"Painting could have been an important communal activity for Paleolithic peoples. Fernández-Navarrogical is now working to further analyze the hand markings to determine if the gestures made in some images carry any meaning. She suspects that bent fingers in some of the hand silhouettes, which seem to appear in recurring patterns, could have been used as a form of non-verbal language." no doubt these were just paleolithic gang signs... Prehistoric Painting Has Come to a Startling Conclusion: Many Ancient Artists Were Children
If it is your own property, park or canyon, graffiti all you want. I just remembered an article where some kids painted on a person's place and when he painted over it, to clean it up, he (the owner) was sued and lost for destroying art.
Huge murals are being painted on many business buildings in a lot of downtown areas. I don't like it. I don’t think a massive painting on a wall is great decorating. I find it distracting. Sooner or later, someone is going spray paint some nasty graffiti over the murals because they didn't like the message of the mural.
The Graffiti Highway near Centralia, PA Centralia was a coal mining town in north-central Pennsylvania that has been steadily abandoned since an underground coal fire broke out in 1962, a fire that continues to burn today. This 0.74 mile-long section of highway near the town was sealed off decades ago because of a fissure that opened up in the roadway, spewing toxic fumes. After years of disuse, it took on new life as an artistic commons. It was buried by several hundred access-denial berms in 2020 due to Covid pandemic concerns. 2019
Ken it is called civilization. We no longer live in caves, but if the downgrade of our society continues, I'm sure its a possibility or worse. Miami Florida used to be a beautiful city with beautiful murals on some buildings, not some scribbling leud degenerates of art. Miami today,
I figure most of us did the chalk for hopscotch, we girls spent many hours playing that game. Those were the days.
I'm curious. What do you think is sad? The graffiti, or the fact that they covered it all up? Or something else? If they had dug up the concrete and made something useful out of the land, it would be one thing. Just dumping piles of dirt on it seems sort of a control-freakish, do what we say or else, we'll show you who's boss, type thing. Maybe it's become private property now. That might be different. LARGER IMAGE . . .
I didn't know that was dirt, picture isn't clear enough for me. Considering it is par for the course now, it doesn't matter what I think. I don't care for it but guess some do.