The toddler's body is recovered and they showed his picture on this morning's news. There were no swimming signs but not one sign stating to beware of alligators in the Lagoons. Disney was showing family movies on that beach and yet there was no warning that alligators were in and around that area. This was tragic for sure...but it was a tragedy that should have never happened and Disney needs to be held responsible for not even warning people that alligators were in that area and water!
Apparently there were signs at the resort they were staying in, but none by the lake itself. Being from Nebraska, the people there probably weren't quite as savvy to alligators as they should have been. I agree though, they needed to have more signage up, maybe even something graphic to warn people away from the water. I am sure Disney will pay...and won't even fight it. They will want to keep this out of the news as much as possible.
Mom shares eerie photos of her son paddling on Disney beach where another boy, 2, was killed by an alligator ONE HOUR later Read more:
Maybe now the resort designers will realize the dangers that tourists can experience in their resorts like that sorry incident where a child was killed by alligators. Last March in Bangkok, we were feeding the crocodiles in the zoo so we had a closer look of their powerful jaw that shuts with impact. The zoo attendant said that the crocodile can severe a limb by its bite. I understand that alligators are larger than crocodiles. Poor parents. They went for a ride and lost their child. Tsk, tsk, it can happen to anyone so we should all be careful and enjoy the park and resorts by staying away from dangers.
Response from a liberal: I don't think anyone can blame this on Trump. Hard as they could try. No report that a gun was involved or any religious affiliation of the family.
@Kitty Carmel obviously some people don't realize there are things that go on in this world that have nothing whatsoever to do with Obama or Donald Trump. To drag such nonsense into a thread about a child attacked and killed by an alligator is ignorant and actually quite sick.
The only thing that has prevented Obama from inserting himself into this tragic event is that the child was a white child from Nebraska. Had the child been black, he would have been on camera in a moment decrying racism on the part of Disney, and he would have had every federal agency in the country trying to close Disney down. Certainly, he has inserted himself into countless events that were none of his business and in the more than seven years that he has been in office, I don't think he has ever so much as shown remorse for any tragedy that has come upon a white person, unless that person were gay or Muslim. So no, I don't see one brief comment referring to Obama's lack of involving himself in this situation to have been inappropriate, since it was in reference to the topic of this thread. The thread, however, is about the death of a young child who was taken by an alligator and drowned on property maintained by Disney or the Disney Hotel, which I think is operated by Disney. As someone has already suggested, I expect that Disney will settle this for a large sum of money as quickly and quietly as possible. Although the media keeps suggesting that the parents may have been at fault, the greater fault lies with the owner of the property. I think that it is unreasonable to expect someone from Nebraska to be especially aware of the danger of alligators since Nebraska waters are not populated by alligators. I am sure they are blaming themselves for whatever fault they may have had, but the greater fault will be borne by Disney, I'm sure.
Though I identify as liberal, I can't argue with your statement. I sometimes go to a board that is very liberal. I rarely post but if anyone ever gets attacked the way I was, I want to post in their defense, so I check the board from time to time. It's almost a wonder I haven't been banned with some of my opposing posts. Literally that board has a pages long thread dedicated to nothing but bashing the white male. I find most of their posts are more about themselves and how cool they are. At the core I've concluded they lack any real empathy.
Ken, I was listening to KGO a San Francisco radio station yesterday and one of the hosts, Brian Copeland stated that the child and mother involved with the Cincinnati Zoo case were black and he stated that was part of the outcry. I had no idea they were black and that was the first I had heard of it. I felt bad for this situation and an endangered animal killed. I was glad for the kid and family he was not seriously harmed. I never thought the mother deserved prosecution. I think kids can be that fast and agile. Like the color of these people matter. One family is devastated and one still has their child. That's what matters in these stories.
When a child is harmed, except in exceptionally agregious cases, such as when the parents obviously just don't care, I consider it to be wrong to prosecute the parents. Most parents love their children, and we should assume they do unless there is some reason to think otherwise. So we have a loving parents who have already lost their child, in this case, or may have come close to doing so, as in the other. Is it really necessary to prosecute them? As you say, @Kitty Carmel, kids can be fast, agile and unpredictable. Parents are also human, and so they can slip up too, or fall down on the job for a moment. Who doesn't err once in awhile? It's another thing if the parent is endangering their child knowingly, by driving drunk, speeding, or otherwise breaking a law. Then, by all means, prosecute them for breaking the law but don't prosecute them simply because they erred in their job as a parent.
This is precisely had me so upset about this whole incident. I LOVE Florida. I go there as often as possible. I KNOW there are gators. Now, all that said, if I'm at a Disney resort by a man-made lake enjoying a family movie night *by the water* that Disney offered, I am going to see the "no swimming" signs and think "aw, how nice, they want to make sure no one drowns." I would NEVER read a no swimming sign at a family resort and think "they don't want gators attacking anyone." Never. I saw that ridiculous comments on the news stories about the parents... trolls I guess, because how could anyone truly be so callous? Caution signs and fences, people! I've seen both in Florida and it's very effective. The worst was those who said "everyone should know that if you're by the water in Florida there will be gators!" Yep, when I'm at Fort Caroline or the boardwalk at Matanzas or various lagoons I visit, I always have it in mind because there are signs posted, and even if not, I know this when I'm in the "wilds." But the Grand Floridian Resort for families? No way!