Weird Woman At The Parking Lot

Discussion in 'Not Sure Where it Goes' started by Kitty Carmel, Aug 15, 2016.

  1. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    We are having issues with what my neighborhood calls "scavengers" going through the garbage cans we put out on garbage day. Nobody minds except that some worry about identity theft, so we are warned to shred our documents.

    There's been a whole long post about this in my neighborhood app.
    Frank Sanoica likes this.
  2. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    This isn't exactly in my subdivision but is in my area.

    Weird man going thru garbage cans 9 Aug
    Shannon McCann from Maple/Behymer
    Found a weird guy going through my garbage this evening that was out by the curb for pick up tomorrow never have seen him before and noticed that he was going through other neighbors garbage as well. Didn't feel Comfortable to confront, just a heads up, he had long blond hair with black clothes holding a huge black garbage bag.
    Shared with Maple/Behymer + 26 nearby neighborhoods in Crime & Safety
    THANK 14 REPLY 26
    Amy, Jacque, Linda, and 11 others thanked Shannon

    Dan Mertlik from Sageberry 9 Aug
    That happened in our area months ago about 2 AM two people going through the trash cans gave the police a call and they came and ran them off if you feel comfortable doing that
    Thank Flag
    Shannon thanked Dan

    Shannon McCann from Maple/Behymer 9 Aug
    I will for sure, thx!!!
    Thank Flag

    Rich Sanikian from Maple/Behymer 9 Aug
    Call the police, they told me to call them when they see this sort of thing. Was he a big guy w/ long blond hair, big beard? They don't belong in our neighborhood.
    Thank Flag
    Mindy and Shannon thanked Rich

    Shannon McCann from Maple/Behymer 9 Aug
    I didn't see his face, but yes he did have long blonde hair, as soon as I opened my garage he scattered but was not shy going to my neighbors across the street, while I was driving away. I'm sure he is looking for cans but still a safety issue, I called and reported him.
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    Rich and Mindy thanked Shannon

    Isaac Kulikoff from Riverview 6d ago
    paintball gun
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    Sharon and Tom thanked Isaac

    Elizabeth Hiett from Shepherd and Willow 6d ago
    We have one special needs neighbor who gets recycling once and a while but he doesn't look like that at all.
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    Shannon thanked Elizabeth

    Rich Sanikian from Maple/Behymer 6d ago
    Paintball gun is a serious unlawful offense. It will likely land you in jail.
    Thank Flag

    Isaac Kulikoff from Riverview 6d ago
    OMG-you guys are soooo serious on this site. Use rotten eggs then.

    Ive been here for 10 years and rotten eggs work best.

    True paintball guns sting a little but law enforcement doesn't mind.

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    Brian and Lakesha thanked Isaac

    Isaac Kulikoff from Riverview 6d ago
    Rich. maybe we should have a dialogue with them and offer them a sandwich.
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    Isaac Kulikoff from Riverview 6d ago
    legally, the content of the container belong to the city of fresno and scavenging is illegal. I ve called the cops many times and if I can save them the time of coming out here Vs catching real criminals Ill handle it my own way.
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    Terri Ellis from Millbrook-Shepherd 6d ago
    Sounds like it might be the same guy that was going through cans at 2:00am in Virginia Commons several months back. He had a small flashlight with him, and talked to himself using different voices … View more
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    Robyn and Shannon thanked Terri

    Rich Sanikian from Maple/Behymer 6d ago
    Law enforcement does mind, if you go shooting people with a paintball gun.
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    Isaac Kulikoff from Riverview 6d ago
    Only when they have to. If you save them the trouble trust me they dont mind. there is only one unit assigned to the NE Fresno division that encompasses Blackstone to Friant to Willow to Herndon. Do the math. My garage has been robbed 3 times and my truck 1 X in 10 years.

    Have you ever called the cops for a scavenger? They wont do anything.
    Thank Flag

    Rich Sanikian from Maple/Behymer 6d ago
    If you want to take matters in your own hands assuming the police won't mind go ahead. Maybe ask them before possibly getting yourself in trouble.
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    Isaac Kulikoff from Riverview 6d ago
    thanks for the tip Rich.
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    Rich thanked Isaac

    Gail Seymour from Shepherd and Willow 6d ago
    Have seen a guy matching that description working my area Perrin/Winery on Wednesday mornings (pickup day). Have called the police twice. First time they took the info but didn't come. The second time … View more
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    Kim and Shannon thanked Gail

    Evelyn Romero from Riverview 4d ago
    A word of advice, SHREAD All PAPERS & DOCUMENTS that show your name, address or any other personal information that might lead to identity theft if that information lands in the wrong hands. And judging from the discription of that fella, I'd say he falls into that cate
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    Kim and Shannon thanked Evelyn

    Shannon McCann from Maple/Behymer 4d ago
    Thank you!!!
    Thank Flag

    Aye Naybor from Maple/Behymer 4d ago
    Carry mace,pepper spray or any other forms of protection. These people also take advantage of "crimes of opportunity" and would think nothing of going inside an unattended open garage door or window left open which can be seen from the street. Stay safe people.
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    Shannon thanked Aye

    Mea Holcomb from Maple/Behymer 3d ago
    I have seen him to but it was in the middle of the night. He was collecting all the cans out of the recycling bins.
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    Shannon thanked Mea

    Christy Sasser from Maple/Behymer 3d ago
    I have caught this guy before. He has another guy that looks like him. They could be twins. They steal the garbage & any personal info we don't shred. Numerous credit cards were opened in my name. Fresno PD never did anything. I reported them & their license plate even provided address's the credit cards were sent to here In Fresno. Just shred EVERYTHING!!!!
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    Shannon thanked Christy

    Christy Sasser from Maple/Behymer 3d ago
    Is this him?

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    Kim and Shannon thanked Christy

    Shannon McCann from Maple/Behymer 3d ago
    Thank you so much Christy, i didn't see the mans face but that could be him with BC the long hair. I have only seen him that one time. Ugh, I hate people that steal! Sorry to hear about you. I usually don't put any mail in garbage. I will shred EVERYTHING!
    Thank Flag
    Christy thanked Shannon

    Rich Sanikian from Maple/Behymer 3d ago
    Other suspicious person is older same features, beard, long hair blondish color.
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    Shannon thanked Rich

    Christy Sasser from Maple/Behymer 3d ago
    This is the car they drive. Just be aware of your surroundings!! Hopefully one day Fresno PD will help us out with these guys!

    Thank Flag

    Shannon McCann from Maple/Behymer 3d ago
    Thx!! Praying
    Thank Flag
    Joy and Christy thanked Shannon


    Lol, rotten eggs. I bet I'd miss every time. I'd be more afraid to throw an egg at a huge male than
    Anything else.

    That's my afraid, we have vigilantes armed with rotten eggs and one crazy paint ball guy.
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2016
  3. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    One thing I do beside shredding is any empty prescription bottle that is for xanax or pain meds or anything like that I take off my name and what the meds are, don't want to be robbed because they think I have a lot of goodie meds
    In my house.
  4. K E Gordon

    K E Gordon Veteran Member

    Apr 23, 2016
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    Well to be honest, some of the so called "extreme couponers" use dumpster diving as one of their tactics to get the best coupons...from discarded newspapers and so forth. I think that is pushing it a little far personally. I mean most stores limit how many coupons you can use on a certain item anyway. Our community is cool in that we have communal trash points and people put items on the back of the dumpster if they think it is something someone needs or could use. I got a really nice aquarium with all supplies from that, and I have left a few things too, I no longer wanted or could use.
    Frank Sanoica and Chrissy Cross like this.
  5. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    I don't use coupons at all but probably get them in ads that I never even look at, they go straight into my garbage.

    If there was a place to drop them off or anything like that, I'd do it....if it wasn't too far.
  6. Marilyn Pahl

    Marilyn Pahl Veteran Member

    Aug 18, 2016
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    We get a lot of pan handlers in Naples, Fl. I tell them to get a job, or go to St. Mathew for free food. One told me he wanted real food:eek:
  7. Tim Burr

    Tim Burr Veteran Member

    Jul 20, 2016
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    A while back, the wife and I were returning from dinner walking along Broadway, ( main street in Nashville )
    and passed an older gentleman sitting in a lawn chair holding a sign that said, " Disabled Veteran ".

    My wife asked him if he had a VA ID card, because it would show if he really had a Service Connected disability.
    He smiled and dug in his wallet, and showed us his card with a photo on it, which was unmistakably him.

    Wife said 'Good Luck' and gave him a twenty. So it goes; help when you can.

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