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The Greatest Lie Ever!

Discussion in 'History & Geography' started by Joe Riley, Dec 29, 2016.

  1. Shirley Martin

    Shirley Martin Supreme Member

    Jun 9, 2015
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    In discussing misinformation on the internet, I have told people that you can find a source to prove anything you want if you look long enough. I have said you can prove the earth is flat as an example. I had no idea that such site really existed.
  2. Joe Riley

    Joe Riley Supreme Member

    Mar 3, 2015
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    @Martin Alonzo & @Shirley Martin Thanks for your posts, I will try to respond to you, please bear with me.;)

    The topic of this thread is about the Lie of the round earth. Its purpose was to hide God.
    The idea of a flat earth is not mine to defend. I feel inadequate and uncomfortable to try to do so. I placed it in the history & geography section because it effects the entire world view.

    As I understand it, it goes back to God’s Creation of the World, as recorded in Genesis. It used the term heavens and firmaments. The firmaments were solid barriers separating the heavens.

    The first firmament was the earth’s crust, with Hades beneath it, and the land, oceans and atmosphere above it.

    The second firmament separated the atmosphere from outer space.

    The third firmament separated outer space from Heaven.

    The Ancients believed in the flat earth model, on a square base with four corners, supported by pillars.

    The world was at the center of the universe and was stationary, not spinning.

    When Admiral Byrd led a military expedition to the Antarctica, they discovered the barrier around the ice wall. NASA was formed to control what we see from space.

    The idea of the flat earth belief that we read of today, is only saying this is still the true model, and that governments have conspired to keep this from the people, and hide the proof that the Bible is correct. I would say that this was Satan's plan.

    The video that I posted gives facts and information that, together, support this, in my opinion. I understand it may be hard to wrap your head around, but I ask you to at least watch the video before you leap to the “flat earth” knee jerk reaction.

    We deserve to know the truth.

    Last edited: Dec 30, 2016
    Yvonne Smith likes this.
  3. Joe Riley

    Joe Riley Supreme Member

    Mar 3, 2015
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    "This is a video footage of the 60's and 70's showing NASA's high altitude test. could you imagine that still at that altitude the earth is still flat. watch this clip and see overwhelming proof of the flat earth".
  4. Frank Sanoica

    Frank Sanoica Supreme Member

    Feb 21, 2016
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    @Shirley Martin
    The OP is about the "Biggest Lie". In my book, one lie cannot be any worse, or bigger, or smaller, than another, as ALL lies are wrong, IMO.
  5. Babs Hunt

    Babs Hunt Supreme Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    I watched a lot of the video you put up @Joe Riley but with my slow internet I was not able to watch all of it. So since I did not come across the explanation of how this "lie" was hiding God I would like to know if you could explain this to me.

    I have no problem with whether or not the earth is round, square, rectangle, or flat. Because this changes nothing about who God is to me...or the fact that God sent His one and only Son Jesus Chris to earth (no matter what it's shape) to bring salvation to all those who believed and received Him.

    It does not matter to me what shape the earth is or if science, etc. wants to lie about this. It matters to me that science, etc. says God didn't creat earth and us. That's the biggest lie to me.

    So how does the earth being one shape or another hide God?
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2017
  6. Bill Boggs

    Bill Boggs Supreme Member

    May 13, 2015
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    Come on. I know a con job when I see one. Those are beech balls. I saw some in the swimming pool last summer.
  7. Martin Alonzo

    Martin Alonzo Supreme Member

    Mar 7, 2015
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    How is it possible if the world was flat you could not see England from New York even in a high building. I was just at the beach in Puerto Plata yesterday and looked out and did not see Turks and Cacaos which is only fifty miles away even with binoculars. Even the guy that seen Chicago only seen the tops of the buildings and not the shore. I never could see on the clearest day across lake Erie or any of the other great lakes.
    Frank Sanoica likes this.
  8. Frank Sanoica

    Frank Sanoica Supreme Member

    Feb 21, 2016
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    @Martin Alonzo
    Years back, one or two days out of a year, the air was clear and clean enough to see the eastern shoreline of Lake Michigan from the observation decks of Chicago's tallest buildings. For years, that honor was held by the Chicago Board of Trade Building. Not making this up!
    Yvonne Smith likes this.
  9. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    There is more to this answer than can easily be put into a forum post. Just like trying to answer a question of why is believing in God important, there is too much to say that can't just be put into a few sentences. However, I can briefly tell you what i think about this and why it is important to me, @Babs Hunt .
    For most of my life, I have tried to reconcile what the Bible said about the creation of the earth with what science teaches us, and just could not make the puzzle pieces fit. I think this is why atheist scientists have tried to make the Bible story of creation sound like it was impossible. If the world was not created like the Bible says it was, and the Bible is lying, then why would someone believe that the rest of the Bible is true ?
    The Bible points us to God, and gives us a step by step account of the creation of the earth. Science has done their best to prove that there is NO god, and that the earth just came into being with the "Big Bang" type of event, and that man was not created in God's image, but slowly developed from lower life forms over eons of time.

    Whether the earth is round or flat certainly does not change most things for the person who has a relationship with Christ; but it does make a big difference for the many people who believe that God does not exist, and think that science proves that he does not exist.
    If the earth is indeed flat, as the Bible says it is, then it follows that it was created like the Bible tells us, and that the Bible is also true about everything else we read in there.
    The sun, moon, and stars were created on the third day (after plants and trees were already blooming and making fruit on the earth), and not millions of years before the earth came into existence. The Bible says that the stars are lights, and there is no Biblical evidence that they are other worlds or other suns like we are taught in school. How could the earth be revolving around a sun before there even was a sun created ? Obviously, it could not; but this is what we have been told.
    Mankind did not evolve from primitive creatures, but was a creation of God (and in the image of God) if the Bible is true. If the Bible is true, then even the atheist has lost all of their reasons for not believing in God.

    Also, and this is just me; but learning that earth is indeed the center of the creation of God, and mankind is the most beloved of his creations has made me feel a lot more loved by God, and special. I no longer believe that earth is just some speck in an endless cosmos; but it is a special place and humans are created in the image of God, and for his purpose and enjoyment.
    There is so much deception in this world, and the Bible talks about the Great Deception in the last days. What could be more of a deception than convincing people that God does not even exist, and the world got here by accidental evolution ? The globe earth furthers that deception, while the Biblical earth shows that it was truly created by God and that he does exist.

    This whole earth-globe deception is not something that will be understood by most people, and the Bible does say that even some of the Elect will be fooled by this great deception, and will simply follow the multitudes who do not believe in God.
    Unless a person has an open mind and is willing to spend time looking at the possibility, they will not even consider it; so I am sure that most people who read this thread are not going to actually delve into the topic to even try and see if it could be true. But, for those who do have a questing mind, here is some good information to check out.
    Babs Hunt likes this.
  10. Babs Hunt

    Babs Hunt Supreme Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    @Yvonne Smith I appreciate your explanation on the question I asked Joe Riley.

    Since I have never believed anything Science said when it comes to trying to prove God doesn't exist or that He didn't create everything I basically tune out anything Science has to say to this effect. My mind is steadfast on the existance of God and that He is the Creator of everything and whether He created the earth to be round, flat, rectangle, or any other shape does not matter to me at all...only who made it matters to me.

    As far as I'm concerned if "the powers that be" wanted to waste all that time and money trying to convince us God doesn't exist...that only means to me...that they know He does!
  11. Joe Riley

    Joe Riley Supreme Member

    Mar 3, 2015
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    NASA in Hebrew

    "Not sure what the source is for this pic, but in the above case, the word is not pronounced “naSa” but rather “nâSHâʼ” (with the “sh” sound as opposed to the “s” sound). And indeed, Strong’s defines this word as: Strong’s # 5377 – naw-shaw’; a primitive root; to lead astray, i.e. (mentally) to delude, or (morally) to seduce:—beguile, deceive, × greatly, × utterly".
    Yvonne Smith likes this.
  12. Babs Hunt

    Babs Hunt Supreme Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    So @Joe Riley Do you believe the earth is round or flat? :)

    And @Yvonne Smith what are your beliefs on this? Is the earth round or flat?

    I actually find it quite possible to believe the earth could definitely be flat according to what I read in the Creation story in Genesis. And it would make the Scriptures that talk about the 4 Corners of the earth make much more sense too. :)
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2017
    Yvonne Smith likes this.
  13. Joe Riley

    Joe Riley Supreme Member

    Mar 3, 2015
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    I believe that "science" has deep roots into the dark magic, and that the argument is a spiritual one. A flat earth would make perfect sense as it would agree with my senses and God's Word.
    Yvonne Smith likes this.
  14. Babs Hunt

    Babs Hunt Supreme Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    To me Science is just the Study of everything God created by many people who don't want to believe He did do that. ;)
  15. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    It is hard to believe that we all have been the victim of such a tremendous scam, @Babs Hunt . There really isn't anything that is made more fun of than someone believing the earth is flat, and we are so programmed with that thinking, that it would be hard to believe it even if we could go up high enough to see the whole earth.
    However, the Bible truly is a "flat earth book" which is one of the reasons that people who believe the Bible as the true Word of God are discredited, and the concept does help everything to fit into place nicely. By discrediting the story of creation, they try to discredit the whole Bible, and even the existence of a Supreme Creator.
    At the very least, we are being deceived about the size and shape of the earth because there are some easy to do experiments that will prove that this is NOT a 25,000 sqft globe. Things that should be out of sight can still be seen, even when mathematics says they are over the curvature of the earth.
    I think that everyone who actually takes the time to seriously look at this is starting out from the mindset that it can't be true, and then has more questions than answers.
    I know that you said that it is hard for you to watch videos; but the last page that I linked has a lot of reading material that you can read, and then watch the videos as you have time and want to learn more.
    Mark Sargent's videos of Flat Earth Clues (that Joe posted) are all short videos and easy to watch and understand, although they are nowhere near as in-depth as Rob Skiba, who has an amazing intellect, and is a great speaker.

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