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Trees And Other Things

Discussion in 'Personal Diaries' started by Nancy Hart, Jun 21, 2018.

  1. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    May 29, 2020
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    The tailpiece is the drain from the sink. You buy them at Lowes, etc. in varying lengths.


    You cut it to final length when the sink is first installed, or if you need to replace it. It's kind of the final installation adjustment, since vanities are different heights, sinks are different depths, and drains exit the floor/wall wherever they happen to come out (there is no standard.) There may be the compression fitting (o-ring) where it connects at the sink (or this might be a direct-mating flange) and there's the compression fitting where it connects at the J trap, each fitting having its own internal tapered o-ring.


    The o-ring slips around the pipe and rests on the end of whatever you are mating it to. When you tighten those collars with the things that look like big nuts, you gently compress these rings around the pipe, thus sealing them (drains are not under pressure, so this type of seal is good enough.)

    The J trap is also a piece you buy at Lowes, and is threaded on both ends to receive the collars.
    Wherever there is a joint (collar), there is an o-ring to seal it. It is that o-ring that is likely shot and is causing the leak...it probably got over-tightened. I doubt if you will need to replace either the tailpiece or the J trap unless the threads got goofed up or glued.

    You can buy the o-rings by themselves at Lowes. You just need to know what diameter to get to match the tailpiece and drain. They are cheap enough that it's handy to have a few of each size hanging around. I am not certain what type of seal goes where the flanged top of the tailpiece meets the sink drain...it might mate directly to the drain with no rings or gaskets. Make sure everything is clean.

    Take some rags so you can clean off the tops of the pipes where the flange of the o-rings seat, because if there's dirt/grit, there's the risk of leaking. The pipes (tailpiece and the main drain) do not fit tightly inside each other, or at precise depths...it's the o-rings that provide the seal. The pipes do have to penetrate a couple of inches inside the receiving pipe so the o-ring is not at the very end. And make sure the pipes are clean so there's no dirt underneath the o-rings.

    You do not tighten these too tight or you'll torque the o-rings out of shape and they will leak and may need to be replaced. Just do them snug (again, the drain is not under pressure.) You can always snug them up more if they weep.

    You don't need Teflon tape on the threads of any of the parts...the o-rings provide the water-tight seal.
    Nancy Hart likes this.
  2. Nancy Hart

    Nancy Hart Supreme Member

    Jun 3, 2018
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    Thanks, John. I'm aware of the white plastic stuff. I sort of wanted something more substantial, like the black stuff ( ABS ?) that's on there. Not sure why, though. Anything is better than a bucket. ;)

    Odd that a mobile home has better quality drain fittings than normal. The sink is cheap plastic you can see daylight through. :p

    Before I do anything, I'm taking that black J trap unit off and see what's under that ring at the red arrow. Will get back to you when I get it off. Maybe next week.
    John Brunner likes this.
  3. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    I lived in a mobile home with my father for a few years. When I was with that non-profit, I worked in my fair share of them...replaced a lot of thin rotted floors.

    I forgot you were working in a trailer. I don't recall what the plumbing was like in the ones I've seen. Very little in those things is "standard."
    Nancy Hart likes this.
  4. Nancy Hart

    Nancy Hart Supreme Member

    Jun 3, 2018
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    I've been trying hard not to let this tiny kitchen counter get cluttered again. It can happen if there is no one around to nag except the cat. Upon careful study, it seems clutter happens mostly because of ...

    (1) Failure to put stuff back where it belongs instantly [​IMG]
    (2) Haphazard way of handling dirty dishes (depends on my mood that day)

    I've been on a roll lately correcting (1). Need a routine to address (2). Something exactly the same every day. Robot-like. No thinking allowed. Otherwise, there will be backsliding. This rules out using the dishwasher when there is a decent-sized load.

    (This is sad to admit)
    Yesterday I watched YouTube videos on how to hand-wash dishes.

    So many people washing their dishes right in the sink. o_O I've always used 2 dishpans---one for washing and one for rinsing. I've never had a nice sink that would hold water well before until now. This sink is relatively new, 10 inches deep, each basin holds a lot more dishes than a dishpan. I tried it last night. No ugly dishpans to put away, and the sink is easier to clean when it's over. :cool:

    This will be my new routine starting today. Once a day, in the evening. Putting it in writing. :rolleyes:
    Yvonne Smith and John Brunner like this.
  5. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    May 29, 2020
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    I have an issue with horizontal surfaces...they're just so daggone handy.
    Nancy Hart likes this.
  6. Nancy Hart

    Nancy Hart Supreme Member

    Jun 3, 2018
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    GC came by at noon with a landscape man. They are going to pull out the old hedge and set posts tomorrow, have lumber delivered in the afternoon. He talks like this fence will be finished in no time.

    Then spread some gravel for a turnaround soon afterwards. I took off downtown to get a street parking permit and just got back.

    This is happening too fast. I didn't have enough time to overthink things. :eek::rolleyes::(
    Joe Riley and John Brunner like this.
  7. Nancy Hart

    Nancy Hart Supreme Member

    Jun 3, 2018
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    The guys showed up at 8 am with a bobcat to start on the fence. Just don't have a good feeling about this, because directions passed through too many different people, and can get changed. I'm not going to fuss about it. Whatever will be, will be. :confused:

    Edited to add: Here's the typical problem. These men are only here to remove the old hedge. I didn't know that. I'm talking to them about the fence. They don't know what I'm talking about. They will not remove my old temp dog fence. They only remove live plants and trees. Different people will come to do the fence. They will remove the old fence. Even different people might come to plant things. It's very confusing.

    ETA 10:53 am: They hauled off a huge truckload of shrubs. Another pile ready to go on the west side. This is the east side. Looks better already. The yard is a mess. I just went around collecting St. Augustine grass chunks in wheelbarrow to replant where the chinch bugs killed it off completely.

    Last edited: Sep 8, 2023
    Joe Riley likes this.
  8. Nancy Hart

    Nancy Hart Supreme Member

    Jun 3, 2018
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    A little gray tree frog was soaking in the water in the jar lid for the birds last night. City water is not the best thing for frogs, but I didn't force him in there. I don't have time to do special water just for tree frogs (maybe). The hedge and bush removal will no doubt ruin the habitats of many little critters :( including Blue Jays :) .


    The men who removed the hedge left and no one else ever showed up. The wheelbarrow load of St. Augustine grass is now planted in one bare spot on a slope near the house. The secret is to make horizontal trenches to catch the runoff water and lay the grass in the trench. It works well.

    Forgot all about the little azalea bush that has been transplanted several times. There is a special place in my heart for plants that refuse to die no matter how much you torture and neglect them. It's gone for good now.

    I think I'll try to bring the pink azalea out at the farm in town. It is not doing well out there lately. It's big and it will probably kill it moving it, but it will die anyway. My mom planted about 30 azaleas when they first move here, and all of them died from drought but this one. I already posted a picture of it in another thread HERE.
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2023
    Joe Riley and John Brunner like this.
  9. Joe Riley

    Joe Riley Supreme Member

    Mar 3, 2015
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    Azaleas Animatic 03
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  10. Nancy Hart

    Nancy Hart Supreme Member

    Jun 3, 2018
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    The tree frog was back last night. Is he trying to make me feel guilty? :rolleyes:

    Home football game against Ball State o_O yesterday. All day outdoor party next door. This is a typical view from the deck.


    I never spend time in the yard except mowing, but spend a lot of time sitting on the deck watching birds. That's why a normal hedge does little good for privacy. There needs to be taller evergreens in front of the fence instead, like the cedar tree on the far right.

    I don't like the way they scalped the cedars cutting lower limbs. There is conflicting information. They should know what they are doing. It said "Landscaping" on their shirts. ;)

    Joe Riley and John Brunner like this.
  11. Nancy Hart

    Nancy Hart Supreme Member

    Jun 3, 2018
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    (9/10/23) Sunday

    Took the first road to the dam, up to the log. Walked the rest of the way and sprayed. Spraying is done for the year.

    The well water out at the farm is corrosive and makes terrible coffee. Since I carried a couple gallons of water out there to make coffee, I suppose I can carry a couple gallons back for the tree frog. :rolleyes: He may prefer the chlorine if he tries to make coffee.

    The wedding is October 21st. There are two repairs to do before my cousin comes. One just popped up last week. Both need to be done, even if she changes her mind.

    Bathroom Sink
    The old P-trap assembly is not made anymore. Ordered a similar one online that works. The problem was a ragged edge on the elbow. It looks like someone (not me) glued it in and the glue got knocked loose? And what are the little nubs for? :confused: Anyway all I need is some glue (for where it's supposed to be glued).


    Kitchen Sink
    The faucet started leaking a lot below the spout. Thought it just needed new seals. I was wrong. The thing is so pitted and corroded you can't even get it apart. Needs a whole new faucet. That's not the problem. I know how to do that. But I've never done these ...

    (1) The turn knobs on the water cutoff valves have plastic handles and gears. One is chewed up so much you can't use the knob anymore, and pliers just chew it up more. They need replaced. They may not turn back on otherwise.

    (2) Just found out the water supply lines are polybutylene. Poly-B is no longer produced because it fails under pressure and chlorine, especially at connectors. There is no chlorine or high pressure at the farm. Some people have had no problems for 30 years. You can only tell if it's failing from looking inside. We'll see when I cut one off. They still make some poly-B shutoffs, but they are quick-connect push on things.
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2023
    John Brunner and Joe Riley like this.
  12. Joe Riley

    Joe Riley Supreme Member

    Mar 3, 2015
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    Nancy said: "The well water out at the farm is corrosive and makes terrible coffee. Since I carried a couple gallons of water out there to make coffee, I suppose I can carry a couple gallons back for the tree frog. :rolleyes: He may prefer the chlorine if he tries to make coffee."

    Nancy Hart and Yvonne Smith like this.
  13. Nancy Hart

    Nancy Hart Supreme Member

    Jun 3, 2018
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    Maybe I should just make a cup of coffee and put it out in a jar lid tonight.
    Joe Riley and Yvonne Smith like this.
  14. Nancy Hart

    Nancy Hart Supreme Member

    Jun 3, 2018
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    Update on kitchen countertop

    It has been a whole week and I've washed the dishes faithfully every evening. Once when there were so few it was downright silly, once at 2 am because I almost forgot. Once with a bacon grease burn on the hand, very painful in hot water.

    The countertop has remained uncluttered, but exactly what I thought would happen did. I go overboard. There cannot be a crumb or drip of water on the countertop or a grease spot anywhere on the stove. Finding an overlooked dirty plate later makes me crazy. ;)

    I tried this once before in the summer of 1981 in an apartment with just 4 rooms. I spent the whole summer just cleaning. :p Snapped out of it eventually. I can see the advantage of a small house, but I don't like small houses.

    In 1969 I lived with 3 other girls in an apartment. One of them brought with her 1 plate, 1 dish, 1 cup, 1 glass, a spoon, fork, and knife. She would wash each item immediately after using it and put it in the drainer.
    Joe Riley and Yvonne Smith like this.
  15. Joe Riley

    Joe Riley Supreme Member

    Mar 3, 2015
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    The Torture Rack
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