I am a firm believer in calories in = calories out = no weight gained or lost. My wife, of course, disagrees, having toiled through Adkins (?), low carb, high carb, high fat, various "weight-burners", all B.S. I say. Now, I've been wrong during my lifetime regarding zillions of issues, but also right about another zillions, so 50-50 is the count! No matter what she infers, if I eat less for a couple of weeks, I lose weight. Frank
I'm happy to report I've only gained four pounds since my heart attack. I'm a fixing to put on the gloves.
I don't own a scale. I've been really working on it lately though. No chips, cookies. Trying to keep to healthier foods. It's hard for me because I'm a stress and comfort eater and I'm under a lot of stress right now. I have a doctors appointment next month and I'm hoping to be down 10lb from last time I was in. Then I can use the accurate scales at work also.
Me? I'm holding my own but going nowhere. Merely traded some light blows, feeling each other out. Still up four pounds
I try not to focus on weight. When a diet is successful, I first notice the loss in body fat on my sides, then on my face. The hardest to get rid of is the stomach. Of course, whenever I see my doctor, the focus would be on weight if I have gained any.
I'm afraid I'm back to dieting, well watching calories and i guess yoou could call that dieting. I'm up 2.8 lbs. I xwas ill for about two months, cold, flum pneumonia. and lost some weight, eighteen pounds., down to 160 lbs. That's what I weighed when I was discharged from the army in 1955. Well, I don't weigh 160 any more, I weigh 163.8. I have bought some new clothes but most ofmy clothes fit me like a scarecrow. I have bought suspenders to offset the scarecrow effect bujt then I want rto wear a vest to hide the suspenders. I really think about 165 lbs. would be a good weight. Some of my clothes would fit better, but I'll have to thin k on it. Idon't want to get back to where I was. I mean what else does an old manhole to worry about?
Would anyone be interested in joining in on a weight loss thread? No rules about anything.. Just do your own thing. Let everyone know how it's going... daily, or whenever you feel like it. I would like to lose at least 5 pounds (preferably 10, but I'm realistic ). I've been at it for 4 days and thought I'd ask. It really helps to have a partner in misery sometimes.
I don't diet, never have, but know what to CUT OUT of my intake and mouth. I stopped buying and bringing breads into my house about 10 yrs ago. And have not had a bowl/plate of pasta if probably 10 yrs...I was born and raised on these two...Now at this late date, my body just stores them...Nope. Good Luck with what you are doing, Nancy.
Yeah, I'd go along with that. I need to lose eight, ten, or twelve pounds to help my diabetes, heart condition, ego, and hard bed. Where do we do this?
You can use this thread that you started, @Nancy Hart , or start a new one, if you prefer. Most of the diet threads on here are food-specific, like low-carb or DASH diet, , and if you are doing something that we already have a thread for, you can add into that thread. I think that @Bill Boggs started on a while back about weighing-in, and it is pretty generic.
@Nancy Hart, Okay Thanks, @Yvonne Smith. Nancy, is this the weigh station? If so, I weighed this morning standing in my skivvies on a scale I'm beginning to no longer trust. I weighed 176. I usually state my weight I want to lose in increments. So first, I want to lose eight pounds to 169. How often shall we weigh? How about anyone? I agree it is easier with a partner.
Yes Bill, this is the weigh station, or the kitchen table, or even the tread mill. I am a calorie counter person. Most people aren't. I'm also a weigh every day person, and most aren't. That's why I say no rules here. But you will get a weight and calories every day from me whether you like it or not.