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The Good Morning Thread

Discussion in 'Happy Talk' started by Diane Lane, Apr 20, 2015.

  1. Ina I. Wonder

    Ina I. Wonder Supreme Member

    Jan 28, 2015
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    Good morning all. I'm sitting in the Senior Citizen's parking lot waiting on them to open at 9:00am, so I can get my taxes done. AARP does them for free, and we/I have been coming here for the last 6 years. And they do it for free. But it's first come first served, so I'm here 1&1/2 hours early.

    @Chrissy Page , I keep trying to tell you, Refrigarator = BIG, Chrissy = LITTLE. Call someone to fix it, instead of a doctor to fix you. ((Hugs))
    Diane Lane and Ruby Begonia like this.
  2. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    I just have to get it back in its place today and clean up. LITTLE Chrissy took care of BIG fridge!

    Just means I'm not doing enough thigh exercises. I'm not doing any. :)
  3. Diane Lane

    Diane Lane Veteran Member

    Apr 10, 2015
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    Good Morning, Y'all. Sounds as if it's a pretty good day all around, and even Ike losing his pants might have been fun :confused:. Somewhat sleepless night here, so was up earlier feeding everyone, watching some TV, etc., and just got back up to make breakfast and coffee for myself. Sometimes coffee delayed is coffee even more delicious than usual. It's another sunny day here, and I have some chores to take care of, but nothing too major. I'm hoping I can take a short walk tomorrow, I've been taking extra vitamin D and it seems to be helping clear the 'Houston crud' out of my chest. Have a beautiful day, all!
  4. Linda Binning

    Linda Binning Veteran Member

    Oct 31, 2015
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    Good morning everyone. It's 9:30 a.m. and I thought I was going to say home today while my husband went fishing but he decided to do that tomorrow. We are going into town so he can get a haircut and then we'll go to our "gym", which is the big Walmart about 19 miles from our house and walk an hour or so. Their flat floors work out much better than our lumpy yard and I'll have a shopping cart in case I need it to lean on. It was in the 90s when we got close to home yesterday and my husband says it'll be 82* so that'll be more like it was in LA. He is standing here waiting for me to get off the computer so I better go. Have a wonderful day everyone.
  5. Tom Locke

    Tom Locke Veteran Member

    Apr 17, 2015
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    Good late evening, in fact. We return from travel, exhausted but enthused, just in time to cool down some very nice Pinot Grigio and slump in front of the telly for a couple of hours. Semi retirement is hard work.
  6. Kate Ellery

    Kate Ellery Supreme Member

    Dec 12, 2015
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    A very good Friday morning ,everyone ..think you all must have sent your chilly mornings ,over my way it was only 8c overnight ...it's only just before 7 am now ..and I have dug out the winter PJ's image.jpeg
  7. Terry Page

    Terry Page Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    Sounds good Tom, I have been sampling some "Postman's Knock" this evening, never tried it before but found some on our local Asda shelves. It's a nice well balanced to me light ruby porter, and I see it gets quite good reviews, I love all the flowery language they use in these reviews.

    Appearance - Deep rich ruby almost barley wine like colour with a thick tan head of tight foam that dies to a lace cover over a body of moderate to heavy streaming CO2 in a dark vessel.

    Smell - Very sweet with treacle and golden syrup leanings mixed in with almost burnt malts and dried fruits, mostly on the prune fig end of things. There is also very nice bitter coco elements in here.

    Taste - Every bit as good as the aroma, this beer boasts a heavy malt front. The malt flavour profile ranges from the treacle and syrup end to the burnt and dark malt end with plenty of pastry and dried fruit in between the two. The whole brew is well balanced by the bitter choc back and the earthy woody hop.

    Mouth feel - smooth and creamy with moderate body and a rich long lived linger with some lightly astringent and drying properties.

    Overall - Very good! This beer boasts big malt flavour which is balanced nicely by a good hop element!

    Ruby Begonia and Tom Locke like this.
  8. Tom Locke

    Tom Locke Veteran Member

    Apr 17, 2015
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    I've had a few beers from Hobson's - Oddbins used to sell them. Oddbins were good before they over extended themselves and fell apart. I used to have a carrier bag from their shop in Oxford when there were only three stores in the whole of the UK, one in London, one in Cambridge and one in Oxford.

    Hook Norton is one of our favourites at the moment. They produce some excellent beer and do some really good offers. We just got two cases of twelve bottles, with a free case thrown in, for the outrageous sum of £37, including delivery. That equates to 32 bottles of beer for not much more than a quid a go. What's not to like?
    Terry Page likes this.
  9. Terry Page

    Terry Page Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    Good morning to you all it's 7:00 am and a bright morning and like Kate 8c, I am procrastinating on starting my next de-cluttering room, so not sure what excuse my mind will come up with, but will wait and see :rolleyes:

    Have a great Friday and enjoy your day!

  10. Karen McKenzie

    Karen McKenzie Veteran Member

    Jan 31, 2016
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    So here we are at Friday. It'd been sort of a preview of summer this week and I'm even more thankful for a/c. All the rain we had gave me a gorgeous green lawn and I can't tell you how much that's appreciated. It's funny what we don't even think about til it's gone. Simple pleasures, right? Here's a secret..I love to ride through the car wash..I always flash back to a carnival ride I guess...who know. Hope everyone has the nicest day :)
  11. Tom Locke

    Tom Locke Veteran Member

    Apr 17, 2015
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    I was reminded of a Belgian wheat beer I had once. Some marketing twerp had been to work on it, with the result that I found myself drinking an "ironic" beer. Well, I thought, if it puts extra iron in my blood, this must be a good thing.
    Terry Page likes this.
  12. Ina I. Wonder

    Ina I. Wonder Supreme Member

    Jan 28, 2015
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    Good morning my friends, it's 4:00am and I'm wide awake, but I'll get sleepy again around 7:30am. I have been waking early for so long I guess it's a habit.

    Today I don't have to get out of the house if I don't want to. I spent half the day yesterday getting my taxes done. I'll recieve $72. in refund. At least AARP did my taxes for free.

    I asked the tax man if I would have to file taxes after I started recieving full social security. He didn't know. That I found unsettling. I know some people over 65 that do file, and some that don't. I hope I'm the only one who waited so long to file, but I didn't get all my paperwork in the mail until last Monday.

    But Hey, it's Friday!!!
    Linda Binning and Ruby Begonia like this.
  13. Dave Sun

    Dave Sun Veteran Member

    Apr 15, 2015
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    image.jpeg Slept in til 6 am this morning. Took my walk and now it's IPad time.
  14. Diane Lane

    Diane Lane Veteran Member

    Apr 10, 2015
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    Good Morning, happy Friday, Y'all. It's still dark here, although I've been awake and up for some time now. The birds are quiet, with the exception of one woodpecker I heard a bit ago. They're not used to the bird feeder being on the balcony yet, although the squirrels are taking full advantage of the extra seeds. Today's trash day again, but I wait until it's light out, and haven't even been downstairs for tea or coffee yet. The cats know the drill, and leave me alone until they see me approaching the top of the stairs, which won't be long, because I'm craving something hot to drink.

    I might stick to tea, that way there's a better chance I can catch a little more sleep. Have a great day!
    Karen McKenzie and Ruby Begonia like this.
  15. Terry Page

    Terry Page Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    I popped out this morning to stock up with some beer for the weekend and saw some Batemans Mocha on the shelves so I bought a few bottles, I have had it several times before and really like it, you get your coffee shot and beer in one go.
    Not really for the purist but I love it and at 6% it has quite a kick.
    I love these two YouTube reviewers, they always entertain me with their reviews, the one is Welsh the other a Londoner all good fun.


    Karen McKenzie likes this.

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