We have a lot of brush to clean up and burn but we have to be very careful. I usually pile it up in the middle of a pasture and wait for a first light snow in fall to burn or wait till just before spring if we get any dry weather. Then I reseed the area. We have prickly ash here which is very thorny and difficult to deal with along the fence line along with other trash brush. My neighboring property is owned by a subdivision and they don't care if their vegetation trashes my fences. Just keeping my fences safe takes a lot of work. Maybe 2 ft from them is legal.
Mary, I have the same problem with about 3 neighbors who seem to want a 4 lane on dirt road, it tears up frontage when they drive on it. All other neighbors are kind enough to slow down on washouts and not drive on our frontage. We do the same thing with all the brush, trees and vines we clean up. Put them in our 2 acre little paddock we had for horse and donk. We put a camera in the trees and saw who was driving on it. These people saw me working on the fence for months cutting pulling vines, tree limbs dragging them to field and mowing. I wanted to put a sign on the road and ask them if they wanted me to move our damn fence so they could have their FOURLANE, or say stay the hell off the grass, of course I didn't. The bugs and heat stopped me from clearing the new growth. I miss the work; hubby says I have an obsession with vines. He has one with mechanic work.
If I'm still able I'll have plenty of work come December. I'm sure hubby will have something else to do on the autos. I actually enjoy working in the woods. The way the world is going now who knows but we may even rent a Bobcat to clear some of the major vines. I know they are after private land ownership now, so we'll see. [ can y'all believe spell check is making fun of me] its true. First time I ever saw that. I misspelled 'they' and it mis-spelled it too ' Thye ' not kidding!.
I have some of these I need to cut back. so I have to be careful or will get cut. Its nice and cook now in the morning. and days are not hot now. These thorns can be bad.
We just got the tree off the fence the day before the storm hit,not really bad but lots of debris of fallen tree limbs and some trees just haven't been in the woods to see which ones. Cedar tree in the front yard was reshaped by the winds and oak limb that flew into it. It took almost 2 years to get the huge tree off the fence, then the next day a storm hits and more work. Plus still training and grooming the two dogs. I'll take pictures to put up when I take my walk this morning around the trail.
Camera is ols so pic's are not great. Tree Jake just got off fence a few days ago then comes the storm to cover trail with brush, I picked lots of it up yesterday on my walk. More piles to carry to field to burn someday. It was bigger than it looks in the pic., Another large tree that fell over but not on the ground yet,not even close to the one he cut off 5' no climb fence but still big.Molly and I walking and clearing debris.
Started this thread in Feb 2022 and seems at times I'm backing up with the work. Jake is now helping a lot since he is no longer rebuilding engines and transmissions on our old vehicles. He already was helping with his pole saw for vines I couldn't cut with loppers.And I don't use machete anymore at all. Trail is full of debris so I have be more careful not to trip and fall. Dood thing I have trees to lean on when I need to look up. Vines on the ground will trip you. maybe i'll cut them someday.
Our neighbor's fence fell into our yard during Ian. They finally put it back up and Nicole blew it into the yard again. Sigh.
Almost never got this cut up and off the fence, the same tree Marie posted in #25. They"re huge trees.
We have been losing our old trees for many years. it is sad. Most of the time they don't fall on anything important. My neighbor to the south uses the wood so we let him cut up the downed trees. Last winter one fell with a huge wild bee hive in it. They could not be saved. To cold and no one available to get the queen etc. When you are done with your vines and small stuff, we have plenty you can have.