18 degrees now with the sun shining and no wind. As soon as I finish my last coffee and polish off the last of the M&M chocolate chip cookies, I will saddle and harness myself up in all my stretchy ski thermals and brave the cold. I always see kids waiting at the bus stop in short sleeves and sometimes shorts, on my winter walks, and it amazes me that they don't even act cold.
I can not drink anything before my walk. I would always have to pee 15 minutes into my walk. Cookies on the other hand, or in both hands, I could do before a walk! When I used to walked in the cold, I always looked like the "Michelin Man" or looked like a toddler in a snow suit.
2.68 miles today, on my first walk, and that included a little bit of jogging, albeit only on the downhill stretches. I began with a jacket, wool cap, and gloves, and was carrying most of that stuff by the time I finished. That's one of the advantages of walking in the woods.