After a bit of research, Wigan is dyslexic and has a mild form of autism so his art probably IS his life. To battle such obstacles and then do something that no one does as well as he, I do suppose his social life isn’t of any particular concern to him. Of course, the later is just conjecture in my part because as of yet, I haven’t really found any detailed synopsis of what a day in his life might consist of other than his art. As an edit: Apparently his form of art has made him a millionaire so maybe his social life is better than average.
@Bobby Cole - unfortunately it isn't His Fiancé has to remind him to eat ! He is consumed by this drive to do what he does He had an awful childhood but a loving Mother whom he misses so much - I admire his drive and passion but I also hope he will slow down now and enjoy the fruits of his labour more than he does
Ah, such is the plight of those with even a mild form of autism. The ability to totally focus on one thing is an oft envious ability but with autism the focus can be so totally obsessive and extreme that it lends itself to being a handicap of sorts. I’m not too sure that the word “savant” cannot be applied to Mr. Wigan but in any case, his talents are definitely to be admired!