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This Coronavirus Problem

Discussion in 'Viruses' started by Thomas Stearn, Feb 26, 2020.

  1. Herb Durant

    Herb Durant Very Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2020
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    I've come to the realization that trying to debate something on a forum is nothing more than mental abuse one should voice his opinion and move on to something else.
  2. Nancy Hart

    Nancy Hart Supreme Member

    Jun 3, 2018
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    Agree with this part.
    Don Alaska and Herb Durant like this.
  3. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    I think that's because, most of the time, people aren't speaking from real experience or knowledge, but are simply repeating whatever media sources they trust. On this particular topic, the coronavirus, yes, it is pointless to argue because you either believe what you're told by experts or the media, or you don't. Then again, it depends on what your objective is. If your objective is to persuade everyone to believe everything you believe, then it will indeed be a failure.
    Don Alaska and Martin Alonzo like this.
  4. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    May 29, 2020
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    I was on a forum where they had an area you could set up a thread and give only one other person the ability to post a comment. Then you could converse uninterrupted without distractions.

    But face-to-face discussions are not much more productive when reasonable debate standards are ignored.

    And as Ken said, we could debate why we have the opinions we do on the virus, but none of us are virologists. So then it boils down to which expert you choose to believe, which is silly, because none of us have the qualifications to assess who a true expert is.

    But it's as though common sense has no value anymore.
  5. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    A couple of weeks ago, they reported that all 24 patients and staff at one of our nursing homes, here in Millinocket, had tested positive for the virus. Actually, they reported, as they always do, that they had tested positive for COVID-19, although no one was sick. Keep in mind that COVID-19 refers to the disease, not the virus. A few days later, everyone tested negative, so clearly, the first test was erroneous. I've no doubt it is still counted in our stats, however.
  6. Jeff Elohim

    Jeff Elohim Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2020
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    This happened in tens of thousands of places worldwide, and thousands of places in the usa over the last year, and previous decades with other problems... (widely or even wildly inaccurate tests and testing and methods) ...
    Thus the corona problems help show more clearly the ethical problems with the system and so-called 'professionals' worldwide almost everywhere...
  7. Martin Alonzo

    Martin Alonzo Supreme Member

    Mar 7, 2015
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    This invisible enemy[virus] which no government medical has proven exist. Has caused more planned problems all around the world. Has made normally gentile government into communist dictatorships. Check out a couple of different times Woman charged for going to church. and a family out enjoying the winter snow.
    Aylmer Police Service ticketed the oldest member of my congregation an 85 year old WWII survivor
    Police threatening families with fines at our toboggan hill today in Oakville
  8. Hedi Mitchell

    Hedi Mitchell Supreme Member

    Mar 18, 2017
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    I have a questionabd I am serious in needing an answer.
    If so many of you believe all of this propaganda BS about the virus and the election and how it's going to turn into a communist country .... why do you bother to continue to exist? If I really believe all the crap that I read and hear and see on here and TV and radio I would have done committed suicide.
    And I am not trying to be facetious I'm just merely fascinated how anybody could want to continue living in such a doomed world.
  9. Martin Alonzo

    Martin Alonzo Supreme Member

    Mar 7, 2015
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    If people open their eyes and see the world is fed up with the owners running every thing and the people who know it are the ones who are complaining. They are doing what they can as individuals to make a difference. It is not just in the US even though some people think that it is around the world. Some countries have had enough like Tanzania that told the vaccine pusher to go stuff it they were also the country who checked out the covid test and found it to be a fraud. So the whole world is in a panic and one country is doing just great something to learn. Like they say lead, follow or get out of the way.
  10. Martin Alonzo

    Martin Alonzo Supreme Member

    Mar 7, 2015
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    I called this virus a scam more than half a year ago. Now they are finally bringing it to justice.
    Maybe the people will wake up before they are killed. This is a war crime the enemy is the elites
    Lawyers Promise 'Nuremberg Trials' Against All Behind COVID Scam
    Right now, a second Nuremberg tribunal that is in preparation, with a class action lawsuit being set up under the aegis of thousands of lawyers worldwide behind the American-German lawyer Reiner Fuellmich, who is prosecuting those responsible for the Covid-19 scandal manipulated by the Davos Forum.
  11. Alan Sidlo

    Alan Sidlo Very Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2019
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    work in biofilm engineering hints to grave errors in our basic assumptions about living organisms.

    though my early focus was in creating structures with the help of fungi, bacteria, and yeasts, the real takeaway over the years was learning how to mitigate virulent developments.

    my industry contacts, of late, include medical professionals that run the gamut at labs and universities and from discussions with them, my gut feeling is that we got it all wrong.
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2021
  12. Jeff Elohim

    Jeff Elohim Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2020
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    Your gut feeling is right.

    Perhaps it is a still viable useful active conscience letting you know, as it has let others know, that everything is all wrong ? (people wear masks willingly and go along with the injustice of everything when their consciences are seared enough or otherwise not listened to)
    Alan Sidlo likes this.
  13. Jeff Elohim

    Jeff Elohim Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2020
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    Not one virologist even has ever proven that a virus is the problem. Not one. Not any.

    So what or why is there any virus "problem" ? Who is responsible? or should that be "W.H.O." , under pharmakeia (Revelation 18), is responsible. (i.e. a statement, not a question?)
  14. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Mar 6, 2018
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    I wouldn't say no virologist has proven that the virus isn't a problem, but the "cure" appears to be worse than the disease. Several Chinese virologists lost their lives or freedom trying to get information on this virus out to the West. If they hadn't done what they did, things would have been much worse. That doesn't mean this virus is a big danger to the general public. It does appear to be an issue for people with compromised immune systems or elevated ACE-2 levels, but it is just another Coronavirus. There was a similar scare when SARS was discovered in the population, but that, too, ended up just being another Corona virus with a higher mortality that typical Corona viruses. MERS is yet another.

    Much of what is happening seems to be a test of what people will tolerate and what the threshold of obedience is.
    Tom Galty and John Brunner like this.
  15. Martin Alonzo

    Martin Alonzo Supreme Member

    Mar 7, 2015
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    This whole virus has been run by fear { False Evidence Appearing Real ] Media with the help of the medical take a virus no more dangerous than the common flu and terrorized the world. Some people are waking up and fighting back but the people who own this world want to punish anyone who speaks out. A video showing the people speaking out all over the world.
    It's Time - The Journey Into 2021 (Oracle Films)
    Don Alaska likes this.

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