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Three Unrelated Songs In My Head Today

Discussion in 'Music' started by Mari North, Feb 4, 2016.

  1. Mari North

    Mari North Veteran Member

    Jan 5, 2016
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    If anyone can give me ANY clue why these three totally unrelated songs keep flying in my head today, I'll be eternally grateful. I mean seriously! Different genres, different eras, different topics.

    Uh... now that I just listened to them all before linking, I *can* see a connection but I'm not going to freak myself out further by thinking about it. I hate when I scare myself. :oops: In any case, welcome to Mari's Head... enjoy the music!




  2. Holly Saunders

    Holly Saunders Supreme Member

    Nov 16, 2015
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    I was courting (that's an old fashioned term now)..my first husband when 'My eyes adored you'' was in the charts and he'd always put a a coin in the juke box to play it when we were out at the pub...I still like the song tho'...but I don't know anyone else who does!!o_O:D
    Mari North likes this.
  3. Mari North

    Mari North Veteran Member

    Jan 5, 2016
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    Well now you can't say that any longer.... 'cause I like it. A lot! :) @Holly Saunders
    Holly Saunders likes this.
  4. Holly Saunders

    Holly Saunders Supreme Member

    Nov 16, 2015
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    He! He!! I'm glad I've finally found someone besides me.. :D...I like all 3 of your songs!!
    Mari North likes this.
  5. Mari North

    Mari North Veteran Member

    Jan 5, 2016
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    @Holly Saunders , do you see any connection between them (they all just came out of nowhere practically at the same time!) except anything that seems to be saying I'm about to lose a childhood friend who served in the military? :( And no, I don't believe in that stuff, but this was very strange.

    I hadn't seen a connection between the first two until I played these videos... first one says "you were 5th grade, I was 6th" and the second one says "We've known each other since we were 9 or 10" so... a little jumpy right now. :oops: For the record, I can't think of anyone I knew at those ages who's still a friend and was in the military... but I don't see how the third song is connected if not that. Didn't know any Barry's at that age.

    Maybe I just think too much, eh? :rolleyes:
    Holly Saunders likes this.
  6. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    I also like all 3 songs. Often have the last 2 playing in my head for no reason.
    Mari North likes this.
  7. Holly Saunders

    Holly Saunders Supreme Member

    Nov 16, 2015
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    I can see where it's making you a little concerned @Mari North , I'm very instinctive like that myself and sometimes over think things, so I understand ...... I hope it's nothing and it's just co-incidental...
    Mari North likes this.
  8. Mari North

    Mari North Veteran Member

    Jan 5, 2016
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    Yeah... maybe if I had actually thought of any of them within the last bajillion years and they wouldn't have all come within five minutes, it wouldn't be so creepy. Oh well, I think I'll visit with my school pals on Facebook and tell 'em I adore 'em while I can... couldn't hurt, right?! :) (And no, @Chrissy Page , I will NOT add to their notes "In case you die or something." I have *some* tact! hehe
    Holly Saunders likes this.
  9. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    I only have two high school friends on Facebook. Only one I've known since we were 9 and 10, she is a lesbian but was never in the military that I know of. We drifted apart after I moved and only reconnected recently on FB.

    So don't know what she did all the years in between. Although a lesbian, she did marry and have two girls. The first one she named Roberta Christine. Her name and mine. Even though at the time I barely understood what a lesbian was I always felt she had a crush on me. :)

    Ok, I'm off topic now.....lol.
    Mari North likes this.
  10. Mari North

    Mari North Veteran Member

    Jan 5, 2016
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    :) I go off topic all the time and I happen to think that's where some of the best conversations are born. :D That was a nice gesture to name her daughter after you and herself!

    I'm not sure I knew what it was back then, either... well probably in high school, but certainly not age 10. At age 10 or 11, I was waiting in the shop where my Mama got her hair done, and I read a headline in one the romance magazines that puzzled me for years. Well first because I didn't know what it meant, but later because.... well, gee! The headline, word for word was "Pregnant without Sex and My Husband Won't Believe Me!" hehe :eek:

    Good gracious, who's off-topic now?! :oops:
  11. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    I definitely didn't know that there even was such a thing as a "gay" person when I was a teenager. I remember my husband trying to explain it to me after we were married, and he only learned what it meant when he was in the military.
    Apparently, someone asked him if he was gay, and he (not understanding what was being asked), said that he "guessed that he was about as gay as everybody else was, but some days he was depressed".
    The first time I ever remember actually seeing one was many years later, and we had 2-3 "really strange women" come into our office when I worked at the rental company.
    One of the other girls who worked there explained to me that those "women" we're actually guys in women's clothing. Or maybe that is something different altogether.
    Any-who......not my area of expertise, even yet.
    Mari North likes this.
  12. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Looking at things posted in the past on this thread I see that I am thus far the only gentleman daring to add my worthless two cents to the matter at hand.

    I am wondering not about the music going on in your head @Mari North but the order in which you placed them
    You have, "My eyes adored you" which might allude to the spring of our lives, and "Seasons in the Sun" relating to all the things in life remembered as beautiful but fleeting.
    And last but not the least you listed the Green Beret! I understand this subconscious but yet somehow nearly conscious affirmation of the seeming flight of our youth. Yes, this song reveals the true nature of your realization regarding those who say that spring is nearly over and the autumn is nearing.

    Namely: I may be getting older but I can still kick butt and take names! Who's first!
    Mari North likes this.
  13. Lara Moss

    Lara Moss Supreme Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    I just listened to your songs. The connection was strong…of the loss of ability to be with loved ones anymore after some time….but yet with fond memories and hope for their lives. The first doesn't feature sickness or leaving this life. The last two do. I don't think there's any message of death for you to be concerned about.

    But perhaps this: I think you and all of us at our age, are reminiscing about your own fond memories of loved ones (gone or still living) and coming to terms with the inevitable fate of disconnection with those loved ones as time moves on. This season of life is time for us to have these things revealed to us in a beautiful way of gratefulness for experiencing love. I think the message is sweet and not to be feared. You're feelings are not negative regrets, but rather positive memories. That's something that is very healthy. :)
    Mari North likes this.
  14. Mari North

    Mari North Veteran Member

    Jan 5, 2016
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    :) Well thank you for adding those two cents, @Bobby Cole ... and of course it was far from worthless. I always enjoy reading your replies. Let me have a sec to think of how to respond....

    Hmmm.... Well yeah... maybe. But Seasons in the Sun and Green Beret were both about dying, so not really an age progression there.

    Subconscious, yes, probably... but the way they all came to me at the same time would indicate that my subconscious needs to take a breather and give me a break, yes? :p I don't like it coming up with things before I know what it's doing!

    But... yes, I can see how you're probably right. I *have* been through the wringer with the "age" thing... watching my parents aging, and my siblings. I don't WANT my youth to flee... but this is definitely another conversation for another time. :eek:
  15. Mari North

    Mari North Veteran Member

    Jan 5, 2016
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    Thanks, @Lara Moss ... sure hope you're right. My daddy having a stroke a year ago now totally threw my world out of kilter and I never fully "came back." (He's okay now, but every single day... well you know.)

    I'm so glad I shared these songs and got some thoughts here... it's comforting to know that it could be a positive. :)
    Lara Moss likes this.

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