Got call from hospital. They're going to have physical/occupation therapist evaluate to see whether she can come home or will go for rehab.
Have they said what the problem is, Al? (Not that it's my business if you don't want to share.) I'm hoping she is doing OK. Hang in there.
While it is bad enough, it sounds something like bumps, bruises or sprains but nothing broken. Wishing for speedy recovery.
Just spoke with Dr...Looks like she'll be there a couple of day(minor issues) then probably rehab before coming home.
Thinking of you both today, Al. I'm sure you are anxious about her, but she's in good hands. Take care and let us know how it goes.
Just spoke with case manager....The plan is for her to go to rehab probably next Monday or Tuesday. The crappiest thing about this is not being able to visit her. I talked to her yesterday morning. tried 3-4 time to get to her after supper without luck. I tried 3-4 tie this morning and finally let the dogs to and had them chase down 5he problem so I could talk to her. I wish I lived in a red state.
At least it sounds like it was not a heart attack or stroke or something really serious if they will have her out of the hospital and into rehab in a few days. Sounds like she might not be home for Christmas though. Does she have her phone so that you can at least call and tak with her, and maybe do a FaceTime visit ?
She's got macular degeneration....fdoes not have a phone...She has one, supplied by hospital, at her bedside.....I tried calling this morning quite a few times. I finally had to have floor nurse check on why i wasn't getting thru...I miraculously got thru,(never knowing why Couldn't to begin with) and Judy was way upset because I hadn't seen able to call...... As an aside I got onto the steps wb site and left a message for the governor. (worst governor in history...not governor but dictator).
Al, I can't imagine that there isn't some special consideration for some hospital patients. At MD Anderson, patients who were wheelchair-dependent had a caretaker allowed in with them even during the height of the pandemic. I'm sure you are frustrated by the situation.
Yes, I understand that. But I still think there should be special consideration for certain patients, especially with a shortage of healthcare workers.
Our dictator lays down the rules and hospitals follow.....We've had medical personnel lose their jobs because of her JAB mandate