Yes, being dependent on other countries is not what I want, anymore than I want to be dependent on people at all. I've seen what happens to people that become too dependent on others, and the same goes for a country that can't stand on it's own two feet. I'm all for fair trade, things like that but there are just too many humans that are out to rule and control the world. It's like I read it again yesterday, "if we don't learn from our mistakes, we are bound to make them again".
The more I learn about Ukraine's recent past, the more I think this invasion was inevitable. The Russians who have been attacked by nationalists or neo-nazis refer to their tormentors as 'Ukranians', as if the Russians don't consider themselves to be such. I think the country should be divided and the populace sorted out according to ethnicity and language. That being said, it's suspicious that Putin chooses this time when the Covid scare is beginning to be shown as nonsense. He cpuld have done the same anytime in the past 8 years. It's as if he were working with Biden and the globalists to give us another distraction and reason for abandoning the Constitution.
I totally misread Putin on this and I thought he would take the eastern provinces and stop to avoid this very uproar. Detecting weakness in U.S. leadership, I guess he opted to go for it all. He didn't count on the Europeans stepping into the void left by the U.S. Most of this reaction has been led by the EU and the European NATO countries. The one nation the U.S. tried to pressure into going along was India, and India said "No" to the U.S. demand to denounce Russia, as did Pakistan, Brazil, and Mexico. I don't think our foreign relations have been this weak since before the Civil War and perhaps for a brief period prior to WWI. Trouble is everywhere for the U.S. with this administration in charge of things. I agree--this wouldn't be happening if Trump were in office and I think the world realizes this.
In the heat of an argument, it's easy for words to just come out, and this can be even a bigger problem online than in person because we don't have immediate reactions from the people we're talking to as a guide. I don't mean to, but I have been guilty of that as well. It's a lot harder to differentiate the argument from the arguer when all you've got are words to go by.
I'm not entirely certain that Putin isn't simply playing a part in a charade, given that COVID was weakening as a scare point worldwide.
I am realizing how little I know about Putin, and Russian government. I feel shocked at what he is doing to the Ukraine, how brutal he is. I've seen biden play nice with him, and I saw Trump play nice with him, I almost liked the guy and wondered why some are so against Russia, but that's pure, lack of knowledge on my part. All I can think of is the people in America that are not waking up to the reality of what we could be headed for with who we vote into office to lead this country. Maybe it's inevitable too that the US falls, if we can't stand together again on our Constitution, DOI, and Laws. I don't think the whole "Giant" is awake at all
I'm totally leary about Pelosi, biden, and all the rest of the Left in office. What kind of games are they playing now, with an election coming up.
Biden wants to get our guns before the House goes Republican. If they can create a national emergency over whatever they might postpone the next elections.
I'm always willing to admit America's faults, some I don't even know about, not studied enough. But I try to look at Mexico or Canada for example and imagine the US doing to them what Putin is doing to Ukraine and I can't believe the US has ever done such a thing. I suppose you that have been in military, or just more knowledgable about our own history could tell of some fair comparisons.
Yes, this is the kind of thing they might do or try that I'm talking about. I just haven't seen the Left do anything that they "think" will take away their power, lining their pockets with our taxes. I doubt they can take away our 2nd Amendment but that sure doesn't mean they won't keep trying. Their jumping into all this "agreement" with the right-wing reminds me of the skittering you see when the cockroaches move real fast when the light comes on. Happy memories of childhood creeping up PS I was glad to hear the speakers on the video for the new Bill to help Ukraine, not shine too positive a light on the left. I think we best learn from our recent history.
You have to realize that much of what you know has been provided by the Western media, and we all know how truthful they are. It is very difficult to obtain impartial information on the leadership on either side, and this is especially true during an active war. Both sides censor positive info from the other side and try to paint the other side as evil to get support of the populace.