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Vaccine News

Discussion in 'Viruses' started by Trevalius Guyus, Dec 9, 2020.

  1. Tony Nathanson

    Tony Nathanson Very Well-Known Member

    Apr 12, 2023
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    They're still trying to squeeze more money out of Covid. Yesterday, I saw that same silly TV ad - "I'm not waiting. If it's Covid, Paxlovid."

    If it rhymes, it must be good.......
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2024
  2. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
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    Mar 6, 2018
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    As I have said before, one of the truly bad things about Covid and the vaxx program is that it created a hatred or distrust of ALL vaccines, some of which can truly save your life. Fortunately, we have gotten rid of many of the deadly diseases over the years, but they are now being re-introduced into the country via the Biden disease over the border plan. We do get more vaccines than we should IMO, but there are many--pneumonia and HIB for two--that have been very beneficial. I have watched many children die from "childhood" meningitis, but thankfully that disease has almost been completely wiped out by the HIB vaccine. When I hear a childhood vaccine advocate speak about their child getting "all their vaccines", I ask "Did they get their cholera, plague, and yellow fever vaccine?" The response is generally no, and I ask why not. Then I am told, "because they won't be exposed to those diseases." I then respond "Exactly my point." I had a friend who worked in the exotic microbiology lab at the state health department here, and she truly had taken every vaccine available. She said anthrax was the worst and if that program had not been discontinued, she would have had to quit her job. That vaccine was also pushed on the military and discontinued there because of side effects and reactions. This lady had had rabies vaccine, botulism vaccine, and I don't recall most of the others. I myself have had a lot of them because of military service and mission work in South America, but, of course, I am no longer current with those oddballs.
    Marie Mallery and Bobby Cole like this.
  3. Vada Bloom

    Vada Bloom Very Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2023
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    Doesn't look like the surge in old diseases and more vaccines is going away anytime soon. Many think it's the constant migration from the southern border that are bringing these diseases back to North America. The outbreaks seem to be mostly in sanctuary cities.

    With whooping cough cases on the rise, do you need a booster vaccine?


    Experts detail the first warning signs of whooping cough in newborn babies as cases surge

    The path to a better tuberculosis vaccine runs through Montana

    I don't even get annual vaccines for my cats anymore since they are indoor cats and there are numerous articles about the bad effects of continually re-vaccinating them. However, if you move into an apartment or any kind of senior living and bring a pet it must be recently vaccinated.
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2024
    Marie Mallery and Don Alaska like this.
  4. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    I've seen that. What do they mean, "I'm not waiting"? At this point, it's a friggin' cold.
  5. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
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    Mar 6, 2018
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    Ah, but many who were vaxxed get much more severe Covid than those who were not. Not sure why, but perhaps it is due to the "turning off the switch" in the immune system that they put into the Covid shot to prevent your immune system from attacking the spike proteins in the vaccine. Mostly though, it is just another chance for the drug companies to cash in on the disease. If you test positive, don't wait to see if you get sick, take a drug we sell so you don't know if you will get sick or not.
  6. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    The pharmaceutical industry seems to be pushing for medications that have to be taken forever. For example, newly approved weight-loss drugs, promoted by physicians as preferable to diet and exercise, are ones that have to be taken for the rest of your life rather than something you can quit taking once you've reached your desired weight. Of course, doctors do what the pharmaceutical industry tells them to do. Although they are paid better than the rest of the rabble, doctors are not among the elite. This is simply a continuation of a larger plan to make everyone but the elite subservient to the government to meet their physical needs and to tell them what to do and where to do it, the pharmaceutical industry to meet their medical needs, the educational system and the experts to tell them what to think, and the mainstream media and big tech to tell them what to believe. They're all working together against the majority, yet roughly half the majority is acting like the Tories did during the American Revolution. Once accomplished, the elite will use those of us whom they find useful and eliminate the rest, including their unquestioning supporters.
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2024
  7. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
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    Mar 6, 2018
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    Attorneys have made sure that doctors are not, for the most part, members of the Elite. Since lawyers control most of Congress and the bureaucracy, they can make rules that favor the legal profession. That is why Tort reform doesn't go anywhere in the legislature; it favors doctors but not lawyers. Lawyers now tell doctors how they can practice medicine--you saw that during Covid when physicians were not allowed to treat their patients as they felt was correct. They attorneys also are ready to pounce on any doctor who doesn't "toe the line" or, heaven forbid, make a mistake. There are tons of lawyer commercials advertising for anyone willing to attack someone else. Sometimes that benefits the plaintiff, but it ALWAYS benefits the lawyers that choose the cases they can profit from.

    It is much more difficult to become a doctor than a lawyer. Almost anyone can become an attorney, and I have known quite a few really dumb ones, but doctors at least have to know something about science. Doctors are almost always "smart" but that doesn't make them good healers.

    You are correct @Ken Anderson in that the drug companies are trying to develop as many drugs as they can that will hook people for life. Very little research is being done on antibacterials and antivirals despite the resistances that are forming, but millions upon millions are being spent on anti-cholesterol, weight loss, and all those other drugs for "moderate to severe" whatever the disease is. Statins set the stage. When they discovered they could change the "normals" and make almost everyone need statins, they put the same play into place for diabetes, blood pressure, and many other things, both real and imaginary.

    I guess that should have been under "Who wants to rant" huh.
    Marie Mallery and Ken Anderson like this.
  8. John Nopales

    John Nopales Very Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2021
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    The only way doctors can finish and get out of medical school is by blindly doing what they're told, and by not asking intelligent questions.
    In contrast, smart people are able to think for themselves, regardless of circumstance. Therefore I completely disagree that doctors are smart.
    If they were really smart, then they wouldn't have gone to medical school. Also look at all their BS toxic treatments, that are the #1 cause of death.

    In addition, doctors are held in check by those who run the AMA, i.e. they must obey or else they will lose their license to keep practicing.
    Yet as much as they keep practicing, they just keep on getting worse and worse. Meanwhile they are killing more people with their treatments.
    Thank goodness there are some honest attorneys who go after the toxic pharma chemical cartels, and try to hold them responsible for their sins.

    Consider, humans can live for 30 to 40 days without food, and only a few days with no food and water. In contrast,
    I've never had a vaccination since being forced to as a child, when I was sick all the time and almost died because of them.
    This should clearly show that in addition to fresh air, pure water is the most important substance in our lives, followed closely by food.

    Vaccinations and other similar toxic concoctions promoted and pushed by the pharma chemical cartels are not on that list of requirements.
    If vaccinations really helped anyone, then no one would be sick, but it's seriously absurd to think that injecting toxic chemicals would save lives.

    Last edited: Apr 23, 2024
    Marie Mallery likes this.
  9. Marie Mallery

    Marie Mallery Veteran Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    What about we the patients? We are also responsible for our care. I don't take their drugs unless I really investigate the side effects. We do things to our health that calls for some of these drugs, like me smoking, others no exercise, obesity, we expect doctors to make up for our bad habits.
    I do agree with most of what all of you said, but the times I was critical, it was doctors and even some drugs that saved my life.
    My BP was up in Sept.2019, ER doctor told me I needed to bring it down slow or it could kill me. What did I do, went back to UF and med students told me to take soon As I filled script ,I did and had a stroke when I got home,20 minutes after meds. I should have listened to the first doctor., also not let it get si dangerously high.
    I knew better in January of 2020 than to allow them to insert stents in my heart, when I'd just ben told by two doctors there was no problem, I did research it the night before and told them 'DO NOT PUT STENTS IN, they lied and told me in front of Steve they were just going in to look around, this was bad heart center in Gainesville.
    Then they gave me Plavix, that I thought was killing me, after two days of the poison 'to me' I refused to take it, when I went to the criminal his nurse said, can't help you if you don't take the medicine.
    I haven't seen any heart docs since my stents, only take 81mg of aspirin a day.
    1/2 5mg Amolopine BP med if BP gets high. Thats it.
    I eat lots of berrys, exercise according to carbs I eat, walk every day for lung, heart, ldo 10 reps arms, exercise legs, dance and keep moving. 25lb weights to keep glucose low.
    I may just be pushing my luck all these years but so far I'm lucky.
    I'm not saying don't take meds, just do your part if you can and ask questions and do your research.
    Doctors saved my life a few times,so did medicine. But times have changed too and big pharma is not out to treat us as much as themselves to billions.
    Don Alaska likes this.
  10. Marie Mallery

    Marie Mallery Veteran Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    Always do research before getting off meds. some have to withdraw slowly. Plus sometimes we really do need meds.

    I went to er when I could hardly breath a couple years ago and steroids cleared me right up in just a day. Some kind respiratory thing was going around.
    Don Alaska likes this.
  11. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
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    Mar 6, 2018
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    Doctors ARE smart @John Nopales. They have to be to get through pre med and med school. That doesn't make them good people though, or even good physicians. There is still an aura of the omnipotent doctor that entire societies look up to. That has been eroded recently by Covid and other things, but it still exists. The doctors DO have to follow the protocols established by Big Pharma though, or those "good lawyers" you mentioned will destroy their careers and put them out of business if they can.

    You may notice that there aren't many Family Practice docs around any more. They were a big thing in the 1970's and into the 80s in the U.S., but those doctors cannot get reimbursed for patient care any more by the government or the insurance companies (following the government's lead), so they either just refer patients to specialists or just retire or go into some kind of government service, like the Department of Corrections, the Public Health service, or the Indian Health Service (a branch of the PHS). That was one reason among many that I suggested that the government start Medicare/Medicaid Clinics. That would give government-insured patients a place to go and would provide a place for well-meaning doctors to practice. They would still have to follow the Big Pharma protocols though, I am sure.
  12. Tony Nathanson

    Tony Nathanson Very Well-Known Member

    Apr 12, 2023
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    IMO, it depends on how you define "Smart." It means different things to different people.
  13. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
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    Mar 6, 2018
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    To me it means simple intelligence, i.e., IQ. Nothing more.
  14. Joy Martin

    Joy Martin Veteran Member

    May 4, 2019
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    Wake UP, and take the great immune supports and other good stuff for PREVENTION of all t he evils, we can DO THAT...vaccines as I now believe more and more are for the LAZY.

    Vit C, Vit D, Zinc, Grape seed extract et al... Cheap but one as to get going and off the BUTT of pharma..
  15. Tony Nathanson

    Tony Nathanson Very Well-Known Member

    Apr 12, 2023
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    John Nopales and Don Alaska like this.

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