July 2/3 Calories: 1250 Weight: 127.0 (+0.6) Most likely explanation: . The pineapple did it. No sugar for 30 days, except what is incidental in something else, for example the Miracle Whip in deviled eggs. . At least 2 cups of pineapple yesterday. "Consuming too many sugary foods or drinks can lead to high levels of insulin in your blood. Insulin makes you retain sodium, and when you retain sodium, you retain water." For decades I've had sugar spikes if I eat sugar without protein or fat on an empty stomach. Particularly with caffeine, like pancakes with syrup and regular coffee for breakfast. It took me a long time to figure out what was happening. "When using pineapple in meals, it’s best to pair it with foods that have a low or medium glycemic index score. This can help you avoid sugar spikes."
@Bill Boggs: Bill, I've been thinking about you, because of the pineapple. Do you have any of these symptoms during the dizzy spells? Irregular (rapid) heart rhythm, Fatigue, Shakiness, Sweating, Hunger If so, it could be hypoglycemia. It happens sometimes when your blood sugar level goes too high, and there is overcompensation by your body, making it go too low. A spell can last just 15 minutes. I used to get these all the time and I'm not diabetic. Please ignore me if I'm being too annoying. I'd just like to help you figure it out.
@Nancy Hart, Appreciate your coments regarding hypoglycemia. Real familiar when the blood sugar gets way too low. My wife suffered from hypoglycemia for a number of years back in the sixties, in Lubbock, Texas. Doctor after doctor there told me there was no such thing as hypoglycemia, it was more or less a woman thing and mostly in their minds. At least three doctors said there was no such disease. They treated her a half dozen and she would continue to get worse. Finally a friend of my wife's told her of a new doctor in town who said he treated hypoglycemia.. He tested her and she started crying, was disoriented and passed out. She was successfully treated over a period of time so that it was no longer a problem. That's the gospel. Before that, I have come in a number of times and foun d her oiut cold on the floor. Doctors have c cnot always been the know it all some now pretend. That was ruled out early in my experience with lightheadedness. While my blood sugar drops, my blood pressure drops, I don't get into that level. They are telling me they think the problem is heart related and my ticker is not pumping enough blood & oxygen to my brain. While my blood oxygen get lpow it doesn't fall into that range. If it continues, they want me to come into the hospital for a complete workup. I'm going to tell them, hey, I'm A-okay.
My b.p. is on the low side, and I get light-headed a lot. Just lately I notice if you act kind of like a child throwing a temper tantrum....hold your breath and squeeze the air in your chest... it goes away.. Like Magic.
Thinking about trying bacon on deviled eggs today. Maybe chop it into a few more pieces. Too much fighting necessary to eat it I suspect.
I guess this thread has been merged now. The very first post now says we have to weigh in once a week. THERE ARE NO RULES NOW July 4/5 Calories: 1280 Weight : 126.4 Calories could be 150 too high. I lost track and added something I'm not sure if I really ate. The bacon didn't add to the deviled eggs, because it is cold.
Hope so. It could be the result of a bad scale or merely one that doesn't like me. You are doing good also.