Sounds like others had long labor!! ... my first born daughter was over 9 lbs., and I was in hard labor over 49 hours.. and many stitches also. I did get over it though ... 2 1/2 yrs later had a 8 1/2 lb. son (only about 10 hrs. of labor, then again 2 1/2 yrs later another daughter .. 2-3 hrs. of labor, and she weighed in at exactly 9 lbs. It did get easier. While I was in hard labor for two days at the hospital the first time, my husband put in two days at work!! Sounds cruel when I type this, but they told him it would be looooooooooooooooooooong.
I like children and might have had a 3rd if epidurals were okay back then but they weren't. Labor and childbirth are so different now. I had a girl and a boy so it was perfect the way it was.
Like Ike, I was born on a Saturday ..... work hard for a living? ...Nah, not really. Well, it was 7 minutes away from Sunday.