the world prior to WWI. Every lining up in alliances thinking the war, if it happens, will be short one. They ended up with 4 years of slaughter.
    Bobby Cole likes this.
  14. Dwight Ward

    Dwight Ward Veteran Member

    Jun 18, 2020
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    Vladimir Valenskii, the comedian president of Ukraine who plays the piano with his penis, made a video telling the US that American sons and daughters would have to fight and die in Ukraine. He was wearing a Balenciaga sweatshirt on camera. I found one online that looks close to what he was wearing. It costs over one thousand dollars. It's good to know where our tax dollars are going.

    Bobby Cole and Don Alaska like this.
  15. Dwight Ward

    Dwight Ward Veteran Member

    Jun 18, 2020
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    I'm thinking of your signature. If you don't have a good wife the good gun and good horse are vital. You'll need the good horse to get away when you shoot your bad wife with the good gun.
    Bobby Cole and Don Alaska like this.

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