Wow @Gloria Mitchell , I'm just NE of Houston, and by my outdoor thermometer we're getting mid 80's in the shade around here. So you must be deep south of me. I love anything to do with gardening, although my days in the direct sun are over. So I too must do my activities early in the day. Before my late husband and I purchased this home in the late 80's, we lived in an apartment after the children grew up for a short period of time. My hubby knew me well enough to know I would go crazy in an apartment. So he insisted we get a two bedroom with lots of direct sunlight , and he helped me build raised boxes that I could plant whatever I wanted in that second room. I even grew tomatoes and bell peppers indoors. I studied horticulture for just under four years back in the early 80's, and one of the best things I learned was that stressing a plant was beneficial to it growth. It sort of tells the plant that it's time to kick itself into gear. So buying stressed out plants will give you a head start on their readjustment into whatever invironment you chose to place it. Have you ever noticed that many times a really healthy looking plant will die back a bit when moved from one place to another? @Cody Fousnaugh that is great looking date palm. You took a dying plant, and turned it into an asset for the house the next time the owner chooses to rent it out. Good job!
My Honey has that gift with all his potted plants...he takes all those "ladies" that are withering on the vine and perks them right up again until they are blooming forth once again in all their glory. He can make me bloom when I'm withering too.
Yep it be warm and very very windy here. I don't do that well with succulent plants. I get pot that you put water in the bottom, and it drinks it when it wants to. Except in summer- then i water on top. I tend to over water at times, so that is why I use the bottom feeder type pots. Works fer me
@Cody Fousnaugh , Ooops!!! Who me? Never, tum ta tum dum! So, how're you and the misses doing? Hmmm? Ok that one was meant for @Frank Sanoica. I don't know what happened, you don't look anything alike!