Apparently, it is worse in parts of the United States than it is here, from what Bobby was reading on Facebook this morning. As far as we are concerned, ANY stink bugs are too many stinkbugs ! Harmless little critters that they are, they have to pack one of the worst smells for their size of any creature on the earth. Tootsie, our Blue Heeler mix seems to enjoy catching and eating some bugs, but after one taste of stinkbug; she runs and jumps up in the closest chair when she sees one. I don’t blame her. The worst infestation that I have ever seen was one fall in Idaho, and it seemed like the darn bugs were everywhere. I still chuckle when I remember the look on poor Bobby’s face when a stinkbug somehow got into his ham sandwich and he ate a bite. Bobby still remembers that, too; but I am pretty sure that he does not think it was as funny as I do. I get a really dirty look from him any time I ask him if he would like another stinkbug sandwich.....
Stinkbug sandwiches, eh? Never tried it and now I never will. Thanks for the heads up! We had stinkbugs where I grew up in New Mexico but not many. We have none here in BC. You must live in a "just right" climate for stinkbugs.
What do they smell like? Not sure I ever smelled one...might have seen one, they look familiar but not sure from where.
Yuck, it is fall and that means the stink bugs are here in droves again. We always have a few of them;but when the fall chill hits the air, then they want to come inside for the winter. We are at that time of year when it is nice enough in the day to have doors or windows open during the middle of the day; so I suppose that is how they get in the house, and then at night, they fly around (making a horrible buzzing noise) and think that my hair is the designated landing field. Of course, when I brush them out of my hair, then my hand and head smell like stink bug. We are supposed to have an early freeze this week; so maybe that will kill some of the ones that are outside. Is anyone else having a stink bug invasion ? If not, I am willing to share……
A few years ago we spent a week in an Alabama State Park campground on the Black Warrior River near Demopolis AL. We came home with the worst infestation of those disgusting things; I didn't think we'd ever get all of them out of the motorhome. We used a vacuum cleaner and a bunch of bug bombs and finally got rid of them.
Oh yes. They showed up here a few days ago. I'm watching one climb up the window blinds as we type. Recently I reached around at something on my neck and squeezed one against the collar of my blouse. Had to take it off and toss it in the laundry basket. By the way, these new Joro spiders are supposed to be one of the very few natural predators of stink bugs. They are all over the place out in the country (the spiders) but not in town, yet.
We had them in the last office I worked at. I arrived one morning and there was a stink bug on my desk. So I went into the kitchen and got a styrofoam cup full of water and a coffee stirrer stick. I coaxed the bug onto the end of the stick and submerged it in the cup of water, where it stayed for 9 hours. When it was time to go home, I lifted the bug-on-a-stick out of the water and put it on the desk. It crawled away.
We see an occasional stink bug here but not many or often, so far anyway. We do have love bugs here in late summer, early fall. Plus the same kind of bugs most southern states deal with like chiggers, spiders, flea's tics.