JuJubes are NOT what you think they are! They are a HARD flavored candy you keep in our mouth without attempting to eat it. If you try to bite or chew it, you will break teeth or dentures. Their hardness is on a par with Diamond or Titanium. You just let it dissolve, which may take hours. Hal
Actually, I thought they were like Gummy Bears, but I've never had one. But still, that's a big ol' heap of 'em.
I never had one. I recall that you rarely saw them in regular stores but only in the movie theater. Does that coincide with what you folks remember?
Pretty much...although I have a hard time recalling exactly what I got at the theatre when I was a kid. I know it wasn't popcorn...maybe Milk Duds or Sugar Babies. I know it wasn't Good & Plenty, since black licorice was on my Do Not Like list.
not to be confused with jujifruits? I know I'm confused and I barely got to this thread Is anyone wondering why I posted this picture? So am I I did tell you I was confused. It was in my picture folder under hilarious
I was reading through this thread and bout died laughin when I read your reply about the "copier" about the bird pecking out etc. etc.
Looks something like where I live. SOP, I guess as menu and activities are also almost identical. Same with where Lon lived.
Whatever do you need Crisco for, Hal. I hope you aren't thinking of baking in that suite you are renting. The place will go up in flames real fast.
Which reminds me of jaw-breakers and weren't those some of the "worst nightmares" for parents, and big money for dentists
I especially love the attached garage!! Is there a pool so you can bask in the Vitamin D @Hal Pollner