Plus, I have a little step-granddaughter named "Carma." I believe in her. (Not sure what her mother was thinking with that name, however.)
In the interest of accuracy in reporting, I will confess to voting "Karma." I just couldn't stand not seeing the results of the poll.
I think the most important thing is for everyone just to respect whatever someone else chooses to believe. We all have our personal reasons for how we feel about any particular topic, much more so when it comes to religion. I heard a wise preacher say that no one has ever been debated into or out of heaven.
Prophets are the only thing on that list that are/were real people. So I "believe" in them, if by that you mean believing that they existed. That doesn't mean I believe everything they say, just because they are called "prophets." Anyone who expresses his philosophy and predicts what he thinks will happen in the future is a prophet.
The prophets that are depicted in the Jewish and Christian writings had to be pretty brave individuals and doubly certain of their prophesies. In short, to be found incorrect was to sentence yourself to the death penalty.
And so did the prophets in the ancient writings of the Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Canaanite, Sumerian, Chinese and other ancient civilizations. Claiming to be a prophet is risky!
I believe in most everything on that list. I have seen Karma in action first hand so I know that exists.
All but reincarnation and karma. I'm certain, without a doubt, that my guardian angel saved my life 4.5 years ago when I woke up in the E.R. after being unconscious, after a bicycle wreck where I was found somehow in the bushes. It would take a long time to explain - maybe some other time. That was the third time in my life that I have come close to going out of here.
I have different levels of beliefs I could easily say I believe in all of them. I do have a belief in the sun and moon because I can see them. .