Visions About August 2021...

Discussion in 'Dreams & Interpretations' started by Brian Naginoth, Aug 2, 2021.

  1. Brian Naginoth

    Brian Naginoth Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2021
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    August 1, 2021, 2:15 am

    Awakened by vivid dream about falling hail that burns. First part, major ocean floor quake on the East Coast. Mild tsunami. Quake disturbs and releases massive pockets of methane. On the surface at night, many waterspouts, violent thunderstorms and lightning. Thousands of giant bubbles of methane rise and are sucked up by the waterspouts. Waterspouts move inland on East Coast and drop hail/methane balls that ignite in thunderstorms to fall as in a biblical plague. Forests are ignited. Cities are burned as all fire departments are themselves on fire. Just as in the time of Moses in Egypt.
  2. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Mar 6, 2018
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    Interesting. Methane hydrate has been a concern for some time, but I don't know about methane hail. I don't think that is possible.
  3. Jack Roberts

    Jack Roberts Very Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2021
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    Could it be that someone is snacking too close to bedtime?
  4. Hugh Manely

    Hugh Manely Very Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2020
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    Or, it could be a fulfilled prophesy. Consider yourself blessed, for the bible says ‘" 'In the last days,’ God says, ‘I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams." (Acts 2:17)

    Now, this is not to say that you are old, but then again, you, like me, are probably not a spring chicken. I have prayed myself that I might dream a meaningful dream concerning what is going to take place in the future, but my prayer has not been answered, so far. But you are one, apparently, that God has seen fit to bestow a "good" dream upon. But I hope I'm not here to experience such a tumult of events as this. Of course, make sure you were not drunk, for Peter said to the people that these men who spoke in strange tongues was not caused by drunkenness. (I'm teasing about the last sentence)
  5. Marie Mallery

    Marie Mallery Veteran Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    I don't have msny bad dreams these days but have had some visions one that saved our cat and one when son was calling for me 300 miles away when visitinghis father.
    Rose Flowers likes this.
  6. Brian Naginoth

    Brian Naginoth Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2021
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    Nope. Bedtime snacks are cheese crumbs and saltines. No follow up yet on that dream. Have found no good explanations for burning hail on the search engines yet. But maybe it's not literally methane trapped in ice.
  7. Brian Naginoth

    Brian Naginoth Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2021
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    Can't tolerate alcohol, so the last time I imbibed too much was a half century ago. I do have a glass of Merlot for birthdays. "A glass of wine for thy stomach's sake" comes to mind. Yes, I have vivid dreams of things to come relating to scripture and strangely technology. Many of them are not pleasant and downright terrifying. Don't keep a log of accuracy of predictions if they are that. Could just be the horror and mind control broadcast daily by the MSM manifesting in subconscious.
  8. Jack Roberts

    Jack Roberts Very Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2021
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    I’m still Googling, cracker crumbs in bed. I think there may be a connection but I’m near certain that it’s no prophecy.
    How long do these “could be” fulfilled prophecies take to be verified? I’ve been dreaming a lot at night about huge crocks of buttermilk spilling over peoples heads. Maybe that’s a prophecy too, just waiting to be fulfilled! Glory be!

    And haven’t young men always seen visions? Haven’t old men always dreamed dreams? I don’t see much significance for what you say but thanks anyway for sharing what you thought, even if it can’t be proven.
  9. Brian Naginoth

    Brian Naginoth Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2021
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    I asked the Lord for some focus on the events of the August 2021 times in North America. A day later, I was directed to: Nahum chapter 1. And there was the answer. We are still very much a rebellious and stiff-necked people, refusing to see our “disasters” of fire, water, and sword, as anything but increasingly powerful displays of God’s will. An ongoing chastisement that will increase in severity and frequency until the people “wake up” and accept His honor and glory and His Son, Jesus. Here is the message in short:

    1 The Burden of Nineveh. The book of the vision of Nahum, the Elkoshite.

    2 God IS jealous and the Lord revengeth; the Lord revengeth and is furious; the Lord will take vengeance on his adversaries, and he reserveth wrath for his enemies.

    I read it as: The house cleaning is under way. But unlike take-out, God will take as much time as needed to get the job done right. Something like the trials and discomforts of living in a house while it is under renovation.
  10. Brian Naginoth

    Brian Naginoth Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2021
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    August 16, 2021 dream/vision

    I had been up at 2:30 for morning vespers. I had a large glass of cold water and went
    back to bed at around 4:00 am. Just before sunrise I dreamed of a courtroom vast in size. About the size of a sports stadium. I was in the dream, dressed in armor. As I moved my arms and legs, I noticed I moved unencumbered. As if the armor was made of magnesium, it was so light.

    Before me was a twenty foot tall person of ominous presence. He was dressed in armor the color of brass. The face looking out through his helmet was swarthy as was his hands like burned with the desert sun. He had very bushy eyebrows, and piercing black eyes and a full beard of black that hung down over the top of his armor.

    He, like I, had no weapons. It was a court, and weapons were not permitted. Both he and I were distracted by a bird, a mourning dove, flying erratically around the court. First alighting here then there. A definite planned distraction I felt. The hundreds, if not thousands of people in the stands moved their heads left, then right, then back, following the bird.

    There was no judge, just a pillar of light on a fat gold candlestick, perhaps five feet wide, from which a voice of power and authority emanated.

    The dove flew over to me and landed on the shoulder of my armor. “Are you ready
    for the proceedings to begin?” said the light pillar voice. “Yes, your Majesty.” I replied.

    Then the dove flew up and alighted on the shoulder of the brass knight. “Are you ready for the proceedings to begin?” said the light pillar voice. “Yes, your Majesty.” a voice like a drum at the attack beat replied.

    “All facts for and against have been gathered by my dove of infinite truth who hast plumbed the depths of your minds and actions. Mene mene, tekel upharsin. Both have been weighed in the scales and found wanting. But the magnitude of evils of one party against children and the unborn, and against my very creation of Man and all my living creatures requires my immediate intervention. “

    A large hand, like that of a laborer gnarled from an eternity of work, emerged from a linen sleeve of pure white. In his hand was a glowing ball of light so intense it made eyes hurt to even look to the left or right of it.

    The dove flew towards it, picked it up and started flying in ever widening circles. The dove turned into a brilliant ball of blue-white light, like a plasma arc, and just as painful to behold.

    The court was filled with blinding light. Then it became totally quiet.

    When the light dimmed, the court was no more. The talking pillar of light was gone. The witnesses in the stands, about half of them, were piles of corpses in a flowered meadow.

    So were most of the spectators and members of the press in the court. And the brass knight flat on his back in the meadow. Dead. With a look of horror on his face.

    My suit of armor had vanished and I stood there in jeans and summer T shirt. I said a Jesus Prayer a dozen times while holding my wooden cross. Then I felt a tap on my right shoulder. It was a mourning dove, raising his wings and winking at me. At my feet were a half dozen feathers.

    After waking and writing down the vision/dream I went out to my front porch to fill the platform bird feeder for doves and pigeons. And hand out four large handfuls of peanuts for the chipmunks and black squirrels. And there at my feet were six feathers,
    Bobby Cole likes this.
  11. Brian Naginoth

    Brian Naginoth Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2021
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    "huge crocks of buttermilk spilling over peoples heads" might signify mass anointings by Holy Spirit. Come to think of it, buttermilk was in a pioneer recipe book I had, where you used it as a rinse after shampoo with hard soap. Never tried it.

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