An interesting thing just happened a few days ago. A satellite crashed in Brazil. Okay, that might not sounds like much of anything; but the interesting part is that the satellite was attached to a balloon. I found this youtube video, and it shows some of the other satellite launches, and they were all balloon launches, too. I have read a little about this before that the satellites are nowhere near as high up as we have been told, and they communicate with military airplanes to download information. NASA claims that the satellites are rocket launched; but this is perhaps not so at all.
Come to think about it @Yvonne Smith, could weather balloons have been physically connected to some early UFOs ?
I think that the question should be....Weren`t early UFO sightings connected to weather balloons...?!!
I don't see anything from Wikileaks that suggests that they are going to release documents having to do with the moon landing. I could be wrong of course, but I don't see it on their site, and I haven't watched the video. I do know that a lot of people want to attribute their favorite conspiracy theory to Wikileaks because it has a reputation for validity. However, I don't generally believe anyone who says that Wikileaks is releasing something unless I can see that Wikileaks says that they are releasing something. As for whether I believe the moon landing was hoaxed, I don't really know. It seems clear that the photos were. But it could just as easily be that the photos were doctored in order to make it appear that they had been doctored. For example, the actual image of the earth could have been replaced with an image of the earth that could be shown to be falsified.
If the earth is flat is the sun flat too? is all the stars flat too? How come they see the planets revolving. How come the sun seems to revolve. How can you shine light on a flat surface without illuminating all of it? If the earth is flat who made it ? Every time they find science can not answer everything it is because the earth is flat or that is their claim.