Separate names with a comma.
Discussion in 'Games & Riddles' started by Joy Martin, Feb 21, 2022.
Table 1 is filled, table 2 has room. Room
room for another couple couple
Couple denotes 2, few denotes three.
Three o'clock in the morning
Morning is the time of day when one would be feeling good after a good sleep.
Sleep well.
Well, I'm thinking "sleep well" is not a complete sentence, but I may be wrong.
wrong number when you phone someone does happen sometimes.. sometimes
sometimes and most times its a scam!! if i do not recognize the number , i do not answer the phone!!
phone phone me when you arrive home safely safely
Safely is a tough one to start a sentence, how about safe and sound travels everyone..
Everyone shout, "Hurrah!" hurrah
hurrah for winning the contest contest
Contest? where? Here? no one told me about it,,!! It
it will be advertised in due time time