Yeah, even the clickbait title of that "breaking news" video doesn't make sense. These video creators are losing their touch. Should have made it an hour long, so no one would list to it.
LINK pathogen noun path·o·gen | \ ˈpa-thə-jən \ Definition of pathogen : a specific causative agent (such as a bacterium or virus) of disease
There is no law for you to pay income tax. INCOME TAX! KNOW YOUR RIGHTS!
BREAKING: FDA Issues Complete Recall For COVID-19 Rapid Tests!
I said this was a big fraud and now after all this time it is finally over. It has been exposed and Alberta Canada has started to except the fact that the virus has never been isolated and you can not force people to do things when you have no virus. Her Majesty the Queen Vs Patrick King Victory
I'm pretty sure that it's not over because Stew Peters TV says it's over. I'm not waiting around for a CNN citation, but I've never even heard of Stew Peters TV.
Stew Peters is only the third most watched video so you will never hear about him. Main street news will never cover it because it destroys all their lies. Here is more info through alternative media . They took down the video so that will tell you something censorship Here it is through Rumble Canada - important sentence dispute COVID-19 existence