I still have a tin full of old coins my mother brought back from a trip to England in the early 1960s. Some date back to the 1800s. I believe her note with the then-current exchange rates is still in it. At any rate, you don't think the retirement home a certain party just moved into was offering gender-specific discounts, do you? Perhaps one could carry that off as long as masks are required, but when that first physical rolls around...
I wonder if you could upgrade your laptop with a solid state hard drive? It would speed your old computer up if it is possible and make it more usable.
I thought the same thing. The new kid in school that no one's even met, and look at what we've done. The only thing that could make it worse is if we put it where she is sure to see it.
I totally agree. What a way to "welcome" someone. I also agree with Ken; she probably left a tab open on her browser so she stays logged in and doesn't even know it.
As an aside, I've been looking into that. Firefox does not have a way to automatically log into a website as Ken's browser seems to. The only thing I found was an Extension that records scripts, so you record the keystrokes for each website and then set to Auto Play on some event. Susan, if you've read this far, you are way more patient than I am. I hope we have not offended you. But on the upside, you can see that we have an effective Neighborhood Watch group. You'll be safe here, even if our execution is a little clumsy. Pets allowed