Terry, you once showed me a video of you talking to a reporter I think. It was either in your health food store you had or the cafe in the old train station. Would you mind sharing it on here. I'd love to see it again.
My granddaughter is in a local acting group and has been in a play that went on a short tour, she is very good in my opinion, a natural. The middle grandson Oliver has a musical gift in that he can play songs on various instruments by ear, but he is not interested in doing anything with it at the moment. My youngest grandson James has slight autistic qualities, which gives him some quirky inventive skills, not sure where he will go with them though. He can be very humorous in an adult way, which he possibly gets from his father.
If you were to visit the US, would you visit North Carolina? It has some of the most beautiful scenery anywhere AND the nicest people.
I have been to your west coast Shirley and loved it, I will need to look up North Carolina now ....................yes I see on the east coast but nearer to me, yes of course it's obvious the nicest people live there
Yes sort of I was 4 and my girlfriend was Susie who lived in the next road to me, I gave her a bunch of flowers from my garden kissed her and introduced her to my parents, but I can't remember what happened after that My next one was as a teenager and not very memorable really, I guess I needed more practice
Yes you can even celebrate the 26th anniversary here http://www.grandhotel.com/specials/october/somewhere-in-time-weekend/
If it was possible for me to spend that weekend there...it would only be worth it if I went with someone who shared my love of that Movie!