All I can say is....THANK GOD a couple of them DID "get away"...mostly with the help of my boot applied to their butts.
Guess what, baby. That comment has now made me Follow you. LOL! (I hope you take that in the spirit in which it's intended.)
In the event that my wife reads this one day, I'll decline to enter into this discussion. I may be brave, and even brazen, but I'm not a fool. No good could come from it.
since I'm single again I can relate on a different level. Yesterday I happened to remember that I used to drive my boss from her beach house to Boston(work).. So I drove to her beach house and chicken that I am decided not to try and see if she was there I had turned around on the street and was driving away when a car approached and had turn signal on meaning they were about to enter her property......After clumsily getting window down I called out "Betsy?" and the young lady said she was Bety's daughter..She asked my nam and I told her I'd worked with her mother......I don't know what's going to happen
"Too soon old, too late smart." Ha, I'm not even serious about it anymore. I still flirt like crazy with attractive women that I know but it never goes beyond that because most of them are too young. Do I like being alone? -- no. But the effort required and the drive to change it is no longer there.
I thought of several trite and flirty replies to that but I decided to go with a serious one. The man who wins my favor will have to have lots of money, a home on the river, and a big ..... boat. Send a picture of the boat and a copy of your latest bank statement.
I am still on my second marriage. I will keep him, as he is just broke in good. It would be too much effort after composting hubby, to go after another. UNLESS he had tons of money and a better farm than mine. I have looked up a couple of old beaus on occasion but still like what I have.
Last week I got to see a high-school beau; he attended my BIL's funeral. He attends the same church as my sister and deceased BIL and was part of the prayer circle when I had cancer treatment. He was pointed out to me by my cousin so I introduced myself after the service. He was speechless for a moment, then recovered gracefully. I guess I look a little different from when I was 16. Sorry I had to ruin his memory of that girl so long ago. (In my defense, he looked pretty old, too.)
For a few years, one of my older brothers was married to a girl I dated in high school. After they were married, he introduced us, and neither one of us told him. It would have only been uncomfortable. I told him later, after they were divorced.