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Vaccine News

Discussion in 'Viruses' started by Trevalius Guyus, Dec 9, 2020.

  1. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    The Australian Government is setting up a compensation program for those injured by the vaccine.

    From Australian Government Department of Health website:
    COVID-19 vaccine claims scheme
    The Australian Government is developing a claims scheme to reimburse people who suffer a moderate to significant impact following an adverse reaction to an approved COVID-19 vaccine.

    Link to the aforementioned AU government web page.

    As an aside, the reason illegals in America are not required to get the jab is because--as non-citizens--they have the right to sue Pfizer, while the legal American citizen does not. The citizens get fired for not getting vaxxed, our tax dollars are spent shipping their invading illegal unvaxxed butts into our neighborhoods nationwide, Pfizer sells hundreds of millions of doses (or perhaps over a trillion) of a product we pay for and we are forced to buy and incurs zero liability...there is no reserve for lawsuits for mRNA shots.

    So you won't see such a compensation program established here, unless it's a scheme to transfer money to "the disenfranchised," and likely approaching election day.
    Don Alaska likes this.
  2. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Given that, despite threats, the government is not yet requiring vaccinations of US workers, I would think that companies that require employees to be vaccinated could be found liable for damages from injuries sustained through them. If a company were to require an employee to wear a particular piece of equipment and the employee was harmed as a result, there would be liability.
  3. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    It's an OSHA reg. You lose OSHA certification if your staff is not jabbed. OSHA enforcement starts sometime in February...employers are gearing up to comply. I don't know where liability may fall.

    There are lawsuits wending their way through district courts to stop the OSHA mandate...the Fed perpetually overreaches. SCOTUS is gonna hear oral arguments this Friday requesting that a stay be put on the mandate until the lawsuits can be litigated. The actual mandate suit will likely end up at SCOTUS, but the core issue will not be on their plate until it's run through the lower court process.

    As an aside, I read this comment from one enterprising young man regarding how he plans to answer his employer's "Are you vaxxed?" question:

    CDC Definition of Terms:

    Vaccine: A preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases. Vaccines are usually administered through needle injections, but some can be administered by mouth or sprayed into the nose.

    Vitamin C, D, and Zinc = vaccinated! Answer yes with confidence. I sometimes eat a big hoagie to stimulate my body's immune response, too.
    Don Alaska likes this.
  4. Bruce Andrew

    Bruce Andrew Very Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2021
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    John, if I have this correctly, because of all the fired HCWs in NYS the hospitals are short-staffed -- but they are letting nurses back who have MILD SYMPTOMS OF COVID.
    Don Alaska likes this.
  5. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    Not sure if we're commingling dysfunctional government issues here. The story I wrote about is Rhode Island, not NYS. And "Yes," the nurses in R.I. can have mild symptoms and still work...if they are vaxxed or have qualified for an exemption. Unvaxxed healthy nurses are still fired.

    In searching for your NYS reference, I came across an article stating the same thing is happening in Akron. Apparently Akron's rules are under the CDC's new "guidelines" that only require a 5 day MINIMUM quarantine rather than some longer period. This whole thing is a pile of crap. They shortened quarantine was so that people were not kept at home longer than required if they got over it sooner, NOT meant to put symptomatic people back on the streets after a fixed 5 days. Perhaps this is bleeding into healthcare systems nationwide.

    The only consistency in all of this is that the unvaxxed are second class citizens, and those who Got The Shot shall be rewarded with an unimpeded life. (Unvaxxed traveling [temporary] nurses are not subject to these rules.)
    Don Alaska likes this.
  6. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Not yet, though. And several US companies are already requiring it.
    Don Alaska and John Brunner like this.
  7. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
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    Mar 6, 2018
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    A discussion of a case of immune-moderated hepatitis secondary to the vaccine. This is a report from the UK where 7 cases of this have been reported, but if this occurred in the U.S., I would assume that there are many unreported cases out there. This presenter is generally very pro-vaccine, but is being impartial in presenting this. He is difficult to understand but most can understand him through his accent. Perhaps this is a sign of many more autoimmune situations yet to come. Who knows. This video is about 24 minutes long if you are interested.
  8. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    I wasn't sure where to put this one, since it's technically not news about the vaccine, per se...


    A man in Paris has died as a direct cause of the vaccine. The medical establishment confirms it. His life insurance company agrees; however, they are refusing to pay out the proceeds to his beneficiaries. Their reasoning? The use of experimental medication or treatments, including Corona injections, is expressly excluded from the insurance contract.

    The guy was rich, he took the policy out in the Age of COVID (hence the exclusionary language), the benefit was in the millions, and this beneficiaries' lawsuit was unsuccessful. The insurance company successfully argued that "There is no law or mandate in France that compelled him to be vaccinated. Hence his death is essentially suicide.

    In the meantime, earlier this month, this is what France's President Marcon had to say:

    “I am not about pissing off the French people… But as for the non-vaccinated, I really want to piss them off. And we will continue to do this, to the end. This is the strategy. He continued: “In a democracy, the worst enemies are lies and stupidity… We are putting pressure on the unvaccinated by limiting, as much as possible, their access to activities in social life.” “We have to tell them: from 15 January, you will no longer be able to go to the restaurant. You will no longer be able to go for a coffee, you will no longer be able to go to the theatre. You will no longer be able to go to the cinema.” Macron concluded: “When my freedoms threaten those of others, I become someone irresponsible. Someone irresponsible is not a citizen.”

    So there's no "law" or "mandate," and the big guys always get to shield liability.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2022
  9. Bruce Andrew

    Bruce Andrew Very Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2021
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  10. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
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    Mar 6, 2018
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    If they only trusted the REAL science instead of the opinion of the elite bureaucrats.
    John Brunner and Bruce Andrew like this.
  11. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    The two hospital conglomerates here are still serving the Kool Aid.

    -One of them put out a message regarding the high percentage of COVID patients that are "unvaccinated." There was a 20 point range given, and no context whatsoever. If you are a hospital administrator and you've typed a message stating "60% -80% of our COVID patients are..." you might not want to hit the Send button until you can send information that speaks better of your data management skills. But The Faithful lap it up.

    -The other one has TV commercials: "The best way to prevent COVID is Vax, Mask and something-I-forgot."

    The United Methodist Church is on the bandwagon as well. I was watching the national high school all stars football game a week or so ago (East vs West), and there was a commercial to "Vax Your Children," sponsored by the UMC.
    Don Alaska and Bruce Andrew like this.
  12. Bruce Andrew

    Bruce Andrew Very Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2021
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    "If masks work, why don't they work?" -- Dan Bongino

    "If masks work, why do we have so many photos of prominent politicians, in social settings, without masks?" -- Me

    It seems most of the churches are "woke," and have been for a long time. My rad-lib sister is a decades-long member of a Baptist church and loves it. If they weren't woke, she would not be a member.

    Libs have not gotten the memo yet (and probably never will) that the emperor has no clothes. I heard some of their stupidity at lunch today.
  13. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    Yeh, my major concern is my local medical institutions are still dispensing Kool Aid. The Fed sends out all these test kits, which causes a record level of testing, which causes a record number of positive results...and somehow that's "news" and "proof." And that's supposedly overwhelming the hospitals. But as we discussed, if I went to my doctor with symptoms and tested positive, I would get sent home to see "what happens." So how are all these asymptomatic positive test people gaining admittance?

    Regarding "Woke": It's easier to "feel knowledgeable" than it is to "be knowledgeable." And feeling knowledgeable is a lot easier of a position to defend...there are no facts to assail or any of that icky position-supporting to waste your energy on. I was unaware that the Baptists were "woke," but so many Baptist churches have cleaved off of others due to personal conflict that I guess they have more diversity of identity than any other denomination. The UMC website is full of "woke" garbage. That commercial was chock-full of masked adolescent kids and the dystopian "Just get injected and you may have your normal life back." I almost screamed when I saw the UMC logo at the end. And this was on a broadcast directed to high school kids. Such a betrayal...
  14. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
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    Mar 6, 2018
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    Apparently, based on discussions online, some members of Congress demanded and finally received the correspondence and documents from HHS concerning the origin of Covid. From these documents, they knew from the beginning that the source was a "low security lab" in China, but they didn't want it known, as they felt it would "damage science" in China, whatever that means. None of the MSM is covering this except a few commentators on Fox.

    I never considered most Baptist churches part of a denomination, as they don't seem to have a common theology, such as the Methodists, Lutherans, Anglicans, etc. do, but @Bobby Cole may have a different opinion on this.
    John Brunner and Bruce Andrew like this.
  15. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I’m not sure where this is going but the splinters are Denominations unto themselves. The basics are still almost the same among most of them regarding full emersion Baptism, Dispensationalism as opposed to the more legalistic covenential studies, salvation by grace and eternal salvation as opposed to loss of salvation.

    And yeah, the woke mob has infiltrated nearly all denominations with the Pentecostals pretty much holding steady.
    The thing that bothers me about the jab versus any denomination are the folks who are claiming a religious exemption for not getting it.
    Other than the JW’s and a couple of others, that stance can only be assumed if it’s a personal thing versus taking refuge within one’s denomination.
    The Baptists, Lutherans, Episcopalians, Catholics, Methodists + are generally all in on inoculations so it must be a personal choice and personal values within the blanket of one’s stated denomination that gives them a pass.

    In order to stay truthful I simply state that I do not want to be jabbed with something that is still so young in it’s infancy that no one can properly give me a realistic view of the side effects. I leave religion out of it because it’s just me making the most logical choice for myself.

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