This is what I found on the bottom...Targets bags are similar quality. Not sure about Walmart since I never go there but I don't ever get those flimsier plastic bags here..even Walgreens has these thicker ones.
@Chrissy Cross - that's great if you can recycle them, should say only biodegradable but maybe over there they have a special system
I don't know but California is the strictest state when it comes to the environment...
Well Ive been putting these bags in the recycle bin and haven't gotten a notice yet and they're pretty strict. First time is a notice and then a fine. If you water on a day you're not allowed you can be fined up to $200!
The reason why I stated that these weren't taken into supermarkets is because we've never seen anyone with one in a the four States we've lived in (California (southern), Colorado, North Carolina and Florida). Now, we have seen people with cooling bags, marked with the store's logo, that a shopper would have in their shopping cart and then the grocery bagger would put items into it at the Checkout. As far as "convenience" goes, if a person, by chance, puts a grocery shopping bag containing something somewhat heavy, on top of a shopping bag containing bread or potato chips, those items could be crushed. Some folks, even Seniors, could be in a hurry, for whatever reason, and not look at how they are loading their "Granny Cart". The bread, chips and other "crushable" things were fine until a person puts them into the cart, wheels the cart into their home and finds they've loaded the cart wrong and some of these things are crushed. If a Senior lives on the second floor of an apartment complex, and there is only outside stairs, not an elevator, this cart would have to be pulled up those stairs. Not all Seniors can afford to live in Senior Housing that accommodates things that Seniors need.
For us, when we had our house in Parker, CO, we were under H.O.A. rules and didn't mind it at all. HOA keeps the neighborhood looking least they did ours. We got a letter from HOA stating that our garage needed painting. HOA bought the paint and we painted the entire garage as well as our front porch. Some folks don't like HOA's because these homeowners don't want to be told what to do. That sure wasn't us.
I actually have those insulated big bags like the ones Costco sells but if that's filled it's too heavy for me to deal with. And I never remember to bring them into the store I do have a reusable Trader Joe's bag but that's Pickles travel bag. They're a more manageable size...guess I'll buy one next time I go to TJs. I guess also I should keep it on the front seat instead of the trunk which I don't open until I'm done shopping.
I don't have a HOA but the City of Fresno tell ya what to do. People here just naturally keep up the appearance of their's a nice subdivision. Maybe there is something though because I know there are rules about junky cars and basketball hoops etc. Also, The city provides the cans so you can't paint them. Every month I pay about $100 for water, garbage disposal and sewer. In the summer it's higher because it depends on water usage...water used to be a fixed rate but then the drought and it changed.
That's not the's already in the trunk of the car...I just am not used to opening the trunk before going in a store.
Yes but that's after I got the bags and came home...I'm talking about when I go to the store. I park my car and get out and lock the car door and go into the store ....forget to pop my trunk and get the bags to take into the store....
.......... I'm saying 'if' you do reuse bags and finding a way of remembering to take them @Chrissy Cross