Have you noticed that through the tactics of Covid, we've all gotten used to... empty shelves in the stores. * paying a whole lot more for a whole lot less. * little or no housekeeping services in hotels that we pay more for now than we did before. * many hotels still not serving the hot breakfasts they did before, and using Covid as an excuse. * stores and restaurants being closed permanently or periodically. * very high gas prices and more difficulties in traveling. governments and media lying to us almost openly, for our own protection. * widespread election fraud that we'd have referred to as third-world corruption a decade ago. * * These are just a few of those in which Dr. Fauci's virus played a prominent part, and they are all part of the global agenda. I'm not sure that Covid played a large part in high gas prices, as that was Joe Biden keeping a campaign promise that he had made to the global agenda.
During the Obama administration, it was referred to as "Managed Decline." High unemployment and lethargic growth were "The New Normal." After all, what was Trump gonna do, "Wave a magic wand???" COVID caused high gas prices and may of our other ills because one of its many purposes was to put Trump in a double-bind running up to the elections (take action and then slander him for whatever it is, do not take action and inflate the death count on his watch.) To further the insult, the current administration's blame for inflation is directed at us (the consumer) for "splurging." The only valid argument for wearing a mask is to protect us when the government spits in our faces.
Although I was interested in it as well, I believe the tiny-house movement is part of the global agenda to get people used to and even enjoying living in smaller spaces.
I spell the monster's name as Foul Chi. chi : vital energy that is held to animate the body internally and is of central importance in some Eastern systems of medical treatment (such as acupuncture) and of exercise or self-defense (such as tai chi)
Arizona election fraud still hasn't been settled. I got an email yesterday from a Wisconsin state rep that I like, not one of mine. She has been fighting voter fraud and had proof of it in the last Presidential election. This mid term election, she received several mail in ballots at her house with names on them that were not hers. But her address is legit. She sent them to the police, unopened. But our AG will again do nothing. Biden's taking away our guns? Trudeau is already doing it in Canada. We are being lined up, just fine, for the World Economic Forum. A bunch of Uber rich, unelected guys, thus, who will answer to no one and be responsible for all of our futures and fortunes.
It seems that almost no one on either side really trusts election results any more. It is truly a sad state of affairs for this country. I believe the allegations of fraud affect the Right more than the Left, so perhaps that is the reason the allegations are being made.
It sure busted up code enforcements all over the country. Matter of fact the only place you can't camp out or dwell in a small shelter is next door to a government " servant". As if the housing market isn't bad enough now once middle-class n-hoods are turning into campgrounds and building code square feet for homes is totally ignored. Property values are a laugh because of it.
I see in files released by Musk over the weekend that Hobbs used the power of the Arizona Attorney General's Office to request and get a censorship of pro-Cary Lake messages on Twitter. Add that to using the office to threaten election officials to declare her the winner under threat of arrest if they didn't comply.... How can this woman be governor of a major state, or a minor state for that matter.
I was in Walmart in Seaford, Delaware yesterday. Half or more of the shoppers were Hispanic. Most were in family groups ranging from four to eight or so. In the checkout line I noticed that many were stocking up on gadgets, phones and items such as you might buy if you're setting up a new apartment or house. All were well dressed. Time for another revolution.