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What Do Forums Need?

Discussion in 'Help Requests' started by Ken Anderson, Feb 11, 2015.

  1. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Question: What do forums need?
    Answer: Posts. Forums need posts.

    It's not unusual for a forum to slow down during the summer, which is sort of like the yearly equivalent of weekends, since they slow down on weekends too, and for the same reasons -- people tend to have other things to do. Even in the warm states, where the cold doesn't necessarily keep people indoors in the winter, there are more things to do in the summer. Grandchildren are out of school, people visit, etc. So I'm not worried that things have slowed down here.

    Not a lot, anyhow. Still, it's nice to see more activity going on. In any forum, those who start new topics are in the minority. Most people reply to what others are saying. That's probably why a lot of forum administrators encourage people to start new threads - one new thread is usually good for at least a few new posts, particularly when the opening post is substantive. An opening post is more valuable than a link to a news story or video, although those can be conversation starters as well. Even so, adding your own content to the opening post adds a lot to it.

    My opinion is that a new thread is great when it's a new topic but, if the topic has already been discussed, I'd rather see it added to the existing thread. I can easily merge similar threads though, so don't feel obligated to do an exhaustive search before introducing a topic.

    So if you really want to see the forum more active, you can help by being more active yourself. New topics don't have to be particularly deep or earth shattering. In this forum, a story from your childhood is perfect. It doesn't even have to be true, since we have a place for tall tales and fabrications. Tell us about the jobs you're had, the places you've visited, the things you've done, etc. What would you still like to do?

    As I suggested in my last post, review the last movie or television show you watched. This isn't a movie review site, so it isn't necessary to review the latest things out in the theater. Whatever you're watching is fine. If it's worth your time to watch it, it's worth our time to read about it. Do you like it or not? Why? Does it bring up memories? What have you learned about it, or about any of the actors who are in it?

    Whatever is on your mind, please feel free to share it with us. When people see new stuff, they are more likely to stick around to read it, or reply to it. When they see your new topics, they might be inclined to add their own.
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2017
  2. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    When someone says something that you like or enjoy, rather than simply clicking the "like" button, take a moment to tell them why you liked it. Most people would appreciate the feedback, and it's good for the forum, as long as the comments don't consist of one or two-word posts.
    Bill Boggs likes this.
  3. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Many of you are doing just what any forum needs, which are posts and threads. What this forum needs, and gets from many of you, are interesting thoughts, ideas, reminiscences, questions, answers, and friendly discussion put into words, which generate replies. If it interests you, it will probably interest someone else. Don't be shy.
    Frank Sanoica and Holly Saunders like this.
  4. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Things have been pretty slow here lately, although we're bringing in more new members than usual. Of course, any forum needs posts and threads. With that in mind, whenever you're trying to decide whether to bring something up, balance your decision in favor of inclusion. Very likely, if you think it might be interesting, it probably will be interesting to someone here.

    Don't worry about whether someone will disagree with you. Disagreements are good, as far as forums are concerned, so long as we're respectful about it. I have been refraining from posting much on some of the political topics because so many people keep referring to the Seniors Only Club as a conservative forum.

    I am conservative, but that doesn't mean that the forum is conservative. I am just one forum member, but there seems to be the idea that if the administrator is a conservative, or a liberal, then the forum must be that. This is why some forum administrators don't get involved in forum discussions.

    However, that should not be a consideration for anyone else here. Don't worry about whether others will agree with you, and don't be afraid to disagree with someone, so long as it is done respectfully. If it is the issue that is being attacked rather than the person who brought it up, there shouldn't be a problem.
    Bill Boggs likes this.
  5. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    If you guys don't start talking soon, I'm going to have to charge you rent.
    Bill Boggs and Frank Sanoica like this.
  6. Frank Sanoica

    Frank Sanoica Supreme Member

    Feb 21, 2016
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    Ooofdah! They say that in Fargoooo, and parts of Iowa, and if you've seen the flick "Fargo", you've seen their over-emphasized use of it as well as, "Awww, Jeeeez", and speaking on the "Phooooone".
  7. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I thought I'd pop this one up to the top again to mention that what forums need is participation. Don't wait until you've come up with something that no one in the history of the planet has ever thought of before posting. There aren't very many topics that are out of bounds, and if it's of interest to you, it's probably of interest to someone else here.
    Chrissy Cross and Holly Saunders like this.
  8. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    I have a harder time posting a new topic...as you can see I have no problem replying to one. :)

    Think my problem is that I'm lazy and I hate to write....although I have thoughts whirling around in my head constantly...putting them down on here is harder.

    I had an ant problem the other day but didn't feeling like telling the story....so I didn't.
  9. Frank Sanoica

    Frank Sanoica Supreme Member

    Feb 21, 2016
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    @Chrissy Cross
    I had that problem, too, from early childhood on, especially on my Dad's side, but now, they are all dead.....
  10. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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  11. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I haven't had an ant problem since I left Texas.
    Chrissy Cross and Bobby Cole like this.
  12. Montgomery Python

    Montgomery Python Very Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2019
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    I don’t want to go through all the posts on this topic so if it has already been said, my apologies.

    Yes, you’re right Ken and I’d like to add …

    The Internet is constantly changing and in my opinion reflects society. Forums all over the net are dying out, unless they’re specialised ones and that’s because people are moving towards articles and explanations, rather than beliefs and opinions. Google knows this and has changed its algorithms over the past few years to reflect that change. The Op-Ed or article section of any forum is its life saver as under around 500 words Google won’t pay it much attention. Previously it was about amounts of links and posts, whereas now the focus is on originality, quality and length, including graphics; images, info graphics and videos (You Tube). Including these will lessen the amount of needed words for SEO.

    Social media has gained ground recently as a reflection of society, but Twitter is rapidly declining in users, Face Book is losing them by the bucketful and Google+ is to close in April.

    So it’s not just members, its input and the right sort. When I have time over the next few days I’ll put up a thread in the ‘Make me Laugh’ section as an example.
  13. Joe Riley

    Joe Riley Supreme Member

    Mar 3, 2015
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    Welcome to Seniors Only Club, Montgomery!
  14. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Thank you, @Montgomery Python.

    When I go on about search engines and traffic, please don't misunderstand. I am not trying to build the forum up so that I can sell it, or otherwise make a profit from it, so that's not what it's about.

    The most important thing about this forum is that we can enjoy participating in it. That's the purpose of it. But in order for that to continue, there has to be a steady influx of people coming to the forum because people leave for one reason or another, and unfortunately, this includes death, as we have lost some of our most interesting members to death.

    Some people just cannot be replaced but we still need to have more people coming in who can find their own niche, make their own contributions, and become just as important to the forum in their own way, and that will require new people being able to find the forum. Plus, every new member who participates in the forum brings us something new, and that's a good thing.
  15. Montgomery Python

    Montgomery Python Very Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2019
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    Yes, I understand. I have a small blog of my own and I’m forever tinkering with SEO, but that’s the problem isn’t it; getting more people and my point is that this can only be done by advertising, as you said in the op. Advertising by content, which hopefully others see and it leads them here because it’s interesting.

    Over time I’ve written for people like The BlogMire, Russia Insider and Intellectual Conservative. These are all article based sites with a comments section and if you Google any one of those sites it gives you the site, plus a host of its articles as they’re all linked into the site itself. As the articles get spread around they carry with them the link back to its source. If you then Google ‘seniors only club’ you get an advertisement description of the site because there’s nothing to link back into.

    My point is that Senior’s only club is a niche site, competing with other senior only sites. If someone were to say to you, ‘What separates you from the others, what makes you stand out, what makes you special?’ What would you say? Whatever that is, is what you should focus on, but it’s never enough to want, it needs a proactive approach.

    I’ve only been here for less than a week so perhaps it’s not my place to comment on all this, but as a blogger I found the topic interesting. :)

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